2nd Townhall Meeting High Gradient Accelerator Plasma/Laser

Friday 21 May 2021 - 09:00

        : Sessions
    /     : Talks
        : Breaks
21 May 2021
09:00 Welcome and Introduction - Ralph Wolfgang Assmann (DESY) Edda Gschwendtner (CERN)   ()
Beam shape, quality, diagnostics - Simon Hooker (University of Oxford) Dr Kevin Cassou (until 10:25) ()
09:10 Ultra-low emittance round beams with multi-pulse ionization injection schemes - Paolo Tomassini   ()
09:25 Polarized particle beams from laser-plasma accelerators - Markus Büscher (Forschungszentrum Jülich)   ()
09:40 Coherent transition radiation-based emittance diagnostics - Max LaBerge   ()
09:55 Optical probe of energy dissipation from e-beam driven plasma wakes - Rafal Zgadzaj   ()
10:10 Strong electron beam focusing with passive, underdense plasma lenses - Christopher Doss (University of Colorado Boulder)   ()
10:25 --- Coffee/Tea Break ---
Efficiency, drivers -Dr Laura Corner (Cockcroft Institute, University of Liverpool) Brigitte Cros (LPGP CNRS) (until 12:30) ()
10:45 Coherent combination of high-power fiber lasers for laser-plasma-based collider applications - Tong Zhou   ()
11:00 Roadmap for high average power ultrashort laser - franck falcoz (amplitude technologies)   ()
11:15 High average power laser-plasma acceleration - Andreas Maier (Universität Hamburg)   ()
11:30 MP-LWFA to improve LPA repetition rate and efficiency / European Network for Novel Acceleraetors (EuroNNAc) - Roman Walczak   ()
11:45 Towards PW scale laser driver with 100 Hz / Update on the design of a kHz-KW laser driver for plasma acceleration - Dr Leonida Antonio (Leo) Gizzi (CNR, Istituto Nazionale di Ottica, Pisa, Italy)   ()
12:00 Low-loss, metre-scale plasma channels for high-repetition rate plasma accelerators - Simon Hooker (University of Oxford)   ()
12:15 Discussion   ()
12:30 --- Lunch Break ---
Various/Strategic - Ralph Wolfgang Assmann (DESY) Edda Gschwendtner (CERN) (until 15:30) ()
14:00 Strategy for enabling plasma-based accelerators to drive first particle-physics applications - Wim Leemans (DESY)   ()
14:15 EuPRAXIA - Proposal for a distributed research facility towards the realization of a FEL plasma based accelerator, organization, current status and outlook - Antonio Falone (INFN - National Institute for Nuclear Physics)   ()
14:30 Light-source applications of advanced accelerators - Claudio Emma   ()
14:45 Exploring the fully no-perturbative regime of QED at a Future Linear Collider - Sebastien Meuren   ()
15:00 Towards an integrated design study for a Plasma Linear Collider / Positron plasma wakefield acceleration research at FACET-II - Spencer gessner   ()
15:15 Plasma wakefield acceleration at FACET-II / GARD beam test facilities in the US - Mark Hogan (SLAC)   ()
15:30 --- Coffee/Tea Break ---
Staging, stability, beam quality - massimo ferrario (INFN-LNF) Jens Osterhoff (until 17:30) ()
16:00 High-average power beam driven plasma acceleration - Richard D'Arcy (DESY)   ()
16:15 Increase of the energy gain in a laser-plasma accelerator stage - Cedric Thaury (CNRS)   ()
16:30 High beam quality R&D at SPARC_Lab - Enrica Chiadroni (INFN - National Institute for Nuclear Physics)   ()
16:45 Staging of plasma accelerators for high-energy, stability and beam quality - Dr Carl A. Lindstrøm (DESY)   ()
17:00 Ion motion, hosing suppression and beam quality preservation in plasma-based accelerators - Carlo Benedetti (LBNL)   ()
17:15 EuPRAXIA solutions and plans for a plasma-based accelerator with high beam quality - Phi Nghiem   ()
17:30 Discussion and Close-Out   ()