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Inter-Disciplinary Underground Science and Technology

from Tuesday 7 June 2022 (08:30) to Thursday 9 June 2022 (17:00)
Avignon (Conference room AT04 )

        : Sessions
    /     : Talks
        : Breaks
7 Jun 2022
8 Jun 2022
9 Jun 2022
Visit of the LSBB new facilities (until 13:00) ()
#2 Session (I. Kolmasova/B.Canuel) - Ivana Kolmasova Benjamin CANUEL (LP2N, Laboratoire Photonique, Numérique et Nanosciences, Université Bordeaux-IOGS-CNRS:UMR 5298, 1 rue F. Mitterrand, F-33400 Talence, France) (until 11:55) (Conference room AT04 )
09:00 MIGA, a large scale gravity antenna using quantum technology - Benjamin CANUEL (LP2N, Laboratoire Photonique, Numérique et Nanosciences, Université Bordeaux-IOGS-CNRS:UMR 5298, 1 rue F. Mitterrand, F-33400 Talence, France)   (Conference room AT04 )
09:30 Tomographic Research of Underground and large STructures with Muographic Expertise (TRUST-ME). - Clement Antoine Risso (LSBB - Laboratoire Souterrain a Bas Bruit (FR)) Dr Ignacio Lazaro Roche (LSBB - Laboratoire Souterrain a Bas Bruit (FR))   (Conference room AT04 )
09:50 Electromagnetic geophysical measurements using SQUID sensors in low noise unshielded environment - Ijee Mohanty   (Conference room AT04 )
10:10 --- Coffee break ---
10:40 Monitoring the water stock using two vertically distributed superconducting gravimeters help to quantify evapotranspiration at daily time scale. - Bertille Loiseau (Sorbonne Université, UMR 7619 METIS, F-75005 Paris, France)   (Conference room AT04 )
11:00 Lightning initiation seen by the magnetic loop antennas installed at LSBB - Dr Ivana Kolmasova (Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Czech Academy of Sciences and Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University)   (Conference room AT04 )
11:20 Near subsurface density reconstruction by full waveform inversion in the frequency domain - Mr Quentin DIDIER (Avignon Université)   (Conference room AT04 )
#4 Session (G. Micolau / K. Coulié) - Karine Coulié Gilles Micolau (CNRS/UMS 3538 Laboratoire Souterrain à Bas Bruit) (until 11:55) (Conference room AT04 )
09:00 Water flow within the underground critical zone: multi-physcis and multi-scale insights from LSBB platform. - Christophe Emblanch (UMR 1114 EMMAH (AU-INRAE), Université d’Avignon, 84000 Avignon, France)   (Conference room AT04 )
09:30 Muography with Micromegas detectors : Main features and results and future prospects in geophysics with new concept telescopes. - Hector Gomez Maluenda (Université Paris-Saclay (FR))   (Conference room AT04 )
09:50 The PREliminary MIga Seismic Experiment - PREMISE - Olivier Sèbe (CEA, DAM, F-91297 Arpajon, France)   (Conference room AT04 )
10:10 --- Coffee break ---
10:40 Coupling of atmospherics and the ionosphere observed from LSBB - Ondrej Santolik (Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Czech Academy of Sciences and Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University)   (Conference room AT04 )
11:00 Use of natural organic matter fluorescence to illustrate transit time differences in the unsaturated zone of karst hydrosystems. Application to the Low-Noise Underground Laboratory (LSBB) of Rustrel, Pays d'Apt, in France - Leïla Serène (HSM, Univ Montpellier, CNRS, IRD, Montpellier, France)   (Conference room AT04 )
11:20 Origin and evolution of the French nuclear deterrence system during the cold war. - Daniel Boyer (LSBB, Laboratoire Souterrain Bas Bruit, CNRS, La grande combe, 84400 Rustrel, France)   (Conference room AT04 )
11:40 Closing remarks - Karine Coulié   (Conference room AT04 )
13:00 --- Lunch break ---
#1 Session chaired by S. Gaffet - Stéphane Gaffet (LSBB, Laboratoire Souterrain Bas Bruit, CNRS, La grande combe, 84400 Rustrel, France) (until 17:25) (Conference room AT04 )
14:15 Welcome speech from Avignon University   (Conference room AT04 )
14:30 Conference introduction. The LSBB, above- and underground based low background noise interdisciplinary research laboratory. - Dr Stéphane Gaffet (LSBB, Laboratoire Souterrain Bas Bruit, CNRS, La grande combe, 84400 Rustrel, France)   (Conference room AT04 )
14:50 AstroParticle Observatories and GEoscience Innovative Actions (APOGEIA) - Stavros Katsanevas   (Conference room AT04 )
15:20 Portable Resistive Plate Chambers for muography in confined environments - Ran Muthugalalage Ishan Darshana Gamage (Université catholique de Louvain (UCLouvain))   (Conference room AT04 )
15:40 --- Coffee break ---
16:10 3-axis unshielded HTS SQUID geomagnetic sensor in an urban environment - Elda Saunderson (South African National Space Agency)   (Conference room AT04 )
16:30 Very first observation data from a giant loop antenna at the LSBB - Mr Clément Dezord (Ecole Doctorale 536 Sciences et Agrosciences (Avignon Université), CNRS/UMS 3538 Laboratoire Souterrain à Bas Bruit)   (Conference room AT04 )
16:50 Investigation of the metabolic versatility of a new bacterium isolated from sediments affected by hydrothermal circulations in Vulcano Island, Italy. - Anne Postec (MIO UM 110) Gregoire GALES (MIO UM110)   (Conference room AT04 )
12:00 --- Lunch break ---
#3 Session (L. Ottaviani/I. Lázaro) - Ignacio Lazaro Roche (LSBB - Laboratoire Souterrain a Bas Bruit (FR)) (until 16:40) (Conference room AT04 )
14:00 Winlight System upcoming underground operations. - Dr Eric Compain ( Bertin Technologies)   (Conference room AT04 )
14:30 ArchéMuon: A Gallo-Roman archaeological site as a “sandbox” for testing muography and geophysical imaging techniques - Mr Theodore Avgitas (IP2I Lyon)   (Conference room AT04 )
14:50 --- Coffee break ---
15:20 Full-wave Radar Tomography for Astrophysics: Interior structure of small body vs. carrier effects - Oluwatoki Yusuf Yusuf (Aix-Marseille Université, CNRS, Centrale Marseille, Institut Fresnel, Marseille, France)   (Conference room AT04 )
15:40 Reaching ultra-high vacuum for a large vacuum vessel in an underground environment - Dylan Sabulsky (LP2N)   (Conference room AT04 )
16:00 Asymmetric Backward Peaking Radiation Patterns from an Accelerated Relativistic Bremsstrahlung Particle In High Density Mediums - Dr Mert Yucemoz (University of Bath)   (Conference room AT04 )
Gala dinner information (until 17:05) (Conference room AT04 )
19:00 --- Conference dinner ---
12:00 --- Lunch ---