The school will be held in the Department of Physics, Istanbul University, Istanbul, Turkey. Lectures (in the Nazım Terzioğlu Building) and hands on exercises will be held in the laboratories (Freshman laboratories - electric & mechanic) at Department of Physics. Coffee breaks will be served at at Department of Physics and lunches will be served at lunch room of Istanbul University.
The Department of Physics, Istanbul University started its education life under the roof of Istanbul University. In the department there are a six divisions as, Atomic and Molecular Physics Division, General Physics, Solid State Physics, Mathematical Physics, Nuclear Physics and High Energy/Plasma Physics. Our department continues its research activities with many collaborations nationally (TUBITAK, TENMAK, MAM, and many national universities) and internationally (CERN, GSI, DESY, FNAL, foreign universities).
The Department of Physics performs theoretical studies as well as research activities in: Atomic and Molecular Physics Chemistry, Environmental Radioactivity Measurement and Research, Dielectric Spectroscopy, Sustainable Energy Research, Advanced Lithographic Methods, Thin Films and Defect Characterization, Infrared Spectroscopy and Simulation, Laser Spectroscopy, Molecular Simulation, Molecular Spectroscopy, Nano and Optoelectronic Research, Nanotechnology Research, Detector Design, Gamma Spectroscopy, Radon Measurement, Environmental Radioactivity Measurement and Research, Particle and Radiation Detectors Research and Development, Renewable Energy and Oxide Hybrid Systems, High Magnetic Field and Low Temperature Laboratories.
The Physics Department is located within the Faculty of Science, it's entrance is shown with blue arrow in the below: