LHC Lumi Days
The aim of this workshop will be to review the results of the first luminosity calibration measurements at the LHC and to stimulate a discussion on future measurements. A total accuracy of around 5% seems achievable with the current instrumentation, on relatively short term. The need for and the challenges associated with a more precise determination will be debated. The importance of knowing the cross section scale to a given precision will be reviewed. Direct luminosity calibration methods will be compared to indirect methods, including recent experience at other cyclical colliders. Physics motivations, systematic uncertainties, proposals for optimal running conditions for future luminosity calibration experiments, etc., will be openly discussed.
A list of useful references and documents of relevance for the workshop can be found here
To subscribe to the workshop mailing list, go to
and request to join the mailing list lhc-lumi-days@cern.ch
Information on accommodation, access to CERN and laptop registration is available from http://lpcc.web.cern.ch/LPCC/index.php?page=visit
Scientific Secretary: Alick Macpherson
Notes for Contributions
A Proceedings will be produced and so all speakers are asked to provide a writeup of their talk. As such, we ask all speakers to take note of the following constraints
- Speakers should write-up their contributions (1 paper per talk, no page limit but recommended length approx. 5 pages) by using the JACoW templates.
All papers (format ps and word or LATeX with images, plus a pdf file of the paper) are to be uploaded directly inthe indico timetable by 1st of March at the latest.
The final proceedings will be made available via the web but possible also as a printed report in black and white. Therefore it is recommended to avoid color codes!
Adam Paul Hunt
Albert De Roeck
Alessandro Ratti
Alick Macpherson
Allen Caldwell
Andreas Morsch
Andrej Gorisek
Andrius Juodagalvis
Andrzej Zuranski
Antonello Di Mauro
Antonio Zoccoli
Arfaoui Samir
Bolek Pietrzyk
Bostjan Macek
Carolina Gabaldon Ruiz
Colin Barschel
Daniel Marlow
Daniela Macina
David Berge
David d'Enterria
David Peter Stickland
Eric Feng
Eric Torrence
Fabiola Gianotti
Federico Alessio
Fulvio Piccinini
Gabriel Anders
Giacinto De Cataldo
Hans Dijkstra
Heinemann Beate
Helmut Burkhardt
Jaap Panman
James Pinfold
Jamie Boyd
Jean-Jacques GRAS
Jeremy Werner
John Jowett
Jonathan Anderson
Jorg Wenninger
Krzysztof Piotrzkowski
Lyn Evans
Marco Zanetti
Maria Chamizo Llatas
Marjorie Shapiro
Mark James Tibbetts
Martin Aleksa
Martino Gagliardi
Massimiliano Ferro-Luzzi
Massimo Giovannozzi
Massimo Placidi
Matthieu Heller
Michael Albrow
Michael Dittmar
Michael Ludwig
Michelangelo Mangano
Mieczyslaw Witold Krasny
Mika Huhtinen
Mike Lamont
Nitesh Soni
Onel Yasar
Paolo Gandini
Paolo Martinengo
Patrick Michel Puzo
Paul Collier
Paul Kuijer
Pauline Bernat
Per Grafstrom
Peter Kvasnicka
Plamen Hristov Hopchev
Rainer Bartoldus
Resham Sarkar
Rhodri Jones
Richard Jacobsson
Rossano Giachino
Ryoichi Miyamoto
Samvel Khalatyan
Siegfried Wenig
Simon Mathieu White
Sophie Cavalier
Stefan Maettig
Stefano Redaelli
Stephen Schnetzer
Thilo Pauly
Tiziano Camporesi
Vaia Papadimitriou
Valeri Khoze
Valerie Halyo
Vincent Hedberg
Vladislav Balagura
Werner Herr
Witold Kozanecki
Yngve Inntjore Levinsen