As you will certainly understand, CERN cannot predict the spread of the virus or the evolution of event or travel restrictions, airline polices or flight/public transport cancellations. Your participation in the school is at your own risk and, in particular, CERN and the local organizing institutions are not responsible for any costs associated with early departure from or termination of the school, travel, quarantine, medical treatment or any other consequences resulting from being infected or a close contact during or in connection with participation in the school. Please ensure you have the necessary travel and medical insurance in place to cover your attendance.
Entry into Turkey :
Please check the following website before your travel : Covid-19 Information for Turkey.
Entry and Exit Requirements
- Turkish Airlines: Türkiye Travel Rules
URL: https://www.turkishairlines.com/en-tr/announcements/coronavirus-outbreak/turkey-travel-rules/index.html - A negative COVID-19 test (PCR and/or serology) is not required for entry.
- Thera are no health screening procedures in place at airports and other ports of entry.
Quarantine Information
- U.S. citizens are not required to quarantine.
COVID-19 Testing
- A list of hospitals in Istanbul is available on our website: https://tr.usembassy.gov/u-s-citizen-services/doctors/
- You can find the Turkish government’s list of facilities in Turkiye that perform COVID-19 tests at: https://hsgm.saglik.gov.tr/tr/haberler/yetkilendirilmis-covi-d-19-tani-laboratuvarlari.html
- Method of delivery of test depends on the institution.
- For information regarding vaccines received in Turkiye, you may be able to obtain a HealthPass Sertifika from e-Nabız | Turkish Ministry of Health (enabiz.gov.tr)
- Turkish Ministry of Health English language website on COVID-19 can be accessed from: https://www.hssgm.gov.tr/MeasuresOfCovid19
- Visit the FDA’s website to learn more about FDA-approved vaccines in the United States.
Local Resources:
- We recommend that you check with the Turkish authorities for answers to specific questions. To do so, you may call 184 to reach a Turkish-speaking representative, but you may also want to call the number for the Turkish Ministry of Health at 112, where you can request an English-speaking representative. If those numbers don’t prove useful, we suggest you try a hotline that offers help to foreigners +90 352 157 11 22 in several languages.
Other links:
- CDC page on COVID-19
- state.gov Country Information and Travel Advisory page https://travel.state.gov/content/travel/en/traveladvisories/traveladvisories/turkey-travel-advisory.html