XII International Conference on New Frontiers in Physics

Orthodox Academy of Crete, Kolymbari, Crete, Greece (Hybrid mode)

Orthodox Academy of Crete, Kolymbari, Crete, Greece (Hybrid mode)



The International Conference on New Frontiers in Physics aims to promote scientific exchange and the development of novel ideas in science, with a particular emphasis on interdisciplinary collaboration. The conference will bring together experts from around the world, as well as promising young scientists working on experimental and theoretical aspects of particle, nuclear, heavy ion, and astroparticle physics and cosmology, along with colleagues from other disciplines, such as solid-state physics, mathematics, mathematical physics, quantum optics, and more. 

The conference will be hosted at the Conference Center of the Orthodox Academy of Crete (OAC), which is situated in an exceptionally beautiful location just a few meters from the Mediterranean Sea.

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Sonia Kabana
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Oleksandr Vitiuk
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    • 1:00 PM
    • 2:00 PM
    • Outreach: Welcome talk from Organizers Room 1

      Room 1

      • 1
        Welcome talk from Organizers Room 1

        Room 1

        Speakers: Larisa Bravina, Sonia Kabana (Instituto De Alta Investigación, Universidad de Tarapacá (CL))
    • Cosmology, Astrophysics, Gravity, Mathematical Physics Room 1

      Room 1

      • 2
        Early Galaxies and Primordial Black Holes

        A review of the recent data of James Webb Space Telescope and Hubble Space Telescope on the early formed galaxies and quasars is presented. It is argued that the tension between the observational data and the conventional cosmological model could be eliminated by primordial black holes (PBH). An appropriate mechanism of PBH formation is described. Also news on the galactic antimatter observation are discussed.

        Speaker: Alexander Dolgov
    • 4:30 PM
      Coffee break
    • Heavy Ion Collisions and Critical Phenomena Room 1

      Room 1

      • 3
        Recent hard probes measurements from STAR.

        The STAR experiment at RHIC has excellent detector coverage, tracking, and particle identification capabilities to study emergent phenomena of QCD, for instance the Quark-Gluon Plasma (QGP) created in central heavy-ion collisions. Among the probes used experimentally to study the QGP’s properties, hard probes (jets and heavy flavor quarks) are unique since they are dominantly produced at the early stage of the collisions and subsequently experience the entire evolution of the system. These probes help to unravel the fundamental properties of the medium, such as temperature, viscosity, energy density and transport coefficients. The measurements in pp and p+Au systems serve as vacuum and cold nuclear matter baselines for modification of the probes in heavy-ion collisions.

        In this talk, we will discuss recent high-precision measurements of charm and bottom mesons, quarkonia, jet production and substructure in p+p, p+Au, and heavy-ion collisions in the STAR experiment. In addition, an outlook for upcoming measurements will be presented.

        Speaker: Jaroslav Bielcik (Czech Technical University in Prague (CZ))
    • Cosmology, Astrophysics, Gravity, Mathematical Physics Room 1

      Room 1

      • 4
        Vacuum Decay and New Instantons

        The Coleman approach to the false vacuum decay is revised. An infinite class of potentials for which the Coleman instantons do not exist is constructed. For such potentials, false vacuum decay is provided by new instantons with a quantum core. For a potential unbounded from below or having a true vacuum with a depth exceeding the barrier height, the materialized bubble dominating in the vacuum decay has the thick wall and the thin-wall approximation is inapplicable. The thick-wall approximation which reproduces the leading-order results for the few known exactly solvable potentials is developed. The proposed approach is applied to the general scalar potentials in an arbitrary number of dimensions, and universal formulae for the basic physical quantities are derived.

        Speakers: Alexander Sorin (Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna), Prof. Alexander Sorin (Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (RU))
    • 7:00 PM
      Introduction to the History of OAC Chapel and Meaning of Blessing by Katerina Karkala (OAC), followed by a ceremony of Blessing

      Katerina Karkala

    • 8:00 PM
    • 5
      Opening of the ICNFP Conference Room 1

      Room 1

      Speakers: Larisa Bravina, Sonia Kabana (Instituto De Alta Investigación, Universidad de Tarapacá (CL))
    • 6
      Welcome talk Room 1

      Room 1

      Prof. Konstantinos Zormpas

    • High Energy Particle Physics Room 1

      Room 1

      • 7
        Recent results of SUSY searches at CMS

        A compendium of the most recent results obtained by the CMS collaboration on searches for supersymmetry is presented. The list comprises a combination of several searches for the electroweak production of winos, binos, higgsinos, and sleptons, the latest efforts devoted to analyses exploiting final states with multiple photons and jets, and a dedicated search for long-lived supersymmetric particles. All results covered here are based on proton-proton collision data at $\sqrt{s}=13\text{ TeV}$, collected between 2016 and 2018 by the CMS detector at the LHC, and corresponding to an integrated luminosity of around $137\text{ fb}^{-1}$.

        Speaker: Danyer Perez Adan (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DE))
      • 8
        Status and perspectives for ATLAS HL-LHC Upgrade Program

        While the on-going Run-3 data-taking campaign will provide twice the integrated proton-proton luminosity currently available at the LHC, most of the data expected for the full LHC physics program will only be delivered during the HL-LHC phase. For this, the LHC will undergo an ambitious upgrade program to be able to deliver an instantaneous luminosity of $7.5\times 10^{34}$ cm$^{-2}$ s$^{-1}$, allowing the collection of more than 3 ab$^{-1}$ of data at $\sqrt{s}=$13.6 (14) TeV. This unprecedented data sample will allow ATLAS to perform several precision measurements to constrain the Standard Model Theory (SM) in yet unexplored phase-spaces, in particular in the Higgs sector, a phase-space only accessible at the LHC. To benefit from such a rich data-sample it is fundamental to upgrade the detector to cope with the challenging experimental conditions that include huge levels of radiation and pile-up events. The ATLAS upgrade comprises a completely new all-silicon tracker with extended rapidity coverage that will replace the current inner tracker detector; a redesigned trigger and data acquisition system for the calorimeters and muon systems allowing the implementation
        of a free-running readout system. Finally, a new subsystem called High Granularity Timing Detector, will aid the track-vertex association in the forward region by incorporating timing information into the reconstructed tracks. A final ingredient, relevant to almost all measurements, is a precise determination of the delivered luminosity with systematic uncertainties below the percent level. This challenging task will be achieved by collecting the information from several detector systems using different and complementary techniques.
        This presentation will describe the ongoing ATLAS detector upgrade status and the main results obtained with the prototypes, giving a synthetic, yet global, view of the whole upgrade project.

        Speaker: Sebastian Grinstein (IFAE - Barcelona (ES))
    • 10:30 AM
      Coffee break
    • High Energy Particle Physics Room 1

      Room 1

      • 9
        Searches for BSM resonances in ATLAS

        Many new physics models predict the existence of new particles. This talk summarizes recent ATLAS searches for Beyond-the-Standard-Model heavy resonances which decay to pairs of bosons, heavy quarks, or leptons, using Run 2 data collected at the LHC. The experimental methods are explained, including the jet substructure techniques used in some searches to disentangle the hadronic decay products in highly boosted configurations.

        Speaker: Monica Verducci (Universita & INFN Pisa (IT))
      • 10
        Recent searches for new phenomena with the ATLAS detector

        Many theories beyond the Standard Model (BSM) have been proposed to address several of the Standard Model shortcomings, such as the origin of dark matter and neutrino masses, the fine-tuning of the Higgs Boson mass, or the observed pattern of masses and mixing angles in the quark and lepton sectors. Many of these BSM extensions predict new particles or interactions directly accessible at the LHC. This talk will present some highlights on recent searches based on the the full Run 2 data collected by the ATLAS detector at the LHC with a centre-of-mass energy of 13 TeV. These include searches for leptoquarks and vector-like quarks, new high mass resonances and lepton flavour violating decays, dark matter searches in final states with large missing transverse momentum, as well as dark-sector searches using unconventional and long-lived particle signatures.

        Speaker: Ana Maria Rodriguez Vera (York University (CA))
      • 11
        Searches for strong production of supersymmetric particles

        Supersymmetry (SUSY) provides elegant solutions to several problems in the Standard Model, and searches for SUSY particles are an important component of the LHC physics program. Naturalness arguments favour supersymmetric partners of the gluons and third generation quarks with masses light enough to be produced at the LHC. This talk will present the latest results of searches conducted by the ATLAS experiment which target gluino and squark production, including stop and sbottom, in a variety of decay modes. It covers both R-parity conserving models that predict dark matter candidates and R-parity violating models that typically lead to high-multiplicity final states without large missing transverse momentum.

        Speaker: Egor Antipov (Stony Brook University (US))
    • Heavy Ion Collisions and Critical Phenomena Room 1

      Room 1

      • 12
        Hadronisation of heavy quarks in pp collisions with ALICE at the LHC

        The transition from quarks to hadrons is a fundamental process in nature that can be studied at colliders. Heavy quarks (charm and beauty) are mainly produced in hard scattering processes occurring in the early stages of the collisions, and the measurement of production yields of final-state hadrons are a sensitive tool for studying their hadronisation processes. In particular, measurements of open-charm hadron production in pp collisions at the LHC are crucial to study the charm-quark hadronisation in a partonic rich environment, compared to e$^+$e$^-$ or e$^-$p collisions. The measurements of charm-baryon production in pp collisions show a significantly larger baryon-to-meson ratio than in those collision systems, suggesting that the fragmentation function of charm is not universal across the different collision systems. 

        In this talk, the latest measurements of charm meson (D$^{0}$, D$^+$, D$_{\rm s}^{+}$) and baryon ($\Lambda_{\rm c}^{+}$, $\Xi_{\rm c}^{0,+}$, $\Sigma_{\rm c}^{0,++}$, $\Omega^{0}_{\rm c}$) production at midrapidity in pp collisions at $\sqrt{s}$ = 13 TeV with ALICE will be reported. These measurements allowed us to measure the total charm production cross section at midrapidity and the charm-to-hadron fragmentation fractions in pp collisions. In addition, the published results in pp collisions at $\sqrt{s}$ = 5 TeV will be presented. The recent measurements of non-prompt D mesons and $\Lambda^{+}_{\rm c}$ baryons in the same collision system will be discussed to provide a quantitative comparison between hadronisation properties of beauty and charm hadrons.

        Speaker: Syaefudin Jaelani (National Research and Innovation Agency - BRIN (ID))
    • High Energy Particle Physics Room 1

      Room 1

      • 13
        Latest results on $K^+ \rightarrow \pi^+ \nu \bar\nu$ decay and precision measurements with Kaons at NA62

        An overview of the latest results on $K^+ \rightarrow \pi^+ \nu \bar\nu$ decay and precision measurements at the NA62 experiment will be presented.
        The NA62 experiment at CERN collected the world’s largest dataset of charged kaon decays in 2016-2018, leading to the first measurement of the Branching Fraction of the ultra-rare $K^+ \rightarrow \pi^+ \nu \bar\nu$ decay, based on 20 candidates. This provides evidence for the very rare $K^+ \rightarrow \pi^+ \nu \bar\nu$ decay, observed with a significance of 3.4$\sigma$. This measurement is also used to set limits on BR($K^+ \rightarrow \pi^+ X$), where X is a scalar or pseudo-scalar particle. The analysis of the full 2016-2018 data sample and future NA62 plans and prospects are reviewed.

        More recent results from NA62 analyses of $K^+ \rightarrow \pi^0 e^+ \nu \gamma$, $K^+ \rightarrow \pi^+ \mu^+ \mu^-$ and $K^+\rightarrow \pi^+ \gamma \gamma$ decays, using data samples recorded in 2017--2018, are also reported. The radiative kaon decay $K^+ \rightarrow \pi^0 e^+ \nu \gamma$ (Ke3g) is studied with a data sample of O(100k) Ke3g candidates with sub-percent background contaminations. Preliminary results with the most precise measurements of the Ke3g branching ratios and T-asymmetry are presented. The $K^+ \rightarrow \pi^+ \mu^+ \mu^-$ sample comprises about 27k signal events with negligible background contamination, and the presented analysis results include the most precise determination of the branching ratio and the form factor. The $K^+ \rightarrow \pi^+ \gamma \gamma$ sample contains about 4k signal events with $10\%$ background contamination, and the analysis improves the precision of the branching ratio measurement by a factor of 3 with respect to the previous measurements.

        Speaker: Paolo Massarotti (Universita Federico II e INFN Sezione di Napoli (IT))
    • 1:00 PM
    • 2:00 PM
    • 3:30 PM
      Coffee break
    • Heavy Ion Collisions and Critical Phenomena Room 2

      Room 2

      • 14
        Title: Status of the FOOT experiment and first measurements of 16O fragmentation cross sections on C target

        The study of nuclear fragmentation plays a central role in many important applications: from the study of Particle Therapy up to radiation protection for space missions.
        In Particle Therapy, nuclear interactions of the beam with the patient’s body causes fragmentation of both the projectile and target nuclei.
        In treatments with protons, target fragmentation generates short range secondary particles along the beam path, that may deposit a non-negligible dose especially in the entry channel. On the other hand, in treatments with heavy ions, such as C or other potential ions of interest, like He or O, the main concern is long range fragments produced by projectile fragmentation, that release the dose in the healthy tissues downstream of the tumor volume. 

        Fragmentation processes need to be carefully taken into account when planning a treatment, in order to keep the dose accuracy within the recommended 3% of tolerance level.
        The assessment of the impact that these processes have on the released dose is currently very limited from the lack of experimental data, especially for the relevant fragmentation cross sections. For this reason, treatment plans are not yet able to include the fragmentation contribution to the dose map with the required accuracy.
        The FOOT (FragmentatiOn Of Target) collaboration designed an experiment to fill this gap in experimental data, aiming the measurement of the differential cross sections of interest. In this contribution, an overview of the FOOT experiment, including the present detector design, status and the expected performances will be discussed. In addition the preliminary measurement of the elemental fragmentation cross sections for a 16O beam of 400 MeV/u kinetic energy interacting with a graphite target using a partial setup composed of the FOOT scintillator detectors for the time of flight (TOF) and energy loss (ΔE) measurements together with a drift chamber, used as beam monitor, and silicon pixels and strips for tracking will be shown.

        Speaker: Angelica De Gregorio
      • 15
        Effect of interactions on the topological expression for the chiral separation effect

        In the absence of interactions the conductivity of chiral separation effect (CSE) in the system of massless fermions is given by topological expression. Interactions might change the pattern drastically. However, we prove that the CSE conductivity is still given by the topological invariant composed of the Green functions at zero temperature as long as the chiral symmetry is present, and if the renormalized axial current is considered. This allows to predict its appearance with the standard value of conductivity per Dirac fermion in quark-gluon matter at zero temperature and sufficiently large baryon chemical potential, in the hypothetical phase with restored chiral symmetry and without color superconductivity. This phase may be realized inside the neutron stars. We also argue that the same topological expression for the CSE may be observed in Weyl semimetals, which realize the system of interacting relativistic fermions in solid state systems. In order to estimate the non-perturbative corrections to the CSE conductivity within QCD at finite temperatures we apply method of field correlators developed by Yu.A.Simonov. As expected, above the deconfinement crossover the topological expression is approached within the quark-gluon plasma phase, when the quark chemical potential is sufficiently large. However, we observe that this occurs only when quark chemical potential is much larger than the thermal (Debye) mass. This range of parameters appears to be far out of the region accessible at the modern colliders.

        Speaker: Ruslan Abramchuk (Ariel University, Israel)
      • 16
        Neutronic Chain Reactions in Bismuth Salts

        The production of the industrially significant radionuclide polonium-210 from the neutron irradiation of bismuth metal and the subsequent beta decay of bismuth-210 is highly inefficient due to the small neutron capture cross section of bismuth-209. In this paper, we report a previously undescribed self-sustaining nuclear chain reaction involving self- propagating neutron multiplication in bismuth salts that allow for rapid and cost-effective production of polonium- 210. The reaction proceeds in a cycle of three alternating elementary steps – the capture of neutrons by bismuth-209 and the subsequent formation of polonium-210, the emission of high-energy alpha particles by polonium-210, and the production of more neutrons from (α,n) and (n,2n) reactions on light element and bismuth-209 nuclei respectively. Furthermore, the high hydrogen density of the compound also confers it intrinsic neutron moderation properties, increasing the neutron capture cross section of bismuth-209 at thermal neutron energies. The chain reaction was proven to have successfully occurred by irradiating a sample of the bismuth salt with a 80 μCi neutron source and monitoring the activity levels of the reaction. It was found that the activity of the reaction increased exponentially after an initial stable period following a derived formula for polonium production trends for the reaction, thus validating the occurrence of the reaction. Furthermore, alpha spectroscopy confirmed that polonium-210 had been produced by characterising the 5.30 MeV alpha emission peak of the reaction in addition to using beta spectroscopy to identify the parent nuclide bismuth-210, further proving that the reaction was successful. Hence, this paper reports the successful initiation and characterisation of a novel nuclear chain reaction, and its potential applications offered by a method of rapidly producing large quantities of polonium-210.

        Speaker: Solomon Lim
    • High Energy Particle Physics Room 1

      Room 1

      • 17
        AtlFast3, the ATLAS fast simulation tool in Run3

        AtlFast3 is the new, high-precision fast simulation in ATLAS that was deployed by the collaboration to replace AtlFastII, the fast simulation tool that was successfully used for most of Run2. AtlFast3 combines a parametrization-based Fast Calorimeter Simulation and a new machine-learning-based Fast Calorimeter Simulation based on Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs). This presentation will show the latest development and status of this toolset tuned to the ATLAS Run 3 detector geometry. The presentation will show that the current fast simulation can reproduce the Geant4 inputs with higher accuracy. In particular, the simulation of jets of particles reconstructed with large radii and the detailed description of their substructure are significantly improved compared with its predecessor AltFastII. The GAN models are also largely improved compared with the version that was used in the published AtlFast3 paper (Comput Softw Big Sci 6, 7 (2022)).

        Speaker: Rui Zhang (University of Wisconsin Madison (US))
      • 18
        Measurements of processes sensitive to quartic electroweak couplings in ATLAS

        Processes involving quartic electroweak gauge couplings have become experimentally accessible for the first time in the run-2 dataset of the LHC. In this talk, recent measurements of triboson production and the electroweak diboson production in association with two jets by the ATLAS experiment are presented. Differential measurements of Zyy production, as well as the observation of Wyy and WZy production are reported. Moreover, measurements of vector-boson scattering to ZZ, Zy and same-sign WW are discussed. They include a large set of differential distributions. The results are used to constrain dimension-eight operators affecting quartic electroweak couplings in an Effective Field Theory framework.

        Speaker: Shalu Solomon (Brandeis University (US))
      • 19
        Overview of the ATLAS High-Granularity Timing Detector: project status and results

        The increase of the particle flux (pile-up) at the HL-LHC with instantaneous luminosities up to $L \simeq 7.5 \times 10^{34}$ cm$^{−2}$s$^{−1}$ will have a severe impact on the ATLAS detector reconstruction and trigger performance. The end-cap and forward region where the liquid Argon calorimeter has coarser granularity and the inner tracker has poorer momentum resolution will be particularly affected. A High Granularity Timing Detector (HGTD) will be installed in front of the LAr endcap calorimeters for pile-up mitigation and luminosity measurement.

        The HGTD is a novel detector introduced to augment the new all-silicon Inner Tracker in the pseudo-rapidity range from 2.4 to 4.0, adding the capability to measure charged-particle trajectories in time as well as space. Two silicon-sensor double-sided layers will provide precision timing information for minimum-ionising particles with a resolution as good as 30 ps per track in order to assign each particle to the correct vertex. Readout cells have a size of 1.3 mm × 1.3 mm, leading to a highly granular detector with 3.7 million channels. Low Gain Avalanche Detectors (LGAD) technology has been chosen as it provides enough gain to reach the large signal over noise ratio needed. The requirements and overall specifications of the HGTD will be presented as well as the technical design and the project status. The R&D effort carried out to study the sensors, the readout ASIC, and the other components, supported by laboratory and test beam results, will also be presented.

        Speaker: Selaiman Ridouani (Université Mohammed Premier Oujda (MA))
    • Heavy Ion Collisions and Critical Phenomena Room 1

      Room 1

      • 20
        Study of multiplicity-dependent charmonia production in p+p collisions with PHENIX

        The production of quarkonia in high-energy heavy-ion collisions has been studied extensively to understand their production mechanisms and properties of Quark-Gluon Plasma (QGP). The recent PHENIX study shows the increasing $J/\psi$ yields versus multiplicity in $p+p$ collisions which is similar to results in different $J/\psi$ acceptance and collision energy. These results imply that the multi-parton interactions contribute to the $J/\psi$ production at RHIC energy. PHENIX also performed a detailed study with multiplicity at various acceptance. $J/\psi$ and $\psi(2S)$ have the same quark-antiquark composition, but $\psi(2S)$ has a lower binding energy than $J/\psi$. Therefore, $J/\psi$ and $\psi(2S)$ are expected to be modified differently due to the final-state effect like interaction with nuclear mediums or co-moving particles. Such different modifications can be applied to $A+A$ collisions, even in small systems like $p+A$ collisions; thus, understanding the modification mechanism is crucial for the precise understanding of the whole production mechanism. It will be very interesting to extend the study of the relative production of two states in various multiplicity of $p+p$ collisions. In this talk, we will present the status of multiplicity-dependent production of charmonia in $p+p$ collisions with PHENIX, along with comparisons with results from other experiments and PYTHIA8 using various options.

        Speaker: Jongho Oh (Pusan National University (KR))
    • High Energy Particle Physics Room 2

      Room 2

      • 21
        Alpha decay of naturally occurring neodymium isotopes

        From 7 naturally occurring Nd isotopes, 5 are unstable in relation to α decay. Only for 144Nd, α decay was experimentally registered (to the ground state of the daughter nucleus), with half-life measured as 2.3x10^15 y [1]. This value is in a good agreement with our calculations. Theoretical T1/2 estimations of possible transitions for other Nd isotopes are higher. If these decays are accompanied by γ quanta, we could search for them with HPGe detector. We used a Nd2O3 sample with mass of 2.381 kg and a low-background set-up with four HPGe detectors in one cryostat. Measurements were performed at the STELLA facility of the Gran Sasso underground laboratory (Italy) over 51237 h. No effect was observed and new improved half-life limits were set which are 2-3 orders of magnitude better than those known previously. In particular, for α decays of 143Nd, 145Nd and 146Nd the lower limits are 2.8x10^19 y, 6.1x10^19 y and 3.3x10^21 y, respectively (for 143Nd and 145Nd – for α decays to the ground state and all possible excited levels, for 146Nd – for decay to the excited level 641 keV of 142Ce) with C.L. 90%. The estimated lower limit for 144Nd is 8.9x10^21 y (to the excited level 1596 keV of 140Ce). The lower limits on α decay and 2α decay of 148Nd were set as 1.2x10^19 y and 3.4x10^20 y for the first time.

        [1]  A.A. Sonzogni, Nucl. Data Sheets 93 (2001) 599.
        Speaker: Mr Nazar Sokur (Institute for Nuclear Research of NASU)
      • 22
        Status Report of μNet (mnet) Project.

        The μΝet project aims to deploy and operate an extensive school network of educational Cosmic Ray telescopes throughout the Peloponnese region. As part of the Net project, an extended educational program was conducted, with educational activities focusing on the design, construction, testing, and operation of Cosmics detectors (microCosmics), as well as the remote operation of cosmic ray detection stations and astroparticle physics detectors deployed at the Hellenic Open University (HOU) campus. The school year 2022-2023 was the first year of operation of Net, in which 55 schools from all over the country participated with 500 students and 75 teachers. Schools were responsible for maintaining the cosmic ray detector assigned to them. 20 of the schools installed the detectors on their physical premises, while the rest operated detectors located at the Hellenic Open University through remote access. The 20 schools that had the detectors on site were located in the Peloponnese region, and the students and teachers of these schools carried out the construction of the detector unit of the telescope, while the remaining 35 of the 55 schools watched the construction on video. All schools calibrated their telescopes, measured extensive atmospheric showers caused by cosmic particles as they entered the atmosphere, and processed the data they collected online through a website built by the university's physics lab. Students and teachers in the program were trained on how to construct the detectors, calibrate the telescope, and operate them to measure extensive atmospheric showers from cosmic particles. All schools were trained using distance learning methods. The experimental devices, the educational activities, and the developed software tools are briefly covered in this report, along with the main findings and outcomes of the first year of operation of the network.

        Speaker: Leonidas Xiros (Hellenic Open University)
    • High Energy Particle Physics Room 1

      Room 1

      • 23
        Spectroscopic study of heavy-light baryons in relativistic flux tube model

        In this work, we employ relativistic flux tube model to investigate the mass spectra of heavy-light baryons in quark-diquark configuration. Modified Regge relation between mass and angular momentum is derived by means of semiclassical approach in relativistic flux tube model. The mass spectra is generated by including spin dependent interactions in j-j coupling scheme. Regge trajectories in (J,M^2) plane are constructed to study its properties like linearity, parallelism, and equidistant. Our prediction for ground state and excited state masses agrees well with experimentally available masses. We assign possible spin-parity quantum number to some experimentally observed states, which can offer insightful information to upcoming experimental studies.

