10–13 Oct 2023
University of Tarapaca, Arica, Chile
America/Santiago timezone

Code of conduct

Code of conduct
PIC 2023

The 42nd International Symposium on Physics in Collision 2023 aims to ensure fair treatment and to foster a collaborative scientific exchange during the conference.

All participants and other people involved in the conference are expected to conduct themselves in a way that is free from any form of discrimination or harassment in verbal, physical or digital form, or in any other form.

Participants are expected to avoid any inappropriate actions or statements based on individual characteristics such as age, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, marital status, nationality, political affiliation, ability status, educational background, or any other characteristic.

Talking in unfriendly tone of voice against the work of someone, or making negative comments about other researchers results during their presentations or in the discussion time using inappropriate or bold language, insisting on repeating negative comments, insisting that other people respond to a question or to a request to comment on something when they do not wish to do so, and any kind of other behaviour that disturbs participants, convenors or organisers,  during the conference, is considered harassing behaviour.

If you are being offended, harassed or discriminated or you notice that someone else is being offended, harassed or discriminated on a matter related to the PIC 2023 conference, please contact the organisers with an email to physicsincollision2023@gmail.com writing your name and employer and with subject of the email "For the ethical committee of PIC 2023", and describing the problem in detail. All such requests will be treated confidentially.
Looking forward to a peaceful, friendly and collaborative scientific exchange during PIC 2023.