May 29, 2023 to June 2, 2023
IP2I - Lyon University
Europe/Zurich timezone

Confirmed Plenary Speakers

Jérôme Baudot: Future of Belle II

Anatael Cabrera:  Latest results on the neutrino oscillations

Gilberto Colangelo: Status review of g-2 (theory)

Luc Darmé: Dark matter and flavour 

Gaetano De Marino: Status and prospects for rare B decays at Belle and Belle II

Angelo Di Canto: New non-leptonic hadron decay results at e+e- experiments

Torben Ferber: Dark sector at flavour experiments 

Julia Gehrlein: Neutrino phenomenology

Svenja Granderath: New b->u and b->c semi-leptonic results at e+e- experiments

Admir Greljo: Rare B Decays: BSM implications

Nico Gubernari : QCD in Rare B Decays

Gudrun Hiller: Rare Charm Decays (theory)

Tobias Hurth: Theory progress in inclusive rare decays

Toshiyuki Iwamoto: The PIONEER experiment to explore lepton universality using rare pion decays

Joachim Brod:  Kaon decays: New Physics perspectives

Marc Knecht: Kaon decays : Standard Model tests

Stephane Lavignac: Neutrino masses and leptonic mixing

Richard Lebed: Heavy flavour spectroscopy

Alexander Lenz:  CP violation and CKM tests

Chen-Yu Liu: Experimental review of nEDM measurement

Stefan Meinel: Lattice

Diego Redigolo: CP violation (theory)

Mark Ross-Lonergan: Results and perspectives from short baseline neutrino experiment

Giuseppe Ruggiero: Kaon decay measurements at NA62

Stefan Schoenert:  Neutrino less double beta decays

Sara Bolognesi: Open questions at the neutrino oscillation experiments

Justin Skorupa: New time-dependent CPV measurements at e+e- experiments

Yotam Soreq: Higgs and flavour (theory)