Quankonia are an important probe to study the properties of the quark-gluon plasma (QGP) created in heavy-ion collisions. In particular, the $J/\psi$ nuclear modification factor, $R_{AA}$, probes hot nuclear matter effects, such as the dissociation arising from the color screening effect and and the regeneration by deconfined charm and anti-charm quarks. On the other hand, the $J/\psi$ elliptic flow, $v_{2}$, provides information about the charm quark thermalization and $J/\psi$ regeneration. Measurements of $J/\psi$ $v_{2}$ and $R_{AA}$ together can provide a deep insight into the thermal and dynamical properties of the QGP. In 2018, the STAR isobar program (Ru+Ru and Zr+Zr collisions at $\sqrt{s_{NN}} = 200$ GeV) collected the largest heavy-ion data sample so far, which provides a unique opportunity to study the $J/\psi$ production in these collisions with good precision. In this talk, we will present measurements of $J/\psi$ $v_{2}$ and $R_{AA}$ as a function of transverse momentum and centrality in Ru+Ru and Zr+Zr at $\sqrt{s_{NN}} = 200$ GeV.
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