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LHCb Starterkit-For-All Full Run 3 Edition



Alessandro Scarabotto (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (FR)), Evelina Mihova Gersabeck (University of Manchester (GB)), Lukas Calefice (Technische Universität Dortmund (DE), LPNHE/Sorbonne Université (FR)), Valeriia Lukashenko (Nikhef National institute for subatomic physics (NL)), Yasmine Sara Amhis (IJCLab (Orsay))

The Starterkit is a set of introductory tutorials on LHCb software. Usually targeted towards PhDs, this edition is open to all career levels and will concentrate exclusively on the Run 3 software. 

This is a hands-on workshop and it will be fully virtual and take place over ZOOM. It is recommended to download and run the most recent desktop client to fully benefit from this workshop. We will be using the breakout room feature of Zoom to get individual help from demonstrators during the lessons. If needed the demonstrator could request remote access to your screen to help with your problem.

The lectures will include Allen/HLT1, HLT2 lines development, HLTEffChecker, FunTuple, AnalysisProductions, intro to Thor functors development. 

The sessions will take time in the afternoons of the week, depending on the lecturers' availability. The precise timetable is TBD. You are welcomed to join at any moment.

Note: All the sessions will be recorded with the consent of the lecturers and will be available for LHCb collaborators via CDS video service. 

Documentation references for the various software projects are collected here:

For the Run 3 data flow talk during the Tuesday meeting see the corresponding indico:

Hope to see you there!

Run3 Starterkit-for-all