Anisotropic flow in small systems

21 Jun 2023, 15:00
Aud. 3 (H.C. Ørsted)

Aud. 3

H.C. Ørsted

Oral Collective dynamics from small to large systems Parallel Session 6


Dr Wilke Van Der Schee (CERN)


Small systems display large anisotropic flow coefficients that can potentially be interpreted as a hydrodynamic signal. At these moderate multiplicities anisotropic flow is however relatively sensitive to subtle effects. These include the precise experimental procedure, rapidity coverage and gaps as well as effects due to resonance decays. In this talk we quantify these effects for pPb, OO and PbPb collision using the Trajectum framework including systematic uncertainties, so that a reliable hydrodynamic baseline can be attained.

What kind of work does this abstract pertain to? Theoretical
Which experiment is this abstract related to? Other



Govert Nijs (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)

Presentation materials