29 May 2023 to 2 June 2023
IP2I - Lyon University
Europe/Zurich timezone

Searches for baryon number violation in the HIBEAM-NNBAR experiment at the European Spallation Source

30 May 2023, 15:15
Room Dirac 30 (Lyon University - IP2I)

Room Dirac 30

Lyon University - IP2I

Parallel talks Parallel Talks


Bernhard Meirose (Stockholms Universitet + Lunds Universitet)


The HIBEAM-NNBAR program is a proposed two-stage experiment at the European Spallation Source (ESS) designed to to search for baryon number violation, which is – together with C and CP violation – one of the three fundamental Sakharov conditions to explain the observed baryon asymmetry of the Universe. Taking advantage of the ESS' unique capabilities as the future brightest neutron source, the experiment would make high sensitivity searches for neutrons converting into antineutrons and/or sterile neutrons. In this talk I will present the status of the program and present the plans for the coming years.


Bernhard Meirose (Stockholms Universitet + Lunds Universitet)

Presentation materials