        Speaker: Pooja Jakhad
    • Heavy Ion Collisions and Critical Phenomena Room 2

      Room 2

      • 24
        Elliptic flow of inclusive charged hadrons in Au+Au collisions using the PHSD model

        Quark-Gluon Plasma (QGP) matter created in relativistic heavy-ion collisions exhibits strong collective behavior. This collectivity can be studied through the azimuthal anisotropy by the Fourier expansion of the azimuthal distributions of produced particles relative to the reaction plane. The second Fourier coefficient, elliptic flow ($v_2$), is particularly important to measure collectivity and medium properties such as shear viscosity to entropy density ratio ($\eta/s$) by comparing the measurements to the theoretical calculations. Charged hadron $v_2$ can provide insights on the quark-hadron phase transition and equation of state particularly at lower beam energies. A non-monotonic behavior of charged hadron $v_2$ as a function of $\sqrt{s_{NN}}$ and collision centrality might indicate the onset of a possible QGP phase transition.

        Therefore, in this talk, we will present inclusive charged hadron elliptic flow ($v_{2}$) at mid-rapidity ($|\eta| < 1.0$) in Au+Au collisions at $E_{lab}$ = 25 A GeV and 35 A GeV using the Parton Hadron String Dynamics (PHSD) model. The results will be presented as a function of centrality, transverse momentum ($p_T$), and pseudo-rapidity ($\eta$). $p_T$-integrated elliptic flow ($$) as a function beam energy and collision centrality will be discussed. A comparison of the results with the published elliptic flow measurements in Au+Au collisions at $\sqrt{s_{NN}}$ = 7.7 GeV from the STAR experiment at RHIC will be presented. These model calculations serve as a forecast for the collective behavior of matter created at Compressed Baryonic Matter (CBM) experiment at the Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research (FAIR) and are also helpful for the RHIC Beam Energy Scan (BES) program.

        Speaker: Dr Vipul Bairathi (Instituto de Alta Investigación, Universidad de Tarapacá)
    • 8:00 PM
    • High Energy Particle Physics Room 1

      Room 1

      • 25
        CMS searches for exotic signatures

        Although the standard model (SM) of particle physics provides a remarkably accurate description of phenomena associated with the known elementary particles and their interactions, it leaves significant problems unresolved, which motivates a comprehensive program of searches for beyond-the-SM physics at high energy colliders. This talk presents searches in CMS for new phenomena in the final states with gluon, light and heavy flavor jets, leptons, and heavy bosons focusing on the recent results obtained using the full Run-II data-set collected at the LHC. Potential with the newly acquired Run-III data will be also discussed.

        Speaker: Eirini Tziaferi (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (GR))
    • 10:30 AM
      Coffee break
    • High Energy Particle Physics Room 1

      Room 1

      • 26
        CMS Top

        Recent results on top quark properties and interactions are presented, obtained using data collected with the CMS experiment at 13 TeV and 13.6 TeV pp center-of-mass energies. The first measurement of the top quark pair cross section at 13.6 TeV is done with data collected by the CMS experiment, in good agreement with the standard model prediction. The first observation of the production of four top quarks in proton-proton 13 TeV collisions is reported. Also, it is presented the first evidence for the standard model production of a top quark in association with a W and a Z boson in multilepton final states. Inclusive and differential cross section measurements of ttbb production are also performed in the lepton jets channel. Further results are the search of the violation of Lorentz invariance using top quark pair (tt) production and the top pair charge asymmetry. The results are compared with predictions from the standard model.

        Speaker: Hugo Alberto Becerril Gonzalez (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DE))
      • 27
        Laser spectroscopy of antiprotonic helium atoms embedded in superfluid helium

        The ASACUSA collaboration at CERN's Antiproton Decelerator has carried out laser spectroscopy of metastable antiprotonic helium atoms embedded in superfluid helium targets [1]. These are three-body Coulomb systems composed of a helium nucleus, an electron and an orbital antiproton. An abrupt and unexpected reduction in the linewidth of the antiprotonic laser resonance to sub-Ghz width was observed when the liquid surrounding the atom transitioned into the superfluid phase. In this way, the hyperfine structure arising from the spin–spin interaction between the electron and antiproton was resolved with a relative spectral resolution of $2\times 10^{-6}$. This implies that other helium atoms containing antinuclei, and mesonic atoms formed in superfluid helium, may in the future be studied by laser spectroscopy with a high spectral resolution.

        [1] A. Sótér, H. Aghai-Khozani, D. Barna, A. Dax, L. Venturelli, M. Hori, Nature 6ö3, 411 (2022).

        Speaker: Masaki Hori (Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz and Imperial College London)
    • Cosmology, Astrophysics, Gravity, Mathematical Physics Room 1

      Room 1

      • 28
        DAMA/LIBRA-phase2 results and perspectives

        The features and the results of DAMA/LIBRA–phase2 experiment at Gran Sasso are presented. DAMA/LIBRA–phase2, with improved experimental configuration and lower software energy threshold with respect to the phase1, confirms a signal that meets all the requirements of the model independent Dark Matter annual modulation signature, at high C.L. The model independent DM
        annual modulation result is compatible with a wide set of DM candidates. A new configuration of DAMA/LIBRA–phase2 is now running with a further lowered energy threshold. The perspectives are outlined.

        Speaker: Pierluigi Belli
    • High Energy Particle Physics Room 1

      Room 1

      • 29
        Recent results from the DANSS experiment

        New results from the DANSS experiment on the searches for sterile neutrinos are presented. They are based on 7 million inverse beta decay events collected at 10.9, 11.9, and 12.9 meters from the 3.1 GW reactor core of the Kalinin Nuclear Power Plant in Russia. Additional 1 million of antineutrino events further improves the sensitivity for the sterile neutrino mixing parameter below 0.01 for a sterile neutrino mass around 1 eV. Obtained limits exclude practically all sterile neutrino parameters preferred by the recent BEST results for $\Delta m^2$ below 5 $eV^2$. Additional data will allow to test the statistical significance of the DANSS best-fit point in case of the 4-neutrino scenario which was 2.35σ. The neutrino spectrum dependence on the $^{239}Pu$ fission fraction is presented. It agrees with the predictions of the Huber-Mueller model. Using this dependence, the ratio of cross sections for $^{235}U$ and $^{239}Pu$ was extracted. It also agrees with the Huber-Mueller model and somewhat larger than in other experiments. The reactor power was measured using the IBD event rate during 6.5 years with a statistical accuracy of 1.5\% in 2 days and with the relative systematic uncertainty of about 0.5\%. The neutrino oscillation analysis using the predictions for the absolute antineutrino flux from the reactor with a conservative systematic error of 5\% excludes practically all sterile neutrino parameter space preferred by the recent BEST results as well as the best fit point of the Neutrino-4 experiment. Status of the DANSS upgrade will be presented. This upgrade should allow DANSS to test the Neutrino-4 claim of the observation of sterile neutrinos and to scrutinize even larger fraction of the sterile neutrino parameter space preferred by the recent BEST results.

        Speaker: Prof. Mikhail Danilov (Lebedev Physical Institute of RAS)
      • 30
        Heavy flavor tagging at the CMS experiment

        At the CMS experiment, the identification of heavy flavor jets, i.e. jets originated from bottom and charm quarks, is crucial for many Standard Model (SM) measurements, mostly involving the top quark and the Higgs boson studies, and searches for new physics. The CMS collaboration developed extremely powerful jet tagging algorithms based on deep learning methods, which state-of-the-art will be illustrated in this contribution. The performance measured in simulation and data collected during Run-2 will be presented, including both the resolved and boosted topologies.

        Speaker: Angela Zaza (Universita e INFN, Bari (IT))
    • 1:00 PM
    • 2:00 PM
    • 3:30 PM
      Coffee break
    • Cosmology, Astrophysics, Gravity, Mathematical Physics Room 2

      Room 2

      • 31
        The time-domain gamma-ray sky seen by the Fermi-LAT

        The Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope is currently celebrating its 15th anniversary of operation. Since its launch, the Fermi-Large Area Telescope (LAT), the main instrument onboard the Fermi satellite, has remarkably unveiled the sky at GeV energies providing outstanding results in time-domain gamma-ray astrophysics. In particular, LAT has observed some of the most powerful transient phenomena in the Universe (such as gamma-ray bursts, blazar flares, magnetar flares, …) enabling the possibility to test our current understanding of the laws of physics in extreme conditions.
        In this talk I will review some of the main recent results with a focus on the transient phenomena seen by LAT with a multi-wavelength and multi-messenger connection.

        Speaker: Giacomo Principe
      • 32
        GRB221009A: The brightest GRB ever detected by Fermi-LAT

        In this contribution we present the analysis of GRB221009A, the brightest Gamma-Ray Burst (GRB) ever detected by the Fermi Large Area Telescope (LAT). The burst triggered the Gamma-Ray Burst Monitor (GBM), and the high-energy emission of the triggering pulse started in the LAT before the associated low-energy component detected by the GBM. During the prompt phase, we identified a Bad Time Interval (BTI) of 63 seconds due to the very high intensity of hard X-rays. However, we were able to determine sub-intervals where standard analysis could be performed. The late time emission decays as a power law, but its extrapolation based on the first 450 seconds suggests that the afterglow started during the prompt emission. Furthermore, we found that the high-energy events detected by the LAT cannot have a Synchrotron origin but, during the prompt emission, they are probably associated with an additional Self Synchrotron Compton (SSC) component. Late time high-energy events are instead harder to explain as products of SSC or TeV electromagnetic cascades, which raises questions regarding their origin. Overall, GRB221009A, stands out compared to other Fermi-LAT GRBs, indicating that it is an exceptionally rare event.

        Speaker: Roberta Pillera (Universita e INFN, Bari (IT))
    • Heavy Ion Collisions and Critical Phenomena Room 1

      Room 1

      • 33
        Effect of nuclear structure on particle production in heavy-ion collisions using the AMPT model

        One of the primary goals of studying heavy-ion collisions has been to comprehend a medium of de-confined quarks and gluons called Quark-Gluon Plasma (QGP). Various nuclei, like Cu, Au, Pb, and U, have been collided in various relativistic heavy-ion colliders to decipher the properties of this medium and the corresponding particle production in these collisions. All these nuclei are observed to have various shapes and structures, which might also influence particle production. Recently, the STAR experiment at RHIC recorded data for isobar, Ru+Ru, and Zr+Zr, collisions at $\sqrt{s_{\mathrm {NN}}}$ = 200 GeV, provide hints of different nuclear structure between the two isobar nuclei through collective flow. These nuclei can be modeled using different configurations of Woods-Saxon (WS) distribution using the AMPT model and study the influence of nuclear geometry on the particle production mechanisms.

        In this talk, we will present transverse momentum ($p_{T}$) spectra of pions, kaons, and (anti-)protons at mid-rapidity ($| y |$ $<$ 1.0) for Ru+Ru, Zr+Zr, Au+Au and U+U collisions at $\sqrt{s_{\mathrm {NN}}}$ = 200 GeV using a multi-phase transport (AMPT) model. The effect of various parameterizations of WS distribution on $p_{T}$-spectra, particle yield ($dN/dy$), mean transverse momentum ($\langle p_{T}\rangle$), and particle ratios will be discussed. The system size dependence of $dN/dy$ and $\langle p_{T}\rangle$ with different colliding systems will be presented. In addition, the physics implications of such studies in the context of nuclear structure in isobars will be highlighted.

        Speaker: Priyanshi Sinha
      • 34
        Exploring hadronization at the LHC: Investigating strange particles in various collision systems and energies with ALICE

        Strange hadrons offer a distinctive way to examine hadronization. Initially, the increase of the yield ratio of strange hadrons to non-strange hadrons in heavy ion collisions relative to pp collisions was the proposed signature of the quark-gluon plasma formation. The study of strangeness production from small to large collision systems is fundamental to understanding the origin of the strangeness enhancement phenomenon and constrain the particle production models. This line of research widen after the groundbreaking discovery by the ALICE Collaboration, which demonstrated that the production of strange hadrons increases alongside the density of charged particles, irrespective of the collision system or the center of mass energy. Moreover, it was observed that in small collision systems the transverse momentum spectra are influenced by partonic collectivity, even when only few particles are produced at mid-rapidity. In this contribution, a comprehensive overview of the most recent findings on the production of strange hadrons at the LHC is presented. Special emphasis will be placed on discussing the current and future prospects of this field in light of the data collection campaign during LHC Run 3.

        Speaker: Maria Barlou (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (GR))
    • High Energy Particle Physics Room 2

      Room 2

      • 35
        Latest results from the CUORE experiment

        The Cryogenic Underground Observatory for Rare Events (CUORE) is the first bolometric experiment searching for 0νββ decay that has been able to reach the one-tonne mass scale. The detector, located at the LNGS in Italy, consists of an array of 988 TeO2 crystals arranged in a compact cylindrical structure of 19 towers. CUORE began its first physics data run in 2017 at a base temperature of about 10 mK and in April 2021 released its 3rd result of the search for 0νββ, corresponding to a tonne-year of TeO2 exposure. This is the largest amount of data ever acquired with a solid state detector and the most sensitive measurement of 0νββ decay in 130Te ever conducted, with a median exclusion sensitivity of 2.8×10^25 yr. We find no evidence of 0νββ decay and set a lower bound of 2.2 ×10^25 yr at a 90% credibility interval on the 130Te half-life for this process. In this talk, we present the current status of CUORE search for 0νββ with the updated statistics of one tonne-yr. We finally give an update of the CUORE background model and the measurement of the 130Te 2νββ decay half-life, study performed using an exposure of 300.7 kg⋅yr.

