Working Group on Electroweak precision measurements at the LHC

TH Theory Conference Room (CERN)

TH Theory Conference Room


Michelangelo Mangano (CERN)

 Working group conveners:

  • ATLAS: M. Boonekamp and J. Guimaraes da Costa
  • CMS: M. Schmitt and G.De Monchenault
  • LHCb: R. McNulty and T.Shears
  • LPCC: M. Mangano

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    • W/Z Cross sections and asymmetries TH Theory Conference Room

      TH Theory Conference Room


      • 1
      • 2
        W/Z and DY production, pt spectra, asymmetries: ATLAS
        Speaker: Alberto Belloni (Physics Department - Jefferson Physical Laboratory - Harvard Uni)
      • 3
        W/Z and DY production, pt spectra, asymmetries: CMS
        Speaker: Prof. Jeremiah Mans (University of Minnesota/CMS)
      • 4
        W/Z and DY production, pt spectra, asymmetries: LHCb
        Speaker: Dr Tara Shears (UNIVERSITY OF LIVERPOOL)
      • 10:40
        Coffee break
      • 5
        Simulation of FSR radiation in W and Z decays
        Speaker: Zbigniew Was (High Energy Department - Henryk Niewodniczanski Inst. Nucl. Phys)
      • 6
        EM/EW corrections in DY Monte Carlos: status, systematics and examples of Tevatron applications
        Speaker: Alessandro Vicini (Dip. di Fisica Nucleare e Teorica-Universita degli Studi di Pavi)
      • 7
        The goal is to outline and start addressing the issues relevant for a uniform definition of cross sections across the experiments, and for the combination of experimental results, including W+gamma final states Topics to be covered in the discussion: * Common fiducial volumes. Uncertainty in extrapolation of one experiments' results to the others' volume * optimal fiducial volume (minimize theoretical uncertainties) * effects of crack interpolations * possible agreement on theoretical setup (inclusion of QED/EW corrections, reference external PDF set, reference MC codes, etc) * "standardize" correlated and uncorrelated systematic uncertainties to be addressed, and think towards a common approach. * averaging procedures
        • a) Comparison and combination of W the lepton asymmetry from ATLAS, CMS and LHCb
          Speakers: Alberto Belloni (Physics Department - Jefferson Physical Laboratory - Harvard Uni), Kristin Lohwasser (Albert-Ludwigs-Universitaet Freiburg)
        • b) Combining TGC results
          Speaker: Prof. Yurii Maravin (KSU)
    • 13:00
      Lunch break
    • W mass TH Theory Conference Room

      TH Theory Conference Room


      • 8
        Review of the Tevatron experience
        Speaker: Jan Stark (LPSC Grenoble)
      • 9
        Discussion of commonalities/differences at the LHC
      • 10
        Simulation of inclusive DY pt distributions: comparisons among various calculations (POWHEG, Resbos, DYNNLO, DYQT)
        Speaker: giuseppe bozzi (universita' degli studi di milano)
      • 11
        Impact of DY modeling and tunings on MW measurement
        Speaker: Alessandro Vicini (Dip. di Fisica Nucleare e Teorica-Universita degli Studi di Pavi)
      • 12
        Remarks on the PDF systematics in the measurement of MW
        Speaker: Mieczyslaw Krasny (Universites de Paris VI et VII)
      • 16:10
        Coffee break
      • 13
        MW and PDF sensitivity of Drell-Yan observables
        Speaker: giuseppe bozzi (universita' degli studi di milano)
      • 14
        MW discussion
        Experimental systematics, detector simulation issues, generation CPU constraints: what are the needs for the studies of precision EW physics? Are there items of common interest to all experiments, in the detector simulation area, for which resources need to be allocated?
  • Tuesday 5 April
    • PDF issues: systematics for Xsection predictions, and W/Z data as inputs for PDF fits TH Theory Conference Room

      TH Theory Conference Room


      • 15
        Assessment of the impact of LHC W lepton asymmetry data on PDF fits
        Speaker: Dr Maria Ubiali (RWTH Aachen University)
      • 16
        W/Z cross sections: PDF systematics at NNLO
        Speaker: Johannes Bluemlein (DESY)
      • 17
        PDF dependence of W/Z cross sections and lepton charge asymmetry at the LHC
        Speaker: Graeme Watt
      • 18
      • 10:50
        Coffee break
      • 19
        LHCb: tools to incorporate LHCb data in fits
        Speaker: Dr Ronan McNulty (University College Dublin)
      • 20
        ATLAS tools for PDF fitting of W/Z distributions
        Speaker: Alexandre Glazov (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DESY))
      • 21
        Discussion: Use of LHC jet data in PDF fits
    • 13:00
      Lunch break
    • A_FB, sin2thetaW, W+jets, and more TH Theory Conference Room

      TH Theory Conference Room


      • 22
        First study of AFB and measurement of sin2thetaW at CMS
        Speaker: Andrei Gritsan (Rowland Dept. of Phys. and Astron.-Johns Hopkins University-Unkn)
      • 23
        LHCb: prospects for a precisce measurement of AFB
        Speaker: Dr Ronan McNulty (University College Dublin)
      • 24
        Mixed EW/QCD corrections in MCs
        Speaker: Fulvio Piccinini (Unknown)
      • 25
        Theoretical issues in extracting sin2thetaW from AFB at the LHC: EW corrections, EW-QCD interference, PDFs, .....
        Speakers: Michelangelo Mangano (CERN), Wolfgang Hollik
      • 15:30
        Coffee break
      • 26
        ATLAS: W/Z+jets, including heavy quarks: status and issues
        Speaker: Gavin Hesketh (University College London-University of London)
      • 27
        CMS: W/Z+jets, including heavy quarks: status and issues
        Speaker: Matthias U. Mozer (Unknown)
      • 28
        EW corrections to V+jet production at the LHC
        Speaker: Tobias Kasprzik (KIT, Karlsruhe)
      • 29
        * Algorithms and cone sizes * jet calibration procedures and systematics * Large angle FSR photons and jet/lepton overlap removal. Leptons, neutrinos, FSR photons included or not in jet definition? * Make a list of possible additional measurements, of interest for EW physics or PDF determinations. For example: - W+charm - gamma + charm - Z + b