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Sarajevo School of High Energy Physics 2022

Univ. Sarajevo, faculty of science

Univ. Sarajevo, faculty of science

University of Sarajevo Faculty of Science Zmaja od Bosne 33-35 71000 Sarajevo Bosnia and Herzegovina
Azra Gazibegović-Busuladžić (University of Sarajevo, Faculty of Science), Claude Charlot (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (FR)), Nikola Godinovic (University of Split. Fac.of Elect. Eng., Mech. Eng. and Nav.Architect. (HR))

Sarajevo School of High Energy Physics 2022 (SSHEP 2022) will be held at the Faculty of Science, University of Sarajevo, from October 10 to October 15, 2022. SSHEP 2022 is aimed at master and PhD students who are interested in topics pertaining to High Energy Physics.

SSHEP 2022 features following topics:

  • Symmetries in High Energy Physics
  • Standard Model of Elementary Particle Physics
  • High Energy Physics Accelerators and Accelerators Applications in Medicine
  • Instrumentation and Data Analysis in High Energy Physics
  • EWK and QCD Physics at the Large Hadron Collider
  • Higgs Physics at the Large Hadron Collider
  • Astroparticles Physics
  • Cosmology

Lectures will be given in English.

  • Albina Gerguri
  • Amina Mević
  • Amit Pathak
  • Anila Murati
  • Arya Eyyappalli Retheeshan
  • Axel Hrelja
  • Berin Bijedić
  • Besim Berisha
  • Besnik Saramati
  • Bhavna Yadav
  • Clelia Gambardella
  • Damir Agacevic
  • Daria Zemlianskaya
  • Deeshani Mitra
  • Dino Škrgić
  • Ema Maričić
  • Eva Jelavić
  • Fakhira Afzal
  • Filip Požar
  • Fran Ivan Vrban
  • Giovanna Paola Perdonà
  • Gizem Gul Dincer
  • Guri Buza
  • Halil Ponik
  • Hana Segalo
  • Ikram Imane Kouachi
  • Irdisa Hima
  • Ivan Prološčić
  • Lamija Jahić
  • Maaz Khan
  • Marko Mihovilović
  • Marsida Laze
  • Matej Kovačević
  • Medina Dugonjic
  • Mirsad Tunja
  • Mohamed Amine Ouahid
  • Mohamed Ouchemhou
  • Monika Prološčić
  • Nafija Ibrišimović
  • Nola Segalo
  • Om prakash Dash
  • Paola Simone
  • Sara Hidri
  • Sergei Solokhin
  • Shiva Bikram Mandal
  • Stjepan Harapin
  • Sven Stević
  • Vana Pezelj
  • Vinko Dragušica
  • Zubair Bhatti