42nd International Symposium on Physics in Collision (PIC 2023)
10 October, 8:30 am: opening of the conference, 13 October 17:30: Closing of the conference.

The International Symposium on Physics in Collision is a conference series that began in 1981 in Blacksburg, Virginia, USA. The symposium program is composed mainly by review talks that reflect new results from experimental research with a main focus on particle physics, but also reporting from other areas like heavy ion, astroparticle and gravitational physics. In addition to that, the symposium invites as well shorter contributions in the form of poster sessions and parallel talk sessions on the above topics. Invited speakers will review and update key topics in particle physics and related topics in which new results have been published in the last year or are reasonably expected to be so before the next symposium. The aim of presentations is to encourage informal discussions of new experimental results and their implications. The topics at the symposia cover a wide range of physics subjects from accelerator-based particle physics to astroparticle physics.
In 2023 the conference will be hosted in the University of Tarapaca, in Arica, Chile, the city of "Eternal Spring " and an exceptional location on the Pacific Ocean.