17–19 Nov 2021
Europe/Zurich timezone

AC-coupled LGAD development by IHEP for future lepton collider

18 Nov 2021, 14:40


Plaza Virgen de la Paz, 3. 46001 Valencia, Spain


Zhijun Liang (Chinese Academy of Sciences (CN)) Mengzhao Li (Chinese Academy of Sciences (CN))


The Flavor physics program is one of the important topics for future lepton collider projects. In order to explore the full potential of the flavor physics program, a time-of-flight detector is needed to perform particle identification at an energy range from 1GeV to 5GeV.
We propose a time-of-flight detector based on AC-coupled LGAD technology, which has high timing resolution and spatial resolution. It can serve as a time-of-flight detector and outer layer of the tracking detector.
The Institute of High Energy Physics Chinese Academy of Science (IHEP) developed a prototype of AC-coupled LGAD detector. According to the laser test results, it can reach 5-10 microns spatial resolution using 2*2 AC pads array design with a millimeter level pitch. The spatial resolution and charge sharing effect have been studied with different n+ doping.


Mei Zhao (Institute of High Energy Physics Chinese Academy of Sciences) Zhijun Liang (Chinese Academy of Sciences (CN)) Mengzhao Li (Chinese Academy of Sciences (CN)) Xiaoxu Zhang (Nanjing University (CN)) Yunyun Fan (Chinese Academy of Sciences (CN))

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