The Electron-Ion Collider (EIC) at Brookhaven National Laboratory will be an experimental facility to explore gluons in nucleons and nuclei, shedding light on their structure and the interactions within. The ePIC detector will be the first experiment at the EIC dedicated to detailed studies of nuclear structure in electron-proton and electron-ion collisions.
The ambitious physics program of...
Electromagnetic radiation is emitted throughout the whole evolution of high-energy heavy-ion collisions. Due to their penetrating nature, real and virtual photons reach the detector unimpeded. Their measurement makes it possible to shed light on the different stages of the extreme states of matter created in such collisions.
In this poster, we will discuss dielectron measurements that will...
The sPHENIX TPC readout will use an array of quadruple-stacked gas electron multiplier (GEM) modules to amplify signals from the chamber in order to perform precise tracking measurements. The performance of the system may be affected by a shift in the readout baseline due to event-by-event fluctuations. These fluctuations are a result of the common-mode noise generated in the induction gap of...
The sPHENIX Time Projection Chamber (TPC) is a gaseous drift detector
designed to measure charged particle tracks. It is filled with Argon/CF4 and uses
Gaseous Electron Multiplier (GEM) foils at readout for electron amplification
and ion back-flow suppression. The electrons at readout are measured, converted
to digital current, and their signal waveforms are processed to reconstruct the...
The Time Projection Chamber (TPC) is the main tracking detector in sPHENIX. Charged particles which pass through the TPC ionize the gas, with the transverse position being given by the readout pad and the time for the ionization electrons to drift to the endcaps defining the z position. The ionization electrons are clustered together in order to track particles and determine their momenta. In...
The sPHENIX Time Projection Chamber (TPC) serves as the main tracking detector of the sPHENIX experiment, which began operating at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider at Brookhaven National Lab this year. It operates with a quadruple-GEM avalanche stage which provides gain while restricting the flow of ions back into the chamber sufficiently to operate in streaming mode, without any...
The new sPHENIX detector at RHIC will begin commissioning with Au+Au collisions at 200 GeV in Spring 2023, followed by p+p and p+Au data taking in 2024. The experiment combines triggered readout of the calorimeter system with streaming readout of the tracking detectors in a hybrid readout scheme. The hybrid readout scheme enables a large increase in the collected statistics in particular for...
Constructed at Lehigh University between 2021 and 2023, the sPHENIX Event Plane Detector (sEPD) will measure charged particle multiplicity at forward rapidity from the collision of hadrons. This detector consists of 24 triangular sectors, each of which is divided into 31 optically isolated tiles of plastic scintillating material, such that light can be collected from a discrete area of the...
The Time Projection Chamber (TPC) to be used for tracking and particle identification in the sPHENIX experiment at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC) is expected to experience significant distortions from build-up of backflowing ions created by the combination of high collision rates and amplification from Gas Electron Multiplier (GEM). By integrating the digitized readout from the...
Owing to its spectrometer acceptance, which is complementary to the other
LHC experiments, LHCb is collecting several fixed-target and ion collision sam-
ples, providing unique inputs to theoretical models in poorly explored kinematic
regions. In this contribution, the impact of the ongoing and foreseen upgrades
of the LHCb experiment on the ions and fixed-target physics programme...
Antimatter in cosmic rays is a powerful probe for Dark Matter indirect de-
tection. To constrain the background from secondary antiparticles, produced
during cosmic ray propagation through the interstellar medium, the related cross
sections need to be precisely determined at accelerator facilities. In particular,
being their secondary production suppressed at low energies with respect...
The Compressed Baryonic Matter (CBM) experiment at FAIR will investigate the QCD phase diagram at high net-baryon densities ($μ_B$ > 500 MeV) with heavy-ion collisions in the energy range $\sqrt{s_{NN}} = 2.9−4.9$ GeV. Precise determination of dense baryonic matter properties requires multi-differential measurements of strange hadron yields and their collective flow, both for the most...
The ePIC detector is being designed as a hermetic, general-purpose detector for the Electron-Ion Collider (EIC). One of the key performance drivers for the physics programme at the EIC are the particle identification (PID) system, which enable the separation of pions, kaons, and protons in high multiplicity events over a wide phase space, with significant pion/electron suppression. To address...
A crucial component to the Electron Ion Collider (EIC) program is the collider luminosity, with a target absolute (relative) uncertainty of less than 1% (exceeding 10⁻⁴ in precision). The luminosity determination will be achieved employing two complementary approaches, one by direct detection of bremsstrahlung photons and another using a Pair Spectrometer (PS) which utilizes e+e- conversions...
The sPHENIX experiment is comprised of two layers of hadronic calorimeters (HCal). The outer HCal is the outermost layer located outside the solenoid coil, and the inner HCal is positioned between the solenoid magnet and the Electromagnetic Calorimeter. The sPHENIX program, aimed at achieving precise jet measurements and analyzing the microscopic properties of the strongly interacting...
The sPHENIX experiment has achieved a major milestone with the construction and installation of the cutting-edge three-layer Monolithic-Active-Pixel-Sensor (MAPS) based VerTeX detector (MVTX) in April 2023, in preparation for first beam in Spring 2023. The MVTX is the innermost tracking detector, boasting a spatial resolution of 5 $\mu$m and covering 2.5-4.0 cm radially, and a pseudorapidity...
Experiments at the future Electron-Ion collider pose stringent requirements on the tracking system for the measurement of the scattered electron and charged particles produced in the collision, as well as the position of the collision point and any decay vertices of hadrons containing heavy quarks. Monolithic Active Pixel Sensors (MAPS) offer the possibility of high granularity in combination...
The sPHENIX detector is the next generation experiment at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC) at Brookhaven National Laboratory. Starting commissioning in May, it will collect high statistics data sets from ultra relativistic Au+Au, p+p and p+Au collisions in the next 3 years. The readout is a combination of triggered readout for calorimeters and streaming readout for the silicon...
The sPHENIX detector at Brookhaven National Laboratory's Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC) has a broad experimental QCD physics program focused on jets, their substructure, and open and closed heavy flavor production. To measure these observables, the sPHENIX tracking system is composed of a silicon vertex and strip detector, continuous-readout time projection chamber, and...
The tracking reconstruction procedure for the sPHENIX experiment combines data from its silicon pixel detector, silicon strip detector, time projection chamber, and micromegas-based outer tracker modules to produce tracks that trace a given particle's path through 57 total sensor layers. After clustering of the raw data is completed, the track seeding modules identify chains of clusters that...
The sPHENIX project is a new detector experiment at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider at BNL. Its aim is to study strongly interacting Quark-Gluon Plasma and cold-QCD by measuring photons, jets, jet correlations, and Upsilon family with high precision. To achieve these goals, a precise tracking system is necessary. The tracking system of the sPHENIX detector consists of the MVTX, TPC, TPOT,...