        Speaker: Mattia Beretta
      • 36
        Latest results and outlook of the KM3NeT neutrino telescope

        The KM3NeT research infrastructure includes two underwater Cherenkov telescopes in the Mediterranean Sea, ARCA (Astroparticle Research with Cosmics in the Abyss) and ORCA (Oscillation Research with Cosmics in the Abyss). The detectors are still under construction but currently taking data and the first physics results were already obtained. The detection technology is the same for both telescopes but the scientific goals are different thanks to the difference in the detector geometries. The ARCA telescope, located off-shore the Sicilian coast in Italy, focuses on studying the high-energy cosmic neutrinos in the TeV-PeV range. The ORCA location is off-shore Toulon in France and its main goal is to explore the atmospheric neutrino oscillations in the GeV energy range. An overview of the recent results achieved with the KM3NeT detectors in their partial configurations will be shown in this talk. Also, the sensitivity to the cosmic neutrino measurements and the oscillation studies with the completed ARCA and ORCA telescopes will be presented.

        Speakers: Andrey Romanov (INFN-Genova), Mr Andrey Romanov (University of Genoa, INFN-Genova)
      • 37
        Study of the processes of electron-positron annihilation to hadron states with SND at VEPP-2000 collider

        Recent data from SND at VEPP2000 on cross-sections of the electron-positron annihilation to different hadronic states in the energy range 1 -- 2 GeV will be presented. Processes e+e- -> pi+pi-pi0, e+e- -> оmega pi0 -> pi+pi-pi0pi0, e+e- -> eta pi+ pi- 2pi0, e+e- -> eta eta gamma, e+e- -> pi0 gamma, e+e- -> K+K-pi0, e+e- -> eta'gamma, e+e- -> N-antiN and other were studied.

        Speaker: Dmitry Shtol (Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics)
    • High Energy Particle Physics Room 1

      Room 1

      • 38
        Probing a MeV-scale Scalar Boson and a TeV-Scale Vector-like Quark in the $U(1)_{T3R}$ BSM Extension from $gg$ Fusion, $qq$ Fusion at the LHC using Machine Learning

        The $U(1)_{T 3R}$ extension of the Standard Model is an attractive formulation that addresses the mass hierarchy between the third and the first two generations of fermions, explains thermal dark matter abundance, and the muon $g - 2$ and $R_{K^{(*)}}$ anomalies. The model contains a dark matter candidate scalar boson, the $\phi$ particle, and a vector-like quark (a scalar and vector mediator), the $\chi_u$ particle. We perform a phenomenological study to search for and constrain the parameter space of the $\chi_u$ and $\phi$ particles.
        In particular, we present a study looking at the production of $\phi$ and ${\chi}_u$ particles from proton-proton $(pp)$ collisions at CERN’s Large Hadron Collider (LHC) primarily through gluon-gluon and quark-quark fusion. We consider the final states of the $\chi_u$ decaying to $b$-quarks, muons, and neutrinos and the $\phi$ particle decaying to $\mu^+\mu^-$. We use machine learning algorithms to maximize the signal sensitivity and aim for a $\ge 5\sigma$ discovery reach with an integrated luminosity of 3000 fb$^{-1}$. Further, we note the proposed methodology can be a key mode for discovery over a large mass range, including low masses, traditionally considered difficult due to experimental constraints.

        Speaker: Umar Sohail Qureshi (Vanderbilt University)
      • 39
        Advanced Kaonic Atom Measurements at the DAΦNE Collider: The SIDDHARTA-2 Experiment and Beyond

        Kaonic atoms are exotic atoms formed when a negatively charged kaon (K$^{-}$) is stopped in a target and captured by the atomic system, replacing the electron in a highly excited level. The captured K$^{-}$ initiates an electromagnetic cascade down to the innermost levels of the atom. As the innermost levels are approached, the strong interaction between the kaon and nucleons induces energy shifts and broadening of the atomic levels. The SIDDHARTA collaboration measures these energy shifts and widths using high-precision x-ray spectroscopy and compares them with the purely electromagnetic values calculated with quantum electrodynamics (QED). X-ray spectroscopy on kaonic atoms provides a direct measurement of the effects of the strong kaon-nucleon interaction at low energies, making it a crucial data source for the development of theoretical models. These models are used to derive: Kaon-Nucleon (KN) interaction at threshold, KNN interaction at threshold, nuclear density distributions, possible existence of kaon condensates, kaon mass, kaonic atoms cascade models and the E2 nuclear resonance effects.\
        In 2009, the SIDDHARTA experiment achieved the most precise measurement of the 2p $\rightarrow$ 1s transition in kaonic hydrogen (KH), extracting the shift and width of the 1s level due to the strong kaon-nucleus interaction. The upcoming SIDDHARTA-2 experiment aims to perform the first-ever measurement of the 2p $\rightarrow$ 1s transition in kaonic deuterium (KD), providing the energy shift and width of the 1s level due to the strong kaon-nucleus interaction. These shift and width parameters in KD and KH allow for the first experimental determination of the isospin-dependent antikaon-nucleon scattering lengths, which are fundamental constraints for theoretical models aiming to describe the strong interaction.\
        Kaonic atoms measurements are still today a valid source of investigation for strong physics in the strangeness sector. Despite the recent measurements at DAFNE and JPARC on KHe and KH, knowledge of kaonic atoms still predominantly dates back to the 1970s, with many of these old measurements suffering from large uncertainties and incompatibilities. Additionally, several kaonic atom measurements are yet to be performed. The SIDDHARTA collaboration is planning a new series of measurements beyond the SIDDHARTA-2 experiment: for example the revisiting K$^{-}$ mass, the first measurement of unmeasured kaonic atoms, the measurement of the nuclear resonance effects in kaonic atoms and so on. Goals, perspectives, setups, and technologies involved in these proposed measurements will be outlined.

        Speaker: Luca De Paolis
      • 40
        CMS: Machine Learning

        This talk provides an overview of the applications of machine learning (ML) techniques within the Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS) experiment at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). The CMS experiment generates vast amounts of data, and machine learning has emerged as a powerful tool for data analysis, event reconstruction, anomaly detection, and optimization. In this talk, we highlight the various areas where machine learning is employed, including particle identification and reconstruction, event classification, jet identification and tagging, anomaly detection, data analysis, and detector calibration. We discuss the significance of machine learning in enhancing the capabilities of the CMS experiment, enabling advancements in the understanding of particle physics and the search for new physics phenomena.

        Speaker: Andrea Trapote Fernandez (Universidad de Oviedo (ES))
    • 7:00 PM
      Chamber Music Concert, OAC, Kalliopi Petrou (soprano), Stefano Menegus (Piano)
    • 8:00 PM
    • High Energy Particle Physics Room 1

      Room 1

      • 41
        Quark mass generation due to scalar fields with zero dimension

        We propose a model of dynamical symmetry breaking, in which a new type of fundamental scalar fields of zero mass-dimension mediate the couplings of fermions to the gravitational field, represented here as a tetrad field in the same manner as Riemann-Cartan gravity. In our model, the tetrad couples to the standard model fermions non-minimally, and the very coupling coefficients are the fundamental scalar fields. There are exactly 36 scalar fields in the model, which are distinguishable by flavor indices on the fields. This is the precise number of zero dimension scalar fields that leads to a vanishing Weyl anomaly and a vanishing vacuum energy. Precisely the same number of these very same scalar fields is required for the coupling of all of the different standard model fermions to the vielbein field. At the same time their interaction with fermions gives rise to fermion mass terms, without the need to introduce a fundamental Higgs field. Within the proposed theory we construct a toy model that deals solely with the top and bottom quarks, and we demonstrate that their observable masses can appear in the action dynamically. Moreover, this mechanism allows for the top and bottom quarks to acquire distinctly different masses, as opposed to our previous, even simpler toy model that contained only the top quark.

        Speakers: Prof. Mikhail Zubkov (Ariel University), Михаил Зубков
      • 42
        A new perspective on the flavor problem

        In the recent past, a substantial effort has been devoted into the understanding of
        lepton mixing and masses through flavour symmetries. While non-abelian discrete symmetries have been shown to explain the current pattern of neutrino mixings, no real illumination was sparked on the
        problem of flavor as we can reproduce in many different ways the observations. In this talk I will discuss the recent idea to employ Modular Symmetries to explain the observed pattern of neutrino masses and mixing.

        Speaker: Prof. Davide Meloni (Roma Tre University)
    • 10:30 AM
      Coffee break
    • High Energy Particle Physics Room 1

      Room 1

      • 43
        Recent highlights of top-quark cross section and properties measurements with the ATLAS detector at the LHC

        The remarkably large dataset collected with the ATLAS detector at the highest proton-proton collision energy provided by LHC allows to use the large sample of top quark events to test theoretical predictions with unprecedented precision. Recent measurements of total and differential top-quark cross sections as well properties of top-quark production are presented, including new measurements of top-quark pair production and single-top production at 5 and 13 TeV as well as first measurement of the 13.6 TeV cross-section of ttbar events. Further highlights are the new measurements of angular properties such as the W-boson polarisation in ttbar events, new top-quark mass measurements as well as distributions sensitive to colour reconnection and jet substructure. Several measurements are interpreted within the Standard Model Effective Field Theory, yielding stringent bounds on Wilson coefficients.

        Speaker: Joshua Aaron Reidelsturz (Bergische Universitaet Wuppertal (DE))
      • 44
        Electron Mass Renormalization and QED Trace Anomaly

        Electron mass is considered as a matrix element
        of the energy–momentum trace in the rest frame. The diagrams for this matrix element are different from the textbook diagrams for the electron mass renormalization. We clarify connection between the two sets of diagrams and explain analytically and diagrammatically why the results
        of both calculations coincide.

        Speaker: Prof. Michael Eides (University of Kentucky)
    • Cosmology, Astrophysics, Gravity, Mathematical Physics Room 1

      Room 1

      • 45
        Science with the Fermi Large Area Telescope

        The Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope was launched into Earth orbit in June 2008 and is celebrating its 15th year of operation. The Large Area Telescope (LAT) is the main instrument onboard the Fermi satellite and is designed to be sensitive to gamma rays in the energy range from about 20 MeV up to the TeV regime. From its launch, the LAT has collected more than 4.25 billion photon events, providing crucial information to improve our understanding of particle acceleration and gamma-ray production phenomena in astrophysical sources. In this talk, some of the main results obtained by the Fermi LAT collaboration will be reviewed, with a particular focus on dark matter searches. Indeed, the LAT data have been used to search for possible dark matter signals from several targets in the sky. Although no evidence of such dark matter signal has been found, the data have provided strong constraints on the nature of the dark matter particle.

        Speaker: Francesco Loparco (Universita e INFN, Bari (IT))
      • 46
        Status and perspective of ICARUS at the Fermilab Short-Baseline Neutrino Program

        The ICARUS collaboration has employed the 760-tonne T600 detector in a successful three-year physics run at the underground LNGS laboratory, performing a sensitive search for LSND-like anomalous $\nu_{e}$ appearance in the CERN Neutrino to Gran Sasso beam. This helped constraining the allowed neutrino oscillation parameters to a narrow region around 1 eV$^{2}$. After a significant overhaul at CERN, the T600 detector has been installed at Fermilab. In 2020 the cryogenic commissioning began with detector cool down, liquid argon filling and recirculation. ICARUS then started its operation collecting the first neutrino events from the Booster Neutrino Beam (BNB) and the Neutrinos at the Main Injector (NuMI) beam off-axis, which were used to test the ICARUS event selection, reconstruction and analysis algorithms. ICARUS successfully completed its commissioning phase in June 2022, and started data taking for neutrino oscillation physics, aiming at first to either confirm or refute the claim by Neutrino-4 short-baseline reactor experiment. ICARUS will also perform measurements of neutrino cross sections with the NuMI beam and several Beyond Standard Model searches. After the first year of operations, ICARUS will jointly search for evidence of sterile neutrinos with the Short-Baseline Near Detector (SBND), within the Fermilab Short-Baseline Neutrino (SBN) program. In this presentation, preliminary technical results from the ICARUS data with the BNB and NuMI beams are presented both in terms of performance of all ICARUS subsystems and its capability to select and reconstruct neutrino events.

