We present a characterization of the novel Trench-Isolated LGAD (TI-LGAD) technology using a scanning TCT setup. The studied devices belong to the first production of pixelated TI-LGADs at FBK done in the framework of the RD50 collaboration. The TI-LGAD is a variation of the Low-Gain Avalanche Detector (LGAD) in which the segmentation of the detector in pixels is done by etching physical trenches that isolate each pixel. TI-LGADs display the same outstanding performance of LGADs in terms of time resolution, while at the same time allow for a smaller inter-pixel distance, thereby increasing the fill factor, which is a requirement for pixelated LGADs that can provide both precision timing and position resolution (4D pixels). Several structures have been tested before irradiation using a TCT-setup at UZH. A comparison between the results from the different design patterns (number of trenches, depth of trenches, etc.) in this production will be discussed. The plan for an irradiation campaign will be presented.