13–17 Jun 2022
Paradise Hotel Busan
Asia/Seoul timezone

Watching Session Recording

To watch the session recording, you should register for Zoom Event(SQM2022) in conference period ( ~ 17 Jun).

How to watch

  1. Access the Zoom Event Lobby of SQM2022 
  2. If the login window appeared, please login.
  3. After login, the zoom event web lobby will be appeared.
    Clock the "Continue to Lobby" at the additional window.
  4. Click "Watch Recording" which you want to watch.
  5. The watching window will be shown. The playing will be started when you click anywhere in blackbox.
  6. Happy Watching!
    The session recording has break times before each session. There is also a coffee break. Consider this before you jump to the time (of talk) that you want to see.