        Speaker: Alice Campani
    • High Energy Particle Physics Room 1

      Room 1

      • 47
        Active Learning application in a dark matter search with ATLAS PanDA and iDDS

        Active learning techniques can enhance efficiency in new physics searches. To demonstrate this an extended two dimensional search using an active learning technique with a preserved analysis is presented. This preserved analysis searches for a dark-Z boson in four-lepton final states. Bayesian optimization is applied in the active learning process to look for the maximal difference between the observed limit and expected limit (the excess). The work is conducted using a newly developed computing model as a part of the ATLAS workload management system PanDA with the intelligent Data Delivery Service (iDDS) as an orchestrator. The system is integrated in the ATLAS distributed computing ecosystem, seamlessly accessing ATLAS data via the ATLAS data management system Rucio and software distributed via the CernVM-File System (CVMFS). No evidence of new physics is found and upper limits on the production cross section of H→ZZdark→4lepton are set. The excesses around the Zdark masses at m_Zdark=20 GeV and 40 GeV seen in the original analysis are reconfirmed, along with the mild excesses around 30 GeV and 50 GeV.

        Speaker: Rui Zhang (University of Wisconsin Madison (US))
    • 1:00 PM
    • 2:00 PM
    • 3:30 PM
      Coffee break
    • Heavy Ion Collisions and Critical Phenomena Room 1

      Room 1

      • 48
        MicroBooNE Cross Section Results

        The MicroBooNE liquid argon time projection chamber (LArTPC) experiment operated in the Fermilab Booster Neutrino and Neutrinos at the Main Injector beams from 2015-2021. Among the major physics goals of the experiment is a detailed investigation of neutrino-nucleus interactions. MicroBooNE currently possesses the world's largest neutrino-argon scattering data set, with 8 published measurements, and more than 30 ongoing analyses are studying a wide variety of interaction modes. This talk provides an overview of MicroBooNE's neutrino cross-section physics program, including investigations of exclusive pion final states and rare processes, novel cross section extraction methods, and measurements with both muon and electron neutrinos from the BNB and NuMI beamlines.

        Speaker: Christopher Thorpe (University of Manchester)
    • High Energy Particle Physics Room 1

      Room 1

      • 49
        CMS Trigger

        CMS selects interesting events using a two-tiered trigger system. The first level (L1), composed of custom hardware processors, uses information from the calorimeters and muon detectors to select events at a rate of around 110 kHz within a fixed latency of about 4\mus. The second level, the high-level trigger (HLT), consists of a farm of processors running a version of the full event reconstruction software optimized for fast processing and reduces the event rate to around 5 kHz before data storage.
        This talk will focus on the improvement on the HLT and L1 trigger achieved after Run-2, with a first look at the performance obtained in data collected in 2022 and 2023.

        Speaker: Silvio Donato (Universita & INFN Pisa (IT))
      • 50
        ATLAS LAr Calorimeter Commissioning for LHC Run-3

        The Liquid Argon Calorimeters are employed by ATLAS for all electromagnetic calorimetry in the pseudo-rapidity region |η| < 3.2, and for hadronic and forward calorimetry in the region from |η| = 1.5 to |η| = 4.9. They also provide inputs to the first level of the ATLAS trigger. After successful period of data taking during the LHC Run-2 between 2015 and 2018 the ATLAS detector entered into the a long period of shutdown. In 2022 the LHC will restart and the Run-3 period should see an increase of luminosity and pile-up up to 80 interaction per bunch crossing.

        To cope with this harsher conditions, a new trigger readout path has been installed during the long shutdown. This new path should improve significantly the triggering performances on electromagnetic objects. This will be achieved by increasing the granularity of the objects available at trigger level by up to a factor of ten.

        The installation of this new trigger readout chain required also the update of the legacy system. More than 1500 boards of the precision readout have been extracted from the ATLAS pit, refurbished and re-installed. The legacy analog trigger readout that will remain during the LHC Run-3 as a backup of the new digital trigger system has also been updated.

        For the new system 124 new on-detector boards have been added. Those boards that are operating in a radiative environment are digitizing the calorimeter trigger signals at 40MHz. The digital signal is sent to the off-detector system and processed online to provide the measured energy value for each unit of readout. In total up to 31Tbps are analyzed by the processing system and more than 62Tbps are generated for downstream reconstruction. To minimize the triggering latency the processing system had to be installed underground. The limited available space imposed a very compact hardware structure. To achieve a compact system, large FPGAs with high throughput have been mounted on ATCA mezzanines cards. In total no more than 3 ATCA shelves are used to process the signal from approximately 34000 channels.

        Given that modern technologies have been used compared to the previous system, all the monitoring and control infrastructure is being adapted and commissioned as well.

        This contribution will present the challenges of the installation, the commissioning and the milestones still to be completed towards the full operation of both the legacy and the new readout paths for the LHC Run-3.

        Speaker: Alexander Gavriliuk (NRC "Kurchatov Institute" (ITEP) (RU))
    • 51
      Optimization of Scientific Experiments Room 1

      Room 1

      Advancements in machine learning and computing today allow us to consider the problem of designimg an experiment as one amenable to complete optimization. In this presentation I will provide the status of this area of research and offer two examples.

      Speaker: Tommaso Dorigo (Universita e INFN, Padova (IT))
    • 8:00 PM
    • High Energy Particle Physics Room 1

      Room 1

      • 52
        Measurements of Higgs boson properties (mass, width, and Spin/CP) with the ATLAS detector

        This talk presents precise measurement of the properties of the Higgs boson, including its mass, total width, spin, and CP quantum number. The measurements are performed in various Higgs boson production and decay modes, as well as their combinations. Observation of deviations between these measurements and Standard Model (SM) predictions would be a sign of possible new phenomena beyond the SM

        Speaker: Sandra Leone (Universita & INFN Pisa (IT))
      • 53
        CMS Higgs overview

        More than a decade later and counting since the announcement by the CMS and ATLAS collaborations at the CERN Large Hadron Collider of the observation of a Higgs boson at a mass of around 125 GeV, the dataset collected has allowed to determine its mass, measure its production cross-sections in various modes, observe numerous of its fermionic and bosonic decay channels, and establish its spin–parity quantum numbers, with the data corresponding to the production of a several-times larger number of Higgs bosons since the discovery. A compendium of the most recent results from the CMS Collaboration, including the first evidence for the Higgs boson decay to a Z boson and a photon and the most up-to-date combination of results on the properties of the Higgs boson is presented.

        Speaker: Sandra Consuegra Rodriguez (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DE))
    • 10:30 AM
      Coffee break
    • High Energy Particle Physics Room 1

      Room 1

      • 54
        Searching for new symmetries in the Higgs sector at ATLAS

        The discovery of the Higgs boson with the mass of 125 GeV confirmed the mass generation mechanism via spontaneous electroweak symmetry breaking and completed the particle content predicted by the Standard Model. Even though this model is well established and consistent with many experimental measurements, it is not capable of solely explaining some observations. Many extensions of the Standard Model introduce additional scalar fields to account for the electroweak symmetry breaking and thereby extra Higgs-like bosons, which can be either neutral or charged. This talk presents recent searches for additional low- or high-mass Higgs bosons, as well as decays of the 125 GeV Higgs boson to new light scalar particles, using LHC collision data at 13 TeV collected by the ATLAS experiment in Run 2.

        Speaker: Shubham Bansal (University of Bonn (DE))
    • Heavy Ion Collisions and Critical Phenomena Room 1

      Room 1

      • 55
        Recent LHCb results on ion and fixed-target data

        Fully instrumented in the forward region, LHCb provides unique capabilities to study the nuclear environment using a variety of measurements from open and hidden heavy flavor production to electroweak and single and multiple particles distribution. In this talk, we present the latest LHCb measurements in pPb and PbPb collisions at several centre-of-mass energies as well as the latest measurements using the SMOG fixed-target setup. All the measurements have been compared to the latest theory predictions, giving a crucial contribution in the areas of charm production and hadronisation and the understanding of nuclear matter effects in the initial and final state.
        The performance of the newly upgraded LHCb detector will also be discussed, together with the precision in heavy-ion physics expected with the future upgrades.

        Speaker: Camilla De Angelis (Universita e INFN, Cagliari (IT))
    • High Energy Particle Physics Room 1

      Room 1

      • 56
        Probing the nature of electroweak symmetry breaking with Higgs boson pairs in ATLAS

        In the Standard Model, the ground state of the Higgs field is not found at zero but instead corresponds to one of the degenerate solutions minimising the Higgs potential. In turn, this spontaneous electroweak symmetry breaking provides a mechanism for the mass generation of nearly all fundamental particles. The Standard Model makes a definite prediction for the Higgs boson self-coupling and thereby the shape of the Higgs potential. Experimentally, both can be probed through the production of Higgs boson pairs (HH), a rare process that presently receives a lot of attention at the LHC. In this talk, the latest HH searches by the ATLAS experiment are reported, with emphasis on the results obtained with the full LHC Run 2 dataset at 13 TeV. Non-resonant HH search results are interpreted both in terms of sensitivity to the Standard Model and as limits on the Higgs boson self-coupling and the quartic VVHH coupling. The Higgs boson self-coupling can be also constrained by exploiting higher-order electroweak corrections to single Higgs boson production. A combined measurement of both results yields the overall highest precision, and reduces model dependence by allowing for the simultaneous determination of the single Higgs boson couplings. Results for this combined measurement are also presented. Finally, extrapolations of recent HH results towards the High Luminosity LHC upgrade are also discussed.

        Speaker: Daariimaa Battulga (Humboldt University of Berlin (DE))
    • Heavy Ion Collisions and Critical Phenomena Room 1

      Room 1

      • 57
        The sPHENIX experiment at RHIC

        sPHENIX is a new collider detector at RHIC mainly designed for pioneering studies of the Quark-Gluon Plasma with high-pT jet and heavy flavor probes. The jet physics program particularly relies on the sPHENIX calorimeter system, which consists of large-acceptance, hermetic electromagnetic and hadronic sections capable of high-resolution measurements of photons, electrons, hadrons, and jets. The heavy flavor and quarkonia physics programs particularly rely on the sPHENIX tracking system, which consists of large-acceptance precision vertex, fast silicon strip, and time-projection chamber detectors that enable high-resolution measurements of the spatial origin and momentum of charged particles.

        sPHENIX has begun commissioning with Au+Au collisions at 200 GeV in May 2023. This talk will first give a technical report of the sPHENIX sub-systems and then present the status of the first physics measurements.

        Speaker: Sook Hyun Lee (University of Michigan)
    • High Energy Particle Physics Room 1

      Room 1

      • 58
        MicroBooNE results on Short Baseline Neutrino Anomalies

        The MicroBooNE experiment utilizes an 85-ton active volume liquid argon time projection chamber (LArTPC) neutrino detector. It can distinguish between photons and electron electromagnetic showers and can select charged current electron neutrino and muon neutrino events with exceptional performance. In this talk, we will presentresults on MicroBooNE's investigation of the MiniBooNE Low Energy Excess and neutrino Short Baseline Anomalies more generally. We will present the initial findings from MicroBooNE's search for sterile neutrinos in a 3+1 model, utilizing Fermilab's Booster Neutrino Beam (BNB). We will explore the impact of degeneracy caused by the cancellation of $\nu_e$ appearance and disappearance. Additionally, we will demonstrate how combining data from BNB and Neutrinos at the Main Injector (NuMI) beams, which have substantially different $\nu_e/\nu_\mu$ ratios, can break this degeneracy. Moreover, we will show MicroBooNE's search for neutrino-induced single-photon production and the latest developments in the search for single-photons. These advancements include a new direction of focused searches aimed at exploring Beyond the Standard Model scenarios, which involves investigating exotic e+e- pair production that could be attributed to neutrinos acting as a portal to a potential "Dark Sector" of new physics.

        Speaker: Maria Brigida Brunetti (University of Warwick (GB))
    • 1:00 PM
    • 2:00 PM
    • 3:00 PM
      Excursion to Chania
    • 8:00 AM
      Free day
    • 6:30 PM
      Excursion to Gonia Monastery

      The meeting point is near the OAC reception at 18:25

    • 6:00 AM
      Conference Excursion
    • High Energy Particle Physics Room 1

      Room 1

      • 59
        Searches for Dark Matter with the ATLAS Experiment at the LHC

        The presence of a non-baryonic Dark Matter (DM) component in the Universe is inferred from the observation of its gravitational interaction. If Dark Matter interacts weakly with the Standard Model (SM) it could be produced at the LHC. The ATLAS Collaboration has developed a broad search program for DM candidates in final states with large missing transverse momentum produced in association with other SM particles (light and heavy quarks, photons, Z and H bosons, as well as additional heavy scalar particles) and searches where the Higgs boson provides a portal to Dark Matter, leading to invisible Higgs decays. The results of recent searches on 13 TeV pp data from the LHC, their interplay and interpretation will be presented.

        Speaker: Tae Min Hong (University of Pittsburgh (US))
    • Cosmology, Astrophysics, Gravity, Mathematical Physics Room 1

      Room 1

      • 60
        Toward pulsed production of antihydrogen and test of the Weak Equivalence Principle for antimatter

        The AE$\overline{\rm{g}}$IS (Antimatter Experiment: Gravity, Interferometry, Spectroscopy) is one of the experiments at the Antiproton Decelerator (AD) complex at CERN.
        It is working toward probing the Weak Equivalence Principle for antimatter by measuring the influence of gravity on a horizontal flight path of neutral antihydrogen atoms. The pulsed beam of antihydrogen is achieved by means of the charge-exchange reaction between Rydberg positronium atoms and antiprotons provided by the AD. To achieve the pulsed characteristic of the beam, the Rydberg positronium and the exchange reaction are induced by consecutive shots of different lasers with nanosecond precision.

