10–13 Oct 2023
University of Tarapaca, Arica, Chile
America/Santiago timezone

Direct determination of the Collins-Soper kernel

12 Oct 2023, 15:10
Room 101 (Room 101)

Room 101

Room 101

Oral presentation High Energy Particle Physics Parallel Session 2


Armando Bermudez Martinez (CERN)


We present a novel method of extraction of the Collins-Soper kernel directly from the comparison of differential cross-sections measured at different energies. Using this method, we provide feasibility studies for the direct measurement of the Collins-Soper kernel with the CMS detector. We also solve a long standing problem of comparison between TMDs obtained from PB and factorization approaches.


Armando Bermudez Martinez, CERN, Switzerland

Is this abstract from experiment? No
Name of experiment and experimental site N/A
Is the speaker for that presentation defined? Yes
Internet talk Yes

Primary authors

Alexey Vladimirov (Universidad Complutense de Madrid) Armando Bermudez Martinez (CERN) Mr David Gutierrez Menendez (Havana University)

Presentation materials