10–13 Oct 2023
University of Tarapaca, Arica, Chile
America/Santiago timezone

Accommodation and transportation informations

Please find below some hotels that we recommend. However there is a big number of other hotels in various prices offered in Arica. Transportation between your hotel and the Campus Velasquez, can be assured by 1) using a taxi of a special line called "collectivo"  (it is like a bus that drops you out everywhere you want, along his line of circulation), it costs 800 CLP per person, and you share it with others, or 2) a normal taxi that will take about 2500-3000 CLP.

Antay Hotel and Spa, Arica, Chile. It is in 10 min walking distance from the conference. 

Novotel, Arica, Chile.  It is in 15-20 min walking distance from the conference (nice walk via the beach).

Diego de Almagro Hotel, Arica, Chile. It is in 30-40 min walking distance from the conference (nice walk via the beach).

Participants are expected to book and pay their hotels by themselves. 

You can find a taxi service at the airport of Arica to bring you to the town of Arica. The expected price is about 17000 CLP. You can also opt to share a taxi with others in which case price will be about 11000 CLP. If you need a receipt better to say this to the driver in advance of the travel.