        Since the demonstration of the production scheme of $\overline{\rm{H}}$ in 2018, the experiment underwent an extensive optimization. The upgrade consists of the newly constructed production trap, updated positronium converter, installation of a new laser system and the complete rebuilding of the experimental control system. With everything in place, the experiment is moving toward complete automation of its operations. This allows us to utilize better the antiprotons provided by the recently commissioned ELENA (Extra Low ENergy Antiproton) decelerator at the AD.

        The experiment was commissioned during the last antiproton campaign, held in the Autumn of 2022.
        The collaboration plans re-establishing antihydrogen production with a higher flux by several orders of magnitude thanks to ELENA and the upgrades.

        This presentation overviews the current AE$\overline{\rm{g}}$IS setup and results obtained last year together with a brief explanation of the goals of the experiment.

        Speaker: Jakub Zielinski (Warsaw University of Technology (PL))
    • 10:30 AM
      Coffee break
    • High Energy Particle Physics Room 1

      Room 1

      • 61
        Performance studies of green Resistive Plate Chamber detectors at the CERN Gamma Irradiation Facility

        Resistive Plate Chamber detectors in HEP and beyond are usually operated with high-performance gas mixtures, containing a relevant fraction of C2H2F4 plus SF6, both greenhouse gases characterized by a very high global warming potential.
        Since a few years the RPC EcoGas@GIF++ Collaboration has put in place a big effort to investigate RPCs performance with new, eco-friendly, gas mixtures alternative to the standard ones. The CERN Gamma Irradiation Facility (GIF++) is the ideal place where to test the operation of green RPCs at different level of irradiation, even on a long-term scale.
        In this talk, the latest results from beam and ageing tests together with future plans for continued evaluation of environmentally friendly gas mixtures in the context of RPC detectors will be presented.

        Speaker: Dayron Ramos Lopez (Universita e INFN, Bari (IT))
      • 62
        Measurements of Higgs boson production and decay rates and their interpretation with the ATLAS experiment

        The event rates and kinematics of Higgs boson production and decay processes at the LHC are sensitive probes of possible new phenomena beyond the Standard Model (BSM). This talk presents precise measurements of Higgs boson production and decay rates, obtained using the full Run 2 and partial Run 3 pp collision dataset collected by the ATLAS experiment at 13 TeV and 13.6 TeV. These include total and fiducial cross-sections for the main Higgs boson processes as well as branching ratios into final states with bosons and fermions. Differential cross-sections in a variety of observables are also reported, as well as a fine-grained description of the Higgs boson production kinematics within the Simplified Template Cross-section (STXS) framework. Combinations of such measurements are also presented, as well as their interpretation in terms of Higgs boson couplings and in the context of Effective Field Theory (EFT) frameworks and specific BSM models.

        Speaker: David Reikher (Tel Aviv University (IL))
      • 63
        Improving ATLAS Hadronic Object Performance with ML/AI Algorithms

        Hadronic object reconstruction is one of the most promising settings for cutting-edge machine learning and artificial intelligence algorithms at the LHC. In this contribution, selected highlights of ML/AI applications by ATLAS to particle and boosted-object identification, MET reconstruction and other tasks will be presented.

        Speaker: Francesco Cirotto (Universita Federico II e INFN Sezione di Napoli (IT))
      • 64
        Precision measurements of jet and photon production at ATLAS

        The production of jets and prompt isolated photons at hadron colliders provides stringent tests of perturbative QCD. The latest measurements by the ATLAS experiment, using proton-proton collision data at $\sqrt{s}$ =13 TeV, are presented. Prompt inclusive photon production is measured for two distinct photon isolation cones, R=0.2 and 0.4, as well as for their ratio. The measurement is sensitive to gluon parton density distribution. Various measurements using dijet events are presented, as well. The measurement of new event-shape jet observables defined in terms of reference geometries with cylindrical and circular symmetries using the energy distance are discussed. In addition, measurements of variables probing the properties of the multijet energy flow and cross-section ratios of two- and three-jet production are highlighted. The measurements are compared to state-of-the-art NLO and NNLO predictions and used to determine the strong coupling constant.

        Speaker: Miguel Villaplana (IFIC - Univ. of Valencia and CSIC (ES))
      • 65
        The Scientific Program of the PADME experiment

        The Positron Annihilation into Dark Matter Experiment (PADME) is a fix-target experiment ongoing at the Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati of INFN whose main goal is searching for dark matter signals in electron-positron annihilations in the MeV mass range [1].
        First sets of physics-grade data have been collected over the last few years with the main goal to look for a Dark Photon in the missing mass of single-photon final states [2]. We discuss in the talk the first physics results of PADME that include the most precise measurement of the total cross-section of electron-positron annihilation into photons at $\sqrt s$ = 20 MeV.
        We also illustrate the expected sensitivity and the analysis strategy of the PADME data set, collected at $\sqrt s \sim$ 17 MeV at the end of 2022, for the resonant production of a X$_{17}$ particle.
        PADME owns the unique opportunity of confirming/disproving the particle nature of the anomaly observed in several spectroscopic measurements performed be the ATOMKI collaboration on highly excited light nuclei [3] in the angular distribution of $e^+ e^-$ pairs produced by the de-excitation process.

        [1] M. Raggi and V. Kozhuharov, Adv. High Energy Phys. 2014 (2014) 959802, arXiv:1403.3041
        [2] P. Abicocco et al., JINST 17 no. 08, (2022) P08032, arXiv:2205.03430 [physics.ins-det].
        [3] F. Bossi et al., JHEP 09 (2022) 233, arXiv:2204.05616 [hep-ex].
        [4] A. J. Krasznahorkay et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 116 (Jan, 2016) 042501.
        A. J. Krasznahorkay et al., Phys. Rev. C 104 (Oct, 2021) 044003.
        A. J. Krasznahorkay et al., Phys. Rev. C 106 (Dec, 2022) L061601.

        Speaker: Elizabeth Sarah Long
    • 1:00 PM
    • 2:00 PM
    • 3:30 PM
      Coffee break
    • Heavy Ion Collisions and Critical Phenomena Room 1

      Room 1

      • 66
        A comparative study of rapidity-azimuthal angle correlations in pp collisions and the ridge effect

        The ridge effect in proton-proton and proton-lead collisions refers to the long-range near-side correlations of the final state particles in events with high particle multiplicity. In this work, we perform a comparative analysis of rapidity-azimuthal angle correlations at proton-proton collisions using Pythia and BFKLex, the latter being a Monte Carlo code based on the BFKL dynamics, the framework for studying the high energy scattering limit of QCD. We present our results and we discuss up to which degree can the ridge effect in proton-proton collisions be explained by the first principles of QCD.

        Speakers: Dr Grigorios Chachamis (LIP, Lisbon), Dr Grigorios Chachamis (LIP Lisbon)
    • High Energy Particle Physics Room 3

      Room 3

      • 67
        Quantum corrections to binding energies of BPS vortices

        Non-linear field theories often possess so-called soliton solutions that have localized energy densities and that are characterized by topological charges. Quantum corrections to the total energy may be decisive for the stability of solitons with higher charges.To explore this stability I will consider vortices in scalar electrodynamics which is one of the rare renormalizable models that contain soliton type solutions with different topological charges. Especially the BPS case is interesting because then the classical energy is proportional to the charge. Then the binding energies of the higher charge vortices vanish and the quantum corrections decide on whether or not they are stable. Within the on-shell renormalization scheme the energetically favorable scenario turns out to be that in which vortices coalesce rather than to appear in isolation [1].

        [1] N. Graham and H. Weigel, Phys. Rev., D104 (2021) L011901; D106 (2022) 076013.

        Speaker: Herbert Weigel
      • 68
        Feynman Diagram Complexity in the High Energy Limit

        In the high energy limit of scattering amplitudes in QCD, the Feynman diagrams with the dominant contributions are those which can be described as composite state of two or more reggeized gluons (Reggeons). After revisiting the concept of Feynman diagram complexity in the high energy effective field theory, we study its emerging scaling laws for the case of two, three and four interacting Reggeons. We discuss the importance of studying the diagram complexity from a theoretical point of view as well as for what it has to offer on a purely technical computational level.

        Speaker: Dr Grigorios Chachamis (LIP Lisbon)
    • High Energy Particle Physics Room 2

      Room 2

      • 69
        ENUBET at CERN: towards the implementation of a neutrino cross section experiment with a monitored neutrino beam

        Monitored neutrino beams represent a powerful and cost effective tool to suppress cross section related systematics for the full exploitation of data collected in long baseline oscillation projects like DUNE and Hyper-Kamiokande. In the last years the NP06/ENUBET project has demonstrated that the systematic uncertainties on the neutrino flux can be suppressed to 1% in an accelerator based facility where charged leptons produced in kaon and pion decays are monitored in an instrumented decay tunnel. In this talk, we will present the final results of this successful R&D programme. The collaboration is now working to provide the full implementation of such a facility at CERN in order to perform high precision cross section measurements at the GeV scale exploiting the ProtoDUNEs as neutrino detectors. This contribution will present the final design of the ENUBET beamline that allows to collect $\sim$10$^4$ $\nu_e$ and $\sim$6$\times$10$^5$ $\nu_{\mu}$ charged current interactions on a 500 ton LAr detector in about 2 years of data taking. The experimental setup for high purity identification of charged leptons in the tunnel instrumentation will be described together with the framework for the assessment of the final systematics budget on the neutrino fluxes, that employs an extended likelihood fit of a model where the hadro-production, beamline geometry and detector-related uncertainties are parametrized by nuisance parameters. We will also present the results of a test beam exposure at CERN-PS of the Demonstrator: a fully instrumented 1.65 m long section of the ENUBET instrumented decay tunnel. Finally the physics potential of the ENUBET beam with ProtoDUNE-SP and plans for its implementation in the CERN North Area will be discussed.

        Speaker: Jordan Michael Mcelwee
      • 70
        Machine Learning for Real-Time Processing of ATLAS Liquid Argon Calorimeter Signals with FPGAs

        The Phase-II Upgrade of the LHC will increase its instantaneous luminosity by a factor of 7 leading to the High Luminosity LHC (HL-LHC). At the HL-LHC, the number of proton-proton collisions in one bunch crossing (called pileup) increases significantly, putting more stringent requirements on the LHC detectors electronics and real-time data processing capabilities.

        The ATLAS Liquid Argon (LAr) calorimeter measures the energy of particles produced in LHC collisions. This calorimeter also feeds the ATLAS trigger to identify interesting events. In order to enhance the ATLAS detector physics discovery potential, in the blurred environment created by the pileup, an excellent resolution of the deposited energy and an accurate detection of the deposited time is crucial.

        The computation of the deposited energy is performed in real-time using dedicated data acquisition electronic boards based on FPGAs. FPGAs are chosen for their capacity to treat large amount of data with very low latency. The computation of the deposited energy is currently done using optimal filtering algorithms that assume a nominal pulse shape of the electronic signal. These filter algorithms are adapted to the ideal situation with very limited pileup and no overlap of the electronic pulses in the detector. However, with the increased luminosity and pileup, the performance of the optimal filter algorithms decreases significantly and no further extension nor tuning of these algorithms could recover the lost performance.

        The off-detector electronic boards for the Phase-II Upgrade of the LAr calorimeter will use the next high-end generation of INTEL FPGAs with increased processing power and memory. This is a unique opportunity to develop the necessary tools, enabling the use of more complex algorithms on these boards. We developed several neural networks (NNs) with significant performance improvements with respect to the optimal filtering algorithms. The main challenge is to efficiently implement these NNs into the dedicated data acquisition electronics. Special effort was dedicated to minimising the needed computational power while optimising the NNs architectures.

        Five NN algorithms based on CNN, RNN, and LSTM architectures will be presented. The improvement of the energy resolution and the accuracy on the deposited time compared to the legacy filter algorithms, especially for overlapping pulses, will be discussed. The implementation of these networks in firmware will be shown. Two implementation categories in VHDL and Quartus HLS code are considered. The implementation results on Stratix 10 INTEL FPGAs, including the resource usage, the latency, and operation frequency will be reported. Approximations in the firmware implementations, including the use of fixed-point precision arithmetic and lookup tables for activation functions, will be discussed. Implementations including time multiplexing to reduce resource usage will be presented. We will show that two of these NNs implementations are viable solutions that fit the stringent data processing requirements on the latency (O(100ns)) and bandwidth (O(1Tb/s) per FPGA) needed for the ATLAS detector operation.

