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Searching for long-lived particles at the LHC and beyond: Twelfth workshop of the LLP Community

from Monday 31 October 2022 (12:00) to Friday 4 November 2022 (20:20)

        : Sessions
    /     : Talks
        : Breaks
31 Oct 2022
1 Nov 2022
2 Nov 2022
3 Nov 2022
4 Nov 2022
14:00 Introduction and welcome - James Beacham (Duke University (US))   ()
What's new for LHC Run 3? - Carlos Vazquez Sierra (CERN) James Beacham (Duke University (US)) (until 15:20) ()
14:05 First impressions of LHC Run 3: Operations - Silvia Franchino (Ruprecht Karls Universitaet Heidelberg (DE))   ()
14:30 What's new for Run 3 for LLPs at CMS? - Ka Hei Martin Kwok (Fermi National Accelerator Lab. (US))   ()
14:55 What's new for Run 3 for LLPs at ATLAS? - Jackson Burzynski (Simon Fraser University (CA))   ()
15:19 Session recording   ()
15:20 --- Workshop photo ---
15:25 --- Coffee ---
What's new for LHC Run 3? - Matthew Daniel Citron (Univ. of California Santa Barbara (US)) Cristián Peña (Fermi National Accelerator Lab. (US)) (until 16:20) ()
15:35 What's new for Run 3 for LLPs at LHCb? - Elena Dall'Occo (Technische Universitaet Dortmund (DE))   ()
16:00 New result from CMS: Trackless and delayed jets - Lisa Benato (Hamburg University (DE))   ()
16:19 Session recording   ()
Dedicated LLP projects - Cristián Peña (Fermi National Accelerator Lab. (US)) Matthew Daniel Citron (Univ. of California Santa Barbara (US)) (until 17:05) ()
16:20 Why so many dedicated LLP detectors? Redux - Matthew Citron (Univ. of California Santa Barbara (US))   ()
16:40 FASER's status and first collision data - Charlotte Cavanagh (University of Liverpool (GB))   ()
17:04 Session recording   ()
17:05 --- Coffee ---
Dedicated LLP projects - James Beacham (Duke University (US)) Sai Neha Santpur (until 18:05) ()
17:15 FASERnu: current status and first data from LHC Run 3 - Hiroaki Kawahara (Kyushu University (JP))   ()
17:40 A new Scattering and Neutrino Detector at the LHC (SND@LHC) - Martina Ferrillo (University of Zurich (CH))   ()
18:05 Plenary: Dark matter in Jupiter (the planet) - Lingfeng Li (Brown U.)   ()
LLPs at far-future projects - Karri Folan Di Petrillo (Fermi National Accelerator Lab. (US)) Dr José Francisco Zurita (IFIC - Univ. of Valencia and CSIC (ES)) (until 15:30) ()
14:00 LLPs at the FCCee - Sarah Williams (University of Cambridge (GB))   ()
14:20 Benchmarking the long-lived particle searches at future Higgs factories - Jan Franciszek Klamka (University of Warsaw (PL))   ()
14:35 Analytic formulae for the sensitivity region of DV searches for HNLs at lepton colliders - Marco Drewes (Universite Catholique de Louvain (UCL) (BE))   ()
14:50 Heavy neutral leptons at beam dump experiments of future lepton colliders - Douglas Tuckler   ()
15:10 Searching for IDM scalars at future Higgs factories - Jan Franciszek Klamka (University of Warsaw (PL))   ()
15:29 Session recording   ()
15:30 --- Coffee ---
Heavy neutral leptons - Lisa Benato (Hamburg University (DE)) Albert De Roeck (CERN) (until 17:05) ()
15:45 New constraints on heavy neutral leptons from the BEBC beam dump experiment - Giacomo Marocco   ()
16:05 Low-scale leptogenesis with flavour and CP symmetries - Yannis Georis   ()
16:25 Long-lived HNLs from meson decays in EFT - Rebeca Beltran (IFIC (CSIC-UV))   ()
16:45 New Benchmark Models for Heavy Neutral Lepton Searches - Juraj Klaric (Universite Catholique de Louvain (UCL) (BE))   ()
17:04 Session recording   ()
17:05 --- Coffee ---
Heavy neutral leptons - Audrey Katherine Kvam (University of Massachusetts (US)) Albert De Roeck (CERN) (until 18:40) ()
17:20 Simulation of LNV via heavy neutrino-antineutrino oscillations - Jan Hajer (Universidade de Lisboa)   ()
17:40 Probing neutrino dipole portal at future experiments - Maksym Ovchynnikov (Leiden University (NL))   ()
18:00 Probing right-handed neutrinos dipole operators - Claudio Toni (Sapienza Università di Roma)   ()
18:20 Assessment of the dimension-5 seesaw portal and impact of exotic Higgs decays on non-pointing photon searches - Joel Jones-Perez   ()
18:39 Session recording   ()
New results and LLPs around the globe - Matthew Daniel Citron (Univ. of California Santa Barbara (US)) Lisa Benato (Hamburg University (DE)) (until 15:15) ()
