We present the results of the axial-vector transition form factors of
singly heavy baryons within the framework of the chiral quark-soliton
model. The chiral quark-soliton model is a pion mean-field approach in
the large-$N_{c}$ limit, which deals with light and heavy baryon
on and equal footing. In the limit of the infinitely heavy mass of the
heavy quark, a singly heavy baryon can be regarded as $N_{c}-1$
valence quarks bound by the pion mean fields with the heavy quark as a
color static source. We include the $1/N_{c}$ rotational corrections
and the effects of SU(3) flavor symmetry breaking. We first compare
the results for $C_{5}^{A}(q^2)$ of the heavy baryon transitions with
those for the well-known $\Delta\to p$ transitions. We also discuss
the results for the axial mass for the heavy baryon transitions.