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May 29, 2023 to June 2, 2023
IP2I - Lyon University
Europe/Zurich timezone


Rare decays of hadrons and leptons

May 29, 2023, 2:00 PM
Amphi Dirac (IP2I - Lyon University)

Amphi Dirac

IP2I - Lyon University

Institute of Physics of the 2 Infinities 4 Rue Enrico Fermi 69100 Villeurbanne France

Presentation materials

There are no materials yet.
Tobias Hurth (Johannes Gutenberg Universitaet Mainz (DE))
5/29/23, 2:00 PM
Riley Henderson (Monash University (AU))
5/29/23, 2:30 PM
Gaetano de Marino (Jožef Stefan Institute)
5/29/23, 3:10 PM
Nico Gubernari (Universität Siegen)
5/29/23, 3:40 PM
Bernat Capdevila (IFAE)
5/29/23, 4:05 PM
Gudrun Hiller (Technische Universitaet Dortmund (DE))
5/29/23, 5:00 PM
Liang Sun
5/29/23, 5:30 PM
Stefan Meinel (University of Arizona)
5/30/23, 9:00 AM
Admir Greljo (Universitaet Bern (CH))
5/30/23, 9:30 AM
Building timetable...