A 64 channels ASIC for the readout of the silicon strip detectors of the PANDA Micro-Vertex Detector

20 Sept 2022, 12:00
Terminus Hall

Terminus Hall



Giovanni Mazza (INFN sez. di Torino)


The ToASt ASIC is a 64 channel integrated circuit designed for the readout
of the Silicon Strips that will equip the Micro-Vertex Detector of the PANDA
The ASIC is synchronous to a 160 MHz clock, which defines also the
time resolution. A common time stamp is distributed to all channels to
provide a common time reference for time of arrival and time over threshold
measurements. Two 160 Mb/s serial lines provide the interface to the data
ToASt is implemented in a commercial 110 nm CMOS technology with triplicated
logic to protect against single event upsets.

Summary (500 words)

The Micro Vertex Detector (MVD) of the PANDA experiment will consists of two parts, a barrel section around the interaction point and a disk section in the forward position. The two sections will be equipped with
both Silicon Pixel and Strip Detectors (SPDs and SSDs).
The ToASt ASIC is a 64 channel integrated circuit designed for the
readout of the PANDA SSDs. Its analog front-end is divided in two parts.
The first one is made of a charge sensitive preamplifier which
can be programmed to accept signals of both polarities, a programmable
shaper and a current buffer. The second part consists of a Time-over-Threshold
(ToT) stage with linear discharge and two comparators with independent
thresholds. The double threshold information can be used to reduce the time
jitter on small signals by sampling the time information with a low threshold,
where the signal edge is faster, while using a higher threshold to validate the
event, thus reducing noise events.
The arrival time of the two edges of the comparator is measured by storing
the corresponding value of a global time stamp reference, which is distributed
to all channels. The time of arrival and ToT informations are therefore
provided by the rising edge time stamp and the difference between the two
time stamps, respectively.
The channels are grouped in regions made of 8 channels each, which provide
local buffering. The event information is packed in a 32 bit word and
transmitted over two serial links at 160 Mb/s by a global controller.
The ASIC is designed in a commercial 110 nm CMOS technology. The die size is
4.4 mm x 3.2 mm. In order to simplify the board design when multiple ToASts
are used to read-out a large SSD, the I/O pins are all located either at the
top or at the bottom of the die. The digital logic has been triplicated in
order to protect against Single-Event Upsets (SEUs).
The ToASt ASIC has been succesfully tested in laboratory. The non-linearity
of the ToT gain is below 0.64% (r.m.s.) in the range 1.5-16 fC, while for
higher input signals (up to 66 fC) a gain compression is observed.
The ToT gain spread among channel is fairly large but can be reduced to less
than 2% for gain ranges between 55 and 65 ns/fC via integrated channel
calibration DACs.
The time jitter is below one clock cycle (6.25 ns) for the leading edge
and around 3 clock cycles for the trailing edge. The amplitude noise is
around 300 e- with no detector connected. The power consumption is 180 mW.
Further tests are foreseen in the next months, including the test of the ASIC
connected with a detector and irradiation tests.


Giovanni Mazza (INFN sez. di Torino)


Daniela Calvo (INFN - National Institute for Nuclear Physics) Fabio Cossio (Politecnico di Torino e INFN Sezione di Torino) Richard James Wheadon (INFN - National Institute for Nuclear Physics) Mignone Marco (INFN sez. di Torino)

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