12:30 PM
--- Lunch ---
2:00 PM
Parallel Talks
(until 4:00 PM)
(Amphitheatre Dirac)
2:00 PM
Recent Belle II results on radiative and electroweak penguin decays
Jacopo Cerasoli
(Université de Strasbourg, CNRS, IPHC, UMR 7178, 67037 Strasbourg, France)
(Amphitheatre Dirac)
2:15 PM
A new puzzle in non-leptonic $B$ decays
Aritra Biswas
(Institut de Física d'Altes Energies (IFAE))
(Amphitheatre Dirac)
2:30 PM
Global fits of b->dll
Hector Gisbert
(Amphitheatre Dirac)
2:45 PM
Synergies of Drell-Yan, beauty, top, and Z observables in global SMEFT fits
Lara Nollen
(TU Dortmund)
(Amphitheatre Dirac)
3:00 PM
Cabibbo angle anomalies and a global fit to vector-like quarks
Matthew Kirk
(ICCUB, Barcelona)
(Amphitheatre Dirac)
3:15 PM
New LCSR predictions for b → s hadronic form factors
Yann Monceaux
(Amphitheatre Dirac)
3:30 PM
On the contribution of the electromagnetic dipole operator to the $\bar B_s \to \mu^+\mu^-$ decay amplitude
Nicolas Seitz
(Siegen University)
(Amphitheatre Dirac)
3:45 PM
Meson light-front wavefunctions-applications to B transition form factors
Mohammad Ahmady
(Amphitheatre Dirac)
2:00 PM
Parallel Talks
(until 4:00 PM)
(Room Dirac 30)
2:00 PM
CP violation in T2HK and DUNE with non-standard interaction
Anjan Giri
(IIT Hyderabad)
(Room Dirac 30)
2:15 PM
Recent Dark Matter related searches with the $BABAR$ detector.
Sandrine Emery
(Université Paris-Saclay (FR))
(Room Dirac 30)
2:30 PM
Recent tau and dark-sector results at Belle II
Geraldine Raeuber
(Room Dirac 30)
2:45 PM
A new Scattering and Neutrino Detector at the LHC (SND@LHC)
Daniele Centanni
(Universita e INFN sezione di Napoli (IT))
(Room Dirac 30)
3:00 PM
New results for searches of exotic decays with NA62 in beam-dump mode
Jan Jerhot
(Room Dirac 30)
3:15 PM
Searches for baryon number violation in the HIBEAM-NNBAR experiment at the European Spallation Source
Bernhard Meirose
(Stockholms Universitet + Lunds Universitet)
(Room Dirac 30)
3:30 PM
The n2EDM experiment at PSI.
(Room Dirac 30)
3:45 PM
Results on exotic hadronic resonances with the ATLAS detector
Marcella Bona
(Queen Mary University of London (UK))
(Room Dirac 30)
2:00 PM
Parallel Talks
(until 4:00 PM)
(Room Dirac 27)
2:00 PM
Recent Belle II results on hadronic B decays
Sebastiano Raiz
(Room Dirac 27)
2:15 PM
Rare B meson decays to baryonic final states
Pablo Baladron Rodriguez
(Universidade de Santiago de Compostela (ES))
(Room Dirac 27)
2:30 PM
Model-independent extraction of form-factors and $|V_{cb}|$ in $\overline{B}\to D\ell^m \overline{\nu_\ell}$ with hadronic tagging at $BABAR$
Marcello Rotondo
(Room Dirac 27)
2:45 PM
Recent Belle II results on the CKM parameters |V_cb| and |V_ub|
Philipp Horak
(HEPHY Vienna)
(Room Dirac 27)
3:00 PM
Measurements of charmonia decays from BESIII
Han Miao
(University of Chinese Academy of Sciences (CN))
(Room Dirac 27)
3:15 PM
Recent quarkonium results at Belle II
Alessandro Boschetti
(Room Dirac 27)
3:30 PM
Latest results on exotic hadrons from CMS
Jingqing Zhang
(Tsinghua University (CN))
(Room Dirac 27)
3:45 PM
Heavy flavor production in pp collisions at LHCb
Jialu Wang
(Peking University (CN))
(Room Dirac 27)
4:00 PM
--- Coffee break ---
4:30 PM
(until 6:30 PM)
(Amphi Dirac)
4:30 PM
Kaon decays: Standard Model tests
(Amphi Dirac)
4:55 PM
Kaon decays: New Physics perspectives
Joachim Brod
(University of Cincinnati)
(Amphi Dirac)
5:20 PM
Giuseppe Ruggiero
(Amphi Dirac)
5:50 PM
Bob Hsiung
(National Taiwan University (TW))
(Amphi Dirac)
6:10 PM
Kaon decays at LHCb
Radoslav Marchevski
(Amphi Dirac)
7:00 PM
Welcome Drink