Elliptic flow fluctuations of charged and identified hadrons relative to the participant and spectator planes in heavy-ion collisions with ALICE

20 Jun 2023, 16:30
Aud. 2 (H.C. Ørsted)

Aud. 2

H.C. Ørsted

Oral The initial stages and nuclear structure in heavy-ion collisions Parallel Session 3


Michael Rudolf Ciupek (Heidelberg University (DE))


Measurements of different flow harmonics relative to the participant and spectator planes provide unique insight into the initial conditions and the space-time evolution of the quark-gluon plasma (QGP). Different particle-type dependencies of these flow harmonics allow to separate the effects of QGP evolution and initial state fluctuations. Elliptic flow coefficients ($v_{2}$) relative to the participant and spectator planes are measured by ALICE in Pb-Pb collisions for charged hadrons, pions, kaons, and protons at midrapidity as a function of transverse momentum and centrality. The spectator plane is reconstructed from the deflection of the neutrons using two Zero Degree Calorimeters. Comparison of the ratio of $v_{2}$ relative to the spectator and participant plane with the corresponding eccentricities predicted by the initial state models indicates a decorrelation between the neutron spectator and the reaction plane or an incomplete description of the spectator dynamics within these models. The particle-type dependence of the ratio between $v_{2}$ measured using two- and four-particle cumulants is compared with hydrodynamic model calculations coupled with quark coalescence and jet fragmentation, which suggests a significant influence of hadronic interactions on $v_{2}$ during the final stage of the collision evolution.

What kind of work does this abstract pertain to? Experimental
Which experiment is this abstract related to? ALICE


ALICE CC Chairs Michael Rudolf Ciupek (Heidelberg University (DE))

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