        Speaker: Nairit Sur (CPPM-CNRS/IN2P3(FR))
    • Heavy Ion Collisions and Critical Phenomena Room 1

      Room 1

      • 71
        Elliptic flow measurements of strange and multi-strange hadrons in isobar collisions at RHIC-STAR

        Data from Isobar collisions, $^{96}_{44}$Ru+$^{96}_{44}$Ru and $^{96}_{40}$Zr+$^{96}_{40}$Zr, at $\sqrt{s_{\mathrm {NN}}}$ = 200 GeV have been collected by the STAR experiment at RHIC. Anisotropic flow is an important tool to understand properties of the Quark-Gluon Plasma. Elliptic flow ($v_{2}$) is the second-order coefficient in the Fourier expansion of the azimuthal angle distribution of produced particles with respect to the reaction plane. Elliptic flow of charged hadrons has been measured in the isobar collisions at $\sqrt{s_{\mathrm {NN}}}$ = 200 GeV. The magnitude of $v_{2}$ shows difference between the two isobar collisions despite the same nucleon number. This indicates a difference in nuclear structure and deformation between these nuclei. The $v_{2}$ measurements of the strange and multi-strange hadrons are excellent probes for understanding these initial state anisotropies of the medium produced in these collisions, owing to their smaller hadronic cross-section compared to light hadrons.

        In this talk, we will report measurements of elliptic flow of $K_{s}^{0}$, $\Lambda$, $\overline{\Lambda}$, $\phi$, $\Xi^{-}$, $\overline{\Xi}^{+}$, and $\Omega^{-}$+ $\overline{\Omega}^{+}$ at mid-rapidity for Ru+Ru and Zr+Zr collisions at $\sqrt{s_{\mathrm {NN}}}$ = 200 GeV. The transverse momentum ($p_{T}$) dependence of $v_{2}$ for minimum bias collisions and various centrality intervals will be shown. The $p_{T}$-integrated $v_{2}$ of these strange and multi-strange hadrons will also be shown. System size dependence of $v_{2}$ will be investigated by comparing the results in isobar collisions with those from Cu+Cu, Au+Au, and U+U collisions. The number of constituent quark (NCQ) scaling for these strange hadrons will also be tested. Experimental data will be compared with transport model calculations to provide insight into the nuclear structure of the isobars.

        Speaker: Dr Vipul Bairathi (Instituto de Alta Investigación, Universidad de Tarapacá)
    • High Energy Particle Physics Room 1

      Room 1

      • 72
        PHENIX Spin Measurements, from pp to pA.

        After two decades of RHIC running as a polarized proton collider, we summarize recent achievements of the PHENIX spin program and their impact on our understanding of the nucleon’s spin structure on partonic level (e.g. quark and gluon spin contribution to the spin of the proton), and transverse spin phenomena giving access to parton dynamics within the nucleon. Of particular interest are surprising results from collisions of polarized protons on nuclei, which open novel opportunities to study nuclear effects with spin observables.

        Speaker: Bazilevsky Alexander
    • High Energy Particle Physics Room 1

      Room 1

      • 73
        Recent results on associated top quark production and searches for new top-quark phenomena with the ATLAS detector

        The high center-of-mass energy of proton-proton collisions and the large available datasets at the CERN Large Hadron Collider allow to study rare processes of the Standard Model (SM) with unprecedented precision and search for new physics that might enhance extremely rare processes in the SM. Measurements of rare SM processes provide new tests of the SM predictions with the potential to unveil discrepancies with the SM predictions or provide important input for the improvement of theoretical calculations. Interesting processes are Flavour Changing Neutral Currents (FCNC): forbidden at tree level and highly suppressed at higher orders in the Standard Model (SM), FCNC processes can receive enhanced contributions in many extensions of the SM, so any measurable sign of such interactions is an indication of new physics. In this talk, total and differential measurements of top-quark production in association with additional bosons are shown using data taken with the ATLAS experiment at a center-of-mass-energy of 13 TeV. This included the observation top top+photon production, which is a very rare process discovered for the first time at the LHC. Measurements of production asymmetries in various final states provide precision tests of the SM. In addition, new searches for FCNCs with the ATLAS experiment are shown, using the full data taken during Run-2 of the LHC. Also a search for charged-lepton flavour violation is shown, as well as other searches for beyond-the-Standard-Model phenomena in top-quark final states.

        Speaker: Arpan Ghosal (Universitaet Siegen (DE))
    • High Energy Particle Physics Room 1

      Room 1

      • 74
        New results on $t\bar{t}W$ and 4-top production with the ATLAS experiment

        The ATLAS experiment has performed extensive searches for rare Standard Model processes involving top quarks. In this contribution two recent highlights of this programme are presented. The top-quark pair production in association with a W boson is a difficult process to calculate and model and is one of the leading sources of same-sign and multi-lepton events. To improve our understanding of this process, a new inclusive and differential measurement of this process in events with 2 or 3 leptons was performed, as well as measurements of the ratio of ttW events with a positively and a negatively charged W-boson. The result confirms the slight tension observed in previous measurements. The 4-top production process, with a cross section of approximately 12 fb, is nearly one order of magnitude still. A re-analysis of the run 2 dataset is performed in the same-sign and multi-lepton channel, with several improvements in the event selection, the data-driven background estimate and the final discriminant. The cross section measurement of 23 +/- fb, is presented, as well as bounds on the top quark Yukawa coupling and on EFT operator coefficients affecting 4-top production.

        Speaker: Polina Moskvitina (Nikhef National institute for subatomic physics (NL))
    • 8:00 PM
    • Heavy Ion Collisions and Critical Phenomena Room 1

      Room 1

      • 75
        ALICE Highlights

        ALICE (A Large Ion Collider Experiment) is a general-purpose, heavy-ion detector at the CERN LHC which focuses on quantum chromodynamics.
        It is designed to address the physics of strongly interacting matter and the quark-gluon plasma at extreme values of energy density and temperature in nucleus-nucleus collisions.
        In addition, it has a rich physics program for proton-proton and proton-nucleus collisions.
        In this overview, a selection of recent ALICE results and prospects will be discussed.

        Speaker: Fiorella Fionda (Universita e INFN, Cagliari (IT))
      • 76
        CMS Heavy Ion Overview

        CMS has produced a wealth of results related to the high-density QCD matter produced in different hadronic collisions. While the heavy-ion (A-A) collisions are essential to understand collective behavior and the final-state effects for the detailed characteristics of hot, dense partonic matter, the small collision systems (p-A, p-p), provide the critical information on the initial-state cold nuclear matter effects as well as the modification of the parton distribution function in cold nuclei. This talk will highlights some of the recent heavy-ion related results from CMS.

        Speaker: Prabhat Ranjan Pujahari (Indian Institute of Technology Madras (IN))
    • 10:30 AM
      Coffee break
    • High Energy Particle Physics Room 1

      Room 1

      • 77
        Performance of the CMS Tracker in Run 3

        The CMS inner tracking system consists of Silicon Pixel and Silicon Strip detectors. The tracker is designed to measure the trajectory of the charged particles tracks. The pixel detector provided high-quality physics data during the LHC Run 2, finishing with a detector live fraction of 95% and hit efficiency of >99% in all but the innermost layer. After the end of Run 2 in 2018, a thorough refurbishment of the detector was done including the replacement of the innermost barrel layer. The refurbished pixel detector was reinstalled in CMS in June 2021, followed by an extensive commissioning period. The CMS silicon strip tracker has been successfully taking data in LHC Run 1 and Run 2. After the second long shutdown period from the end of 2018, the detector resumed operations in Summer 2021. Since last year, both the CMS pixel and strip detectors have been successfully taking data at 13.6 TeV collisions. In this presentation, the performance of the CMS pixel and silicon strip detector during the Run 3 operation will be summarized. In addition, results of the complex tracker alignment procedure will be highlighted.

        Speaker: Dr Marco Musich (Universita & INFN Pisa (IT))
      • 78
        The ATLAS experiment Phase-I upgrades for the LHC Run-3

        With the end of RUN-2, the LHC has delivered only 4% of the collision data expected to be available during its lifetime. The now ongoing data-taking campaign -- RUN-3 -- will more than double the integrated luminosity the LHC accumulated during Runs 1 and 2. The Run-3 will be the herald of the HL-LHC era, an era when 90% of total LHC integrated luminosity (3 to 4 ab$^{-1}$) will be accumulated, allowing ATLAS to perform several precision measurements to constrain the Standard Model (SM) theory in yet unexplored phase-spaces and, in particular, in the Higgs sector, only accessible at LHC. While direct searches have not yet provided solid indications of new physics beyond the SM, they can be complemented by indirect searches, searches these that are based on the ability to perform very precise measurements, a highly complex task at a hadron collider, which requires tight control of theoretical predictions, reconstruction techniques, and detector operation. To answer the quest for high precision measurements in a high luminosity environment, a comprehensive upgrade of the detector and associated systems was devised and planned to be carried out in two phases in ATLAS. The Phase-I upgrade program, recently completed, brings new features to the muon detector, to the electromagnetic calorimeter trigger system and to all trigger and data acquisition chain, and permits ATLAS to preserve its excellent performance, coping with the more than 80 simultaneous collisions per bunch crossing expected in Run-3 to ultimately reach the goal to accumulate about 350 fb$^{-1}$ of integrated luminosity during this campaign. After this, ATLAS will proceed with the Phase-II upgrade to prepare for the high luminosity frontier (HL-LHC) where the ATLAS experiment will face more than 200 simultaneous collisions per bunch crossing, which will then require an even more ambitious upgrade program. The presentation will discuss in detail the aforementioned Phase-I new systems, and bring the first results of their commissioning and operation during RUN-3.

        Speaker: Claudio Luci (Sapienza Universita e INFN, Roma I (IT))
      • 79
        CMS Muon System

        In response to the High Luminosity upgrade of the Large Hadron Collider (HL-LHC), which is expected to deliver an instantaneous luminosity up to 7 times higher with respect to the nominal value, the muon system of the CMS experiment will undergo specific upgrades targeting both the electronics and detectors. The goal is to cope with the new challenging data-taking conditions, maintaining and improving the present tracking and triggering performance. The original configuration of the CMS muon system included Drift Tubes (DTs) in the barrel and Cathode Strip Chambers (CSCs) in the endcap for tracking purposes. Resistive Plate Chambers (RPCs) were then installed in both regions, with triggering functions. The upgrade of the muon system foresees then interventions on the existing detectors, for example designing new on-board electronics for DT (OBDT), which is currently being tested and validated in CMS in a dedicated slice-test demonstrator. Most of the CSC electronics upgrade has been instead completed in Long Shutdown 2 (LS2). On the other hand, new detectors stations, based on different technologies, are being installed: during LS2 the GE1/1 station, composed of 144 Triple-GEM detectors has been implemented in the endcap region, covering the pseudo-rapidity range 1.55 < |η| < 2.18. Two additional GEM-based stations are foreseen in the future (GE2/1 and ME0), to improve the muon reconstruction capabilities and to extend the coverage of the muon system up to |η| ~ 2.8. Improved-RPCs (iRPCs) will also be installed in the region 1.8 < |η| < 2.4 of the 3rd and 4th endcap stations. The presentation will give an overview of the current CMS muon system performance. Moreover, the upgrade plans will be discussed, together with the present status of each project.

        Speaker: Ilaria Vai (Pavia University and INFN (IT))
      • 80
        Precision Timing at High-Luminosity LHC with the CMS MIP Timing Detector

        The MIP Timing Detector (MTD) is a new sub-detector planned for the Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS) experiment at CERN, aimed at maintaining the excellent particle identification and reconstruction efficiency of the CMS detector during the High-Luminosity LHC (HL-LHC) era. The MTD will provide new and unique capabilities to CMS by measuring the time-of-arrival of minimum ionizing particles with a resolution of 30 - 40 ps at the beginning of HL-LHC operation. The information provided by the MTD will help disentangle ~200 nearly simultaneous pileup interactions occurring in each bunch crossing at LHC by enabling the use of 4D reconstruction algorithms. The MTD will be composed of an endcap timing layer (ETL), instrumented with low-gain avalanche diodes, as well as a barrel timing layer (BTL), based on LYSO:Ce crystals coupled to SiPMs. In this talk, we will present an overview of the MTD design, highlight the new physics capabilities provided by the MTD, describe the latest progress toward production, and show test beam results demonstrating the achieved target time resolution.

        Speaker: Chang-Seong Moon (Kyungpook National University (KR))
      • 81
        Latest results on luminosity measurements from the CMS experiment

        Precision luminosity measurements are an essential ingredient to cross section measurements at the LHC, needed to determine fundamental parameters of the standard model and to constrain or discover beyond-the-standard-model phenomena. The latest luminosity measurements of the CMS detector at the CERN Large Hadron Collider are reported. The absolute luminosity scale is obtained with beam-separation (“van der Meer”) scans, and several systematic uncertainty sources are studied. Additional contributions to the total uncertainty in the integrated luminosity originate from the linearity and stability of the detectors used in the luminosity measurement throughout the data-taking period. A novel method to improve the luminosity integration with the physics process Z → μ+μ- is explored.

