Ryan Moodie
(Turin University)
I will discuss the analytic calculation of two-loop five-point helicity amplitudes in massless QCD. In our workflow, we perform the bulk of the computation using finite field arithmetic, avoiding the precision-loss problems of floating-point representation. The integrals are provided by the pentagon functions. We use numerical reconstruction techniques to bypass intermediate complexity and obtain compact forms for the rational coefficients. I will present results for NLO gluon-initiated diphoton-plus-jet production and NNLO trijet production.
Christian Broennum-Hansen
Dmitry Chicherin
(Max Planck Institute for Physics)
Heribertus Bayu Hartanto
(Cambridge University)
Johannes Henn
(Humboldt University Berlin)
Matteo Marcoli
Ryan Moodie
(Turin University)
Simon David Badger
(Universita e INFN Torino (IT))
Simone Zoia
Thomas Gehrmann
Tiziano Peraro
(Max Planck Institute for Physics - Munich)