Oct 10 – 16, 2021
Split, Croatia (or online)
Europe/Zagreb timezone


Adam Abed Abud University of Liverpool, UK; and CERN
Konstantinos Axiotis University of Geneva, Switzerland; and CERN
Leonid Burmistrov IJClab/IN2P3/CNRS, France
Riccardo De Maria CERN
Jacco De Vries Maastricht University, Netherlands
Luca Giommi University of Bologna and INFN, Italy
Davide Giordano University of Torino and INFN, Italy
Artur Gottmann Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany
Lex Greeven Nikhef, Amsterdam, Netherlands
Stephan Hageboeck CERN
Alexandre Hakimi LLR and Ecole Polytechnique, France
Marc Huwiler University of Zurich, Switzerland
Igor Kostiuk Nikhef, Amsterdam, Netherlands
Robert Kralik University of Sussex, UK
Panagiotis Lantavos-Stratigakis CERN
Michal Maciejewski ETHZ, Zurich, Switzerland
Pablo Morales Guzman Max Planck Institute for Physics, Germany
Nikos Nikolopoulos CERN
Laura Promberger CERN
Thorben Quast CERN
Haakon Reme-Ness Western Norway University of Applied Sciences
Sergey Ryzhikov IHEP, Russia
Athanasios Samantas CERN
Eddie Shields INFN and University of Milano, Italy
Ferdinand Vanmaele Heidelberg University, Germany
Albert Zhou Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany