2022  CTEQ Summer School

Pittsburgh PA

Pittsburgh PA

Thaw Hall, University of PIttsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA USA
Brian Thomas Batell, Fred Olness (Southern Methodist University (US)), Zack Sullivan (Illinois Institute of Technology)

The 2022 CTEQ Summer School on QCD and Electroweak Phenomenology will be held at the University of Pittsburgh, PA, USA July 6-16, 2022. The CTEQ school provides a focused introduction to perturbative quantum chromodynamics along with applications and recent experimental results. Additionally, the school will include "hands-on" tutorial sessions on Machine Learning and Monte Carlo event generators organized in concert with the MCnet Collaboration. The school is ideally suited for advanced graduate students and young postdocs.

The school will be held in person.  (We will follow local COVID protocols.)

Note: participants arrive on the evening of Wednesday 6 July 2022, and depart in the morning of Saturday 16 July 2022. Additional details to follow. 

Topics & Lecturers
QCD Intro (Pavel Nadolsky) Monte Carlo Intro (Phil Ilten)
DIS (Paul Reimer) Machine Learning (Josh Isaacson)
Higgs Bosons (Bernhard Mistlberger) EW & Higgs LHC Results (Bruce Mellado)
Vector Boson/Direct γ  (Radja Boughezal) PDFs (Huey-Wen Lin)
Jets: Intro & Substructure (George Sterman) PDF Fits (C.P. Yuan)
Neutrinos/DUNE (Tim Hobbs) Effective Field Theories (Sally Dawson)


Hands-On Tutorials

Monte Carlo Tutorial (Leif Gellersen)                     Machine Learning Tutorial (Josh Isaacson)