A novel idea was proposed not long ago to help out laser-induced fusion with simultaneous volume ignition, a spin-off from heavy ion collisions, which uses implanted nano antennas to regulate and amplify light absorption in a fusion target [1,2]. Recent studies have analyzed the resilience of these nano antennas in a vacuum [3] and in a UDMA-TEGDMA medium[4]. While the lifetime of the...
The NAPLIFE project activity is presented from the original patent idea in 2017 up to now: Initial theoretical concepts, target realizations, the idea of Laser Wake Field Collider, Multi-layered Target design, Targets with implanted nano- rod antennas, resilience and absorption properties of nano- antennas in vacuum and in UDMA-TEGDMA polymers, analysis of crater formation with and without...
With a start of data-taking scheduled in 2029, the High-Luminosity LHC (HL-LHC) will extend the LHC program to the first half of the 2040???s with pp collisions at s = 14 TeV, with an expected integrated luminosity of 3000 fb1 for the ATLAS experiment. Its physics programme will directly benefit from the large luminosity to be collected, improved systematic uncertainties as well as from new...
We have computed the mass spectra of light flavored strange tetra quark within the framework of diquark-antidiquark potential model along with the incorporation of spin-dependent terms to describe the splitting structure for orbital and radial excitations. We have successfully evaluated the experimentally observed ground state masses of light mesons to fit the model’s parameters which are used...