Publication of material contributed to PIC 2023
The material shown at the PIC 2023 can be submitted for peer review and publication in the International Journal for Modern Physics A (IJMPA) of World Scientific (if the paper contains also new unpublished results) or in the International Journal of Modern Physics Conference Series (IJMPCS) of World Scientific (if the paper contains only results already published elsewhere).
Deadline has been extended to: 31 March 2025
Please see below how to submit your paper.
1) Selected papers of PIC 2023 will be published in a special issue in the International Journal of Modern Physics A (IJMPA) after a peer-review refereeing procedure with criteria relevant for journal publications.
The IJMPA journal is indexed in Web Of Science (WOS).
Submission Guidelines to IJMPA
Please submit your manuscript online via Editorial Manager (EM) at a fully web-based submission, peer-review, and tracking system.
Then at the "Select Article Type ", choose the option :
Selected Papers: PIC 2023
Please consult the guidelines for submission in
Detailed instructions for preparation of manuscripts are available in: Latex2e (readme / Download)
Papers submitted to this special issue, which will may pass the refereeing criteria for the special issue, will be considered for the IJMPS proceedings volume (see next item).
2) The proceedings of PIC2023 will be published in International Journal of Modern Physics: Conference Series (IJMPCS) (World Scientific) after a peer-review refereeing procedure with the usual criteria for conference proceedings.
If your paper contains only results already published elsewhere, we suggest to submit your paper to IJMPCS.
Submission Guidelines to IJMPCS
Manuscripts should be submitted directly to the conference organizer. Please email the pdf of your manuscript and a zip with all files used to create this pdf, attached to one email to with subject "Paper submission YOUR NAME"
Authors are asked to typeset their submissions using the LaTeX2e or Microsoft Word templates of IJMPCS, which can be downloaded from the links below: