10–13 Oct 2023
University of Tarapaca, Arica, Chile
America/Santiago timezone

On measurement of spin quantization axis of the $V$- meson resonance via the cross sections of inclusive reaction $A+B\Longrightarrow V+X\Longrightarrow 1+2+X$ and relativistic partial wave analysis of the $V$-meson decay reaction $V\Longrightarrow 1+2$.

12 Oct 2023, 12:35
Room 101 (Room 101)

Room 101

Room 101

Oral presentation High Energy Particle Physics Parallel Session 2


Alexander Machavariani


Relativistic procedure of explicit accounting of the orbital momentum and
spin of the $V$-meson resonance
is suggested for the high energy inclusive reaction
$A+B\Longrightarrow V+X\Longrightarrow 1+2+X$.
It is compared decays of the structureless and composite $V$-mesons.
Composite mesons are constructed within to the general field-theoretical
where hadrons and hadron-resonances are bound states of quarks {\bf [1,2]}.
It is shown that structure of the meson generate
additional terms in the cross sections and in $V$-meson spin density matrix
and an additional dependence on the orbital momentum of this meson.

Special attention is given to the method of determining the $V$-meson spin quantization axis
and to the possibility of identifying the quark structure of $V$-meson resonance using experimental cross sections of reactions
$A+B\Longrightarrow V+X\Longrightarrow 1+2+X$.

{\bf [1]} K. Huang and H. A. Weldon. Bound state wave functions and bound state scattering in relativistic field theory. Phys. Rev. {\bf D11} (1975) 257

{\bf [2]} A. I. Machavariani and Amand Faessler. Current conservation and analytic determination of the magnetic moment of the $\Dela$ resonance in the
$\pi N$ bremsstrahlung: II. Formulation with quark degrees of freedom. III. Magnetic moment of the $\Delta^o$ and $\Delta^-$ resonances. J. Phys. G: Nucl. Part. Phys. {\bf 38} (2011) 035002


Alexander Machavariani, Prof. Dr. Lhep JINR Dubna and HEPI Tbilisi, Russia and Georgia N/A

Is this abstract from experiment? No
Name of experiment and experimental site NICA LHEP JINR
Is the speaker for that presentation defined? Yes
Internet talk Yes


Alexander Machavariani

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