10–13 Oct 2023
University of Tarapaca, Arica, Chile
America/Santiago timezone

Charm physics at BESIII

12 Oct 2023, 12:10
Aula Magna (Aula Magna)

Aula Magna

Aula Magna

Oral presentation High Energy Particle Physics Parallel Session 1


Dr Bai-Cian Ke


BESIII has collected 2.93, 7.33, and 4.5 fb^-1 of $e^+e^-$ collision data samples at 3.773, 4.128-4.226, and 4.6-4.7 GeV, which provide the largest dataset of $D\bar{D}$, $D_s^*D_s$, and $\Lambda_c\bar{\Lambda}_c$ pairs in the world, respectively.

For charmed mesons, we will report the updated measurements of $D_s^+\to \eta^{(‘)} e^+ \nu_e$, $D_s^+\to \tau^+ \nu_\tau$, and the form factor studies in $D_s^+\to\pi^+\pi^- e^+ \nu_e$. In addition, we will report the amplitude analyses of Cabibbo-favored and -suppressed $D_s$ decays, including the observation of a new a_0-like state at 1.817 GeV. We will also report the improved measurement of the strong-phase difference in quantum-correlated $D\bar{D}$ decays.
For charmed baryon, we will report the form factor measurement in $\Lambda_c^+ \to \Lambda e^+ \nu_e$, the observation of $\Lambda_c^+\to p K^- e^+ \nu_e$, and branching fraction measurements of $\Lambda_c$ singly-Cabibbo-suppressed decays.


Bai-Cian Ke, Professor, Zhengzhou University, China

Is this abstract from experiment? Yes
Name of experiment and experimental site BESIII
Is the speaker for that presentation defined? Yes
Internet talk Yes


Dr Bai-Cian Ke

Presentation materials