30 August 2022 to 12 September 2022
Conference venue: OAC conference center, Kolymbari, Crete, Greece. The conference will take place in Crete in physical form, however participation is also possible via internet
Europe/Athens timezone
"Second MODE Workshop on Differentiable Programming for Experiment Design" following after ICNFP2022 (https://indico.cern.ch/event/1145124/)


High Energy Particle Physics

31 Aug 2022, 11:25
Conference venue: OAC conference center, Kolymbari, Crete, Greece. The conference will take place in Crete in physical form, however participation is also possible via internet

Conference venue: OAC conference center, Kolymbari, Crete, Greece. The conference will take place in Crete in physical form, however participation is also possible via internet

Presentation materials

There are no materials yet.
Dr Vipul Bairathi (Instituto de Alta Investigación, Universidad de Tarapacá)
31/08/2022, 15:30
Javier Fernandez Menendez (Universidad de Oviedo (ES))
01/09/2022, 11:20
High Energy Particle Physics

Top quark physics with the CMS detector

Bill Murray (University of Warwick (GB))
05/09/2022, 09:00

Recent highlights from ATLAS, in all physics areas except heavy ions.

Javier Cuevas (Universidad de Oviedo (ES))
05/09/2022, 09:30
High Energy Particle Physics

This talk reviews the most important and recent results with the data collected by the CMS Collaboration.

YH Yang (UCAS)
05/09/2022, 11:00
High Energy Particle Physics

Review of recent LHCb physics analysis result

Soshi Tsuno (High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (JP))
06/09/2022, 12:00

Summary of recent Higgs boson results from ATLAS

Leonardo Lunerti (Universita e INFN, Bologna (IT))
07/09/2022, 10:10
Stefano Rosati (Sapienza Universita e INFN, Roma I (IT))
07/09/2022, 11:50

A first look at run 3 data from ATLAS.

Mr Zehua Xu (LPC Clermont CNRS/IN2P3 (FR))
10/09/2022, 09:00
Marek Karliner (High Energy Physics Department)
10/09/2022, 09:30
Vindhyawasini Prasad
10/09/2022, 11:00
Sonia Kabana (Instituto De Alta Investigación - Universidad de Tarapacá (CL))
12/09/2022, 14:40
High Energy Particle Physics

Open heavy flavor production at RHIC

Sonia Kabana (Instituto De Alta Investigación - Universidad de Tarapacá (CL))
High Energy Particle Physics

Sexaquark production in heavy ion collisions

Vindhyawasini Prasad, Vindy Prasad
Building timetable...