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13–17 Jun 2022
Paradise Hotel Busan
Asia/Seoul timezone

Search for the Chiral Magnetic Wave in Pb–Pb collisions with the ALICE detector

14 Jun 2022, 16:30


Talk Bulk matter phenomena, QCD phase diagram, and Critical point PA-Bulk matter phenomena, QCD phase diagram, and Critical point


Wenya Wu (Fudan University (CN))


The interplay of the chiral anomaly and the strong magnetic field (~1015 T) created in the off-central heavy-ion collisions could give rise to a collective excitation in the quark-gluon plasma called the Chiral Magnetic Wave (CMW), which can be experimentally sought by the charge asymmetry (Ach) dependence of elliptic flow v2 of positively and negatively charged hadrons. However, non-CMW mechanisms such as local charge conservation (LCC) intertwined with collective flow can also lead
to a similar dependence of v2 on Ach. The measurement with triangular flow (v3) thus serves as a reference as it is not expected to be affected by the CMW.

In this talk, we present new ALICE measurements of v2 and v3 of inclusive and identified hadrons as functions of Ach in Pb-Pb collisions at sNN = 2.76 and 5.02 TeV. The slope parameters of Δv2-Ach and Δv3-Ach correlations, where the Δvn are the differences between vn of positive and negative particles, are normalized and then compared with results from other experiments and models. In addition, the Event Shape Engineering (ESE) technique is adopted for the first time to quantitatively
distinguish the CMW signal and the LCC background. The upper limit of the CMW signal contribution is further extracted. Our measurements reveal that the background effect is dominant in the search for the CMW in heavy-ion collisions.

Present via Online


Wenya Wu (Fudan University (CN))

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