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13–17 Jun 2022
Paradise Hotel Busan
Asia/Seoul timezone

Production of K0 in Au+Au collisions at sNN=14.6 and 19.6 GeV in BES-II from STAR

14 Jun 2022, 11:50


Talk Resonances and Hyper-nuclei PA-Resonances and Hyper-nuclei


Aswini Kumar Sahoo (IISER,Berhampur)


The production of short lived resonances like K0 provides a unique opportunity to probe the hadronic phase formed in heavy-ion collisions. Due to its short lifetime the decay daughters may interact with the medium which may lead to a change in the properties of the resonances. The decay particles may undergo rescattering and re-generation effects. Hence K0/K provides a unique tool to investigate the interplay of re-scattering and regeneration effects in the hadronic phase of heavy-ion collisions. Recently STAR has completed the BES-II run resulting in high statistics Au+Au data with improved detectors and wider pseudorapidity coverage. This will help us to extend the measurement in both lower and higher pT range with less statistical uncertainty than that in BES-I.

We will report mass, width, and invariant yields of K0 using the 14.6 and 19.6 GeV BES-II data. The average transverse momentum of K0 will be shown and compared with other hadrons. The nuclear modification factor of K0 will be shown. The resonance to non-resonance ratio will be shown as a function of centrality to study the rescattering/regeneration effects. Measurement of the hadronic phase lifetime will be shown as a function of centrality and will be compared with other RHIC and LHC energies.

Present via Online


Aswini Kumar Sahoo (IISER,Berhampur)

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