14:00 New result from MicroBooNE: HNLs and Higgs portal scalars - Luciano Arellano (The University of Manchester)   ()
14:25 LUXE at DESY - Torben Ferber (KIT - Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (DE))   ()
14:50 Status of SUB-Millicharge ExperimenT (SUBMET) - Seokju Chung (Korea University)   ()
15:14 Session recording   ()
15:15 --- Coffee ---
New results and LLPs around the globe - Audrey Katherine Kvam (University of Massachusetts (US)) Sai Neha Santpur (until 16:45) ()
15:30 SHiP experiment at the SPS ECN3 beam facility - Massimiliano Ferro-Luzzi (CERN)   ()
15:55 Searches for hidden sector physics with the NA62 experiment - Jan Jerhot (Universite Catholique de Louvain (UCL) (BE))   ()
16:20 SHADOWS at the SPS - Gaia Lanfranchi (INFN e Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati (IT))   ()
16:44 Session recording   ()
16:45 --- Coffee ---
New ideas for LLP searches at the LHC - Mason Proffitt (University of Washington (US)) Lisa Benato (Hamburg University (DE)) (until 18:00) ()
17:00 Searching for light neutralinos with a displaced vertex at the LHC - Fabián Hernández-Pinto (Universidad de La Serena (CL))   ()
17:20 Reinterpretation of CMS search for LLPs using endcap muon detectors - Christina Wenlu Wang (California Institute of Technology (US))   ()
17:39 Session recording   ()
Dedicated LLP projects - Audrey Katherine Kvam (University of Massachusetts (US)) Cristián Peña (Fermi National Accelerator Lab. (US)) (until 15:15) ()
14:00 A Progress Report from the MoEDAL-MAPP Experiment at the LHC - Prof. James Pinfold (University of Alberta (CA))   ()
14:25 CODEX-b Status and Plans - Paul Swallow (University of Birmingham (GB))   ()
14:50 Sensitivity of the proposed ANUBIS Experiment to beyond the Standard Model Long-Lived Particles at the LHC - Toby Satterthwaite (SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory (US))   ()
15:14 Session recording   ()
15:15 --- Coffee ---
Dedicated LLP projects - Sai Neha Santpur Karri Folan Di Petrillo (Fermi National Accelerator Lab. (US)) (until 16:45) ()
15:30 Status of millIQan Run 3 Detector - Katherine Larina (Univ. of California Santa Barbara (US))   ()
15:55 MATHUSLA - Heather Russell (University of Victoria)   ()
16:20 Status of FACET - a Forward-Aperture CMS ExTension for LLP Searches - Keith Ulmer (University of Colorado, Boulder (US))   ()
16:45 --- Coffee ---
Dedicated LLP projects - Karri Folan Di Petrillo (Fermi National Accelerator Lab. (US)) James Beacham (Duke University (US)) (until 17:50) ()
17:00 FPF: The Forward Physics Facility at the LHC - Felix Kling (DESY)   ()
17:25 The Forward Liquid Argon Experiment (FLArE) at FPF - Steven Linden   ()
17:49 Session recording   ()
New ideas: Searches, pheno, theory -Dr José Francisco Zurita (IFIC - Univ. of Valencia and CSIC (ES)) Mason Proffitt (University of Washington (US)) (until 15:00) ()
14:00 Atmospheric axion-like particles at Super-Kamiokande - Zeren Simon Wang (National Tsing Hua University)   ()
14:20 Shedding light on the electroweak phase transition from exotic Higgs boson decays at the lifetime frontiers - Wei Liu (Nanjing University of Science and Technology)   ()
14:40 Analysing some long-lived NSLP signatures in the NMSSM - Amandip De   ()
15:00 --- Coffee ---
New ideas: Searches, pheno, theory -Dr José Francisco Zurita (IFIC - Univ. of Valencia and CSIC (ES)) Mason Proffitt (University of Washington (US)) (until 15:50) ()
15:10 Coscattering in micrOMEGAs: LLP implications in the singlet-triplet dark matter model - Gael Alguero   ()
15:30 Searching for Heavy QCD Axions via Dimuon Final States - Soubhik Kumar (UC Berkeley)   ()
15:50 --- Coffee ---
New ideas for LLPs at LHCb - Audrey Katherine Kvam (University of Massachusetts (US)) Federico Leo Redi (CERN) (until 17:00) ()
16:00 Selecting LLP in the first level trigger at LHCb - Lorenzo Pica (SNS & INFN Pisa (IT))   ()
16:20 Following the muon track of hierarchical sectors at LHCb - Emilio Xose Rodriguez Fernandez (Universidade de Santiago de Compostela (ES))   ()
16:40 Impact of the High Level Trigger for detecting long-lived particles at LHCb - Diego Mendoza (Univ. of Valencia and CSIC (ES))   ()