        Speaker: Lizardo Valencia Palomo (Universidad de Sonora (MX))
    • 1:00 PM
    • 2:00 PM
    • 3:30 PM
      Coffee break
    • Cosmology, Astrophysics, Gravity, Mathematical Physics Room 1

      Room 1

      • 82
        Measurement of the energy spectra of proton, Helium and Boron cosmic-rays with CALET on the International Space Station

        The Calorimetric Electron Telescope (CALET) is a cosmic-ray observatory operating since October 2015 aboard the International Space Station (ISS). The primary scientific goal of the CALET mission is to perform a high-precision measurement of the inclusive spectrum of cosmic electrons and positrons up to about 20 TeV, where the shape of the spectrum might indicate the presence of nearby cosmic-ray sources or dark matter signatures. The CALET mission is also able to investigate the mechanism of cosmic-ray acceleration and propagation in the Galaxy, by performing direct measurements of the energy spectra and elemental composition of cosmic-ray nuclei from H to Fe and the abundance of trans-iron elements, up to Zr (Z = 40), in the energy range reaching the PeV scale. Finally, CALET can monitor the gamma-ray sky up to about 10 TeV, search for signals from gravitational-wave event candidates, and observe gamma-ray burst events. The CALET detector, consisting of a charge detector, an imaging calorimeter and a total absorption calorimeter has a total thickness of about 30 radiation lengths at normal incidence. The instrument can achieve a clear separation between hadrons and electrons and between charged particles and gamma-rays. In this contribution we summarize the most recent results obtained from data processed since the beginning of the mission, by focusing on the measured spectra of cosmic-ray proton, Helium and Boron, the latter flux compared with that of Carbon to investigate the secondary-to-primary abundance ratio B/C.

        Speakers: Dr Sandro Gonzi (Università degli Studi di Firenze e INFN), Dr Sandro Gonzi (University of Florence (Department of Physics and Astronomy), National Institute for Nuclear Physics INFN (Division of Florence), National Research Council CNR (Institute of Applied Physics IFAC))
      • 83
        The CUPID neutrinoless double-beta decay experiment

        "Neutrinoless double-beta decay (0νββ) is a key process to address some of the major outstanding issues in particle physics, such as the lepton number conservation and the Majorana nature of the neutrino. Several efforts have taken place in the last decades in order to reach higher and higher sensitivity on its half-life. The next-generation of experiments aims at covering the Inverted-Ordering region of the neutrino mass spectrum, with sensitivities on the half-lives greater than 1E27 years. Among the exploited techniques, low-temperature calorimetry has proved to be a very promising one, and will keep its leading role in the future thanks to the CUPID experiment. CUPID (CUORE Upgrade with Particle IDentification) will search for the neutrinoless double-beta decay of 100Mo and will exploit the existing cryogenic infrastructure as well as the gained experience of CUORE, at the Laboratori Nazionali del Gran Sasso in Italy. Thanks to 1596 scintillating Li2MoO4 crystals, enriched in 100Mo, coupled to 1710 light detectors CUPID will have simultaneous readout of heat and light that will allow for particle identification, and thus a powerful alpha background rejection. Numerous studies and R&D projects are currently ongoing in a coordinated effort aimed at finalizing the design of the CUPID detector and at assessing its performance and physics reach.
        In our talk, we will present the current status of CUPID and outline the forthcoming steps towards the construction of the experiment."

        Speaker: Valentina Dompè
    • Workshop on Laser Fusion, a spin-off from heavy-ion collisions Room 2

      Room 2

      • 84
        Laser driven proton acceleration using resonant nanorod antenna

        A novel idea was proposed not long ago to help out laser-induced fusion with simultaneous volume ignition, a spin-off from heavy ion collisions, which uses implanted nano antennas to regulate and amplify light absorption in a fusion target [1,2]. Recent studies have analyzed the resilience of these nano antennas in a vacuum [3] and in a UDMA-TEGDMA medium[4]. While the lifetime of the plasmonic effect was found to be longer in the medium, less energy was observed due to the smaller resonant size of gold nanoantennas. Here we present new findings on how the plasmonic effect behaves in an environment surrounded by hydrogen atoms close to liquid densities. We conducted numerical simulations treating the electrons of gold in the conduction band as strongly coupled plasma. The results show that the protons close to the nanorod's surface follow the collectively moving electrons rather than the incoming electric field of the light. Additionally, this "screening" effect is found to be dependent on the laser intensity.

        [1] L.P. Csernai and D.D. Strottman,
        Volume ignition via time-like detonation in pellet fusion,
        Laser and Particle Beams, 33, 279-282 (2015).
        [2] L.P. Csernai, N. Kroo, and I. Papp,
        Radiation dominated implosion with nano-plasmonics,
        Laser and Particle Beams, 36 (2), 171-178 (2018).
        [3] I. Papp, L. Bravina, M. Csete, A. Kumari, I.N. Mishustin, D. Molnár, A. Motornenko, P. Rácz, L. M. Satarov, H. Stöcker, D. D. Strottman, A. Szenes, D. Vass, T. S. Biró, L. P. Csernai, and N. Kroó, (NAPLIFE Collaboration),
        Kinetic Model Evaluation of the Resilience of Plasmonic Nanoantennas for Laser-Induced Fusion,
        PRX Energy, 1, 023001 (2022).
        [4] I. Papp, L. Bravina, M. Csete, A. Kumari, I.N. Mishustin, A. Motornenko, P. Rácz, L. M. Satarov, H. Stöcker, D. D. Strottman, A. Szenes, D. Vass, Á. Szokol, J. Kámán, A. Bonyár, T. S. Biró, L. P. Csernai, and N. Kroó, (NAPLIFE Collaboration),
        Kinetic model of resonant nanoantennas in polymer for laser induced fusion,
        Frontiers in Physics, 11, 1116023 (2023).

        Speaker: Dr Istvan Papp
      • 85
        Theoretical advances in the NAPLIFE Project

        The NAPLIFE project activity is presented from the original patent idea in 2017 up to now: Initial theoretical concepts, target realizations, the idea of Laser Wake Field Collider, Multi-layered Target design, Targets with implanted nano- rod antennas, resilience and absorption properties of nano- antennas in vacuum and in UDMA-TEGDMA polymers, analysis of crater formation with and without plasmonic nano-rod antennas, initial incoming and outgoing light energy test, theoretical analysis of crater formation and Deuterium production, Initial signs of Deuterium production, and summary of the present status of the project.

        Speaker: Prof. Laszlo Pal Csernai (University of Bergen)
    • High Energy Particle Physics Room 1

      Room 1

      • 86
        CMS Dark Matter searches

        Recent results for dark matter searches with the CMS experiment.

        Speaker: Pedro Fernandez Manteca (Rice University (US))
    • High Energy Particle Physics Room 2

      Room 2

      • 87
        Nambu-Goldstone bosons in particle physics and cosmology

        This review lecture focuses on the role the Nambu-Goldstone bosons of some spontaneously broken accidental global symmetries may play in particle physics and cosmology. Beginning with the possibility
        that the Higgs boson may be a pseudo-Nambu-Goldstone boson, they may also include a QCD axion solving the strong
        CP problem. Axion-like-particles are good candidates for dark matter and may play the role of an inflaton. The theoretical properties of Nambu-Goldstone bosons and their experimental signatures will be reviewed.

        Speaker: Stefan Pokorski (University of Warsaw (PL))
    • Workshop on Laser Fusion, a spin-off from heavy-ion collisions Room 1

      Room 1

      • 88
        ATLAS physics prospects for HL-LHC

        With a start of data-taking scheduled in 2029, the High-Luminosity LHC (HL-LHC) will extend the LHC program to the first half of the 2040???s with pp collisions at s = 14 TeV, with an expected integrated luminosity of 3000 fb1 for the ATLAS experiment. Its physics programme will directly benefit from the large luminosity to be collected, improved systematic uncertainties as well as from new trigger and reconstruction techniques made possible thanks to the detector Phase-2 upgrades. The most recent physics prospects from the ATLAS collaboration will be summarized in this contribution, covering in particular Higgs physics, Standard Model precision measurements and Beyond the Standard Model searches, and emphasizing how new techniques and detector capabilities will be critical in achieving these goals.

        Speaker: Alkaid Cheng (University of Wisconsin Madison (US))
    • High Energy Particle Physics Room 1

      Room 1

      • 89
        The REDTOP experiment: a $\eta$/$\eta'$ factory to explore dark matter and physics beyond the Standard Model

        The REDTOP experiment is a super-$\eta$/$\eta'$ factory aiming at exploring physics BSM, and Cold Dark Matter in particular, in the MeV-GeV energy range. This range is, at present, the most unconstrained among the energy regions searched by current and planned experiments.
        The $\eta$ and $\eta'$ mesons are almost unique in the particle universe. Their quantum numbers are all zero, which occurs only for the Higgs boson and the vacuum (except for parity). In that respect, REDTOP is considered a low-energy Higgs factory. Furthermore, less than ~80% of the $\eta$ and $\eta'$ constituents is made of quarks, while the rest is still unknown.
        REDTOP aims at collecting more than $10^{14}$ eta/yr ($10^{12}$ eta'/yr) in a 3-year running period, corresponding to about five order of magnitude of the current world sample.
        Such statistics is sufficient for investigating several symmetry violations, and for searching particles and forces beyond the Standard Model, including dark matter, by studying rare decays of the $\eta$ and $\eta'$.
        Recent physics and detector studies indicate that REDTOP has excellent sensitivity to probe all four portals connecting the dark sector with the Standard Model, a feature reached only by the SHIP experiment at CERN. Furthermore, conservation laws and violation of discrete symmetries can be probed in several ways.
        REDTOP is the only $\eta$/$\eta'$ factory being proposed in the world. The advanced design of the detector is the key of the experiment. A modest proton beam with low power (~30 W) is required.
        Recent physics and detector studies indicate that REDTOP has excellent sensitivity to probe all four portals connecting the dark sector with the Standard Model. Furthermore, conservation laws and violation of discrete symmetries can be probed in several ways.
        The physics program and the detector for REDTOP will be discussed during the presentation.

        Speaker: Corrado Gatto (INFN & NIU)
    • Heavy Ion Collisions and Critical Phenomena Room 1

      Room 1

      • 90
        Azimuthal anisotropy in relativistic heavy-ion collisions at low beam energies using the PHSD model

        Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD) predicts a transition form hadronic matter to a deconfined state of quarks and gluons known as quark gluon plasma (QGP) under extreme conditions of temperature and/or baryon chemical potential ($\mu_B$). One of the main objectives of the relativistic heavy-ion collision experiments is to explore the properties of strongly interacting QGP. Azimuthal anisotropy of the final-state hadrons has been studied intensively to look for the dynamics and collecitve behavior of the strongly interacting medium produced in relativistic heavy-ion collisions. Elliptic flow ($v_{2}$) of identified hadrons provides a strong evidence for the creation of a hot and dense matter in heavy-ion collisions. The most striking observation, in this respect, is the number of constituent quark (NCQ) scaling of $v_{2}$ of identified hadrons.

        In this work, we report the transverse momentum ($p_T$) dependence of identified hadron $v_{2}$ at mid-rapidity ($|y| < 1.0$) in minimum bias Au+Au collisions at $E_{lab} = 25\mathrm{~A~GeV}$ and $35\mathrm{~A~GeV}$ using the Parton Hadron String Dynamics (PHSD) model. The number of constituent quark (NCQ) scaling of $v_2$ will be discussed. We will also discuss the $v_2(p_T)$ difference between particles and corresponding anti-particles. The calculations are compared with the published results from the STAR experiment at RHIC for Au+Au collisions at $\sqrt{s_{\mathrm{NN}}} = 7.7\mathrm{~GeV}$. These predictions will be useful for the future Compressed Baryonic Matter (CBM) experiment at the Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research (FAIR) and Multi-Purpose Detector (MPD) at the Nuclotron-based Ion Collider facility (NICA).

        Speaker: Dr Vipul Bairathi (Instituto de Alta Investigación, Universidad de Tarapacá)
    • Poster Session
      • 91
        Search for new physics using unsupervised machine learning for anomaly detection in sqrt(s) = 13 TeV pp collisions recorded by the ATLAS detector at the LHC

        Searches for new resonances in two-body invariant masses are performed using an unsupervised anomaly detection technique in events produced in pp collisions at a center-of-mass energy of 13 TeV recorded by the ATLAS detector at the LHC. An autoencoder network is trained with 1% randomly selected collision events and anomalous regions are then defined containing events with high reconstruction losses. Studies are conducted in data containing at least one isolated lepton. Nine invariant masses (m_jX) are inspected which contain pairs of one jet (b-jet) and one lepton (e, mu), photon, or a second jet (b-jet). No significant deviation from the background-only hypothesis is observed after applying the event-based anomaly detection technique. The 95% confidence level upper limits on contributions from generic Gaussian signals are reported for the studied invariant masses. The widths of the signals range between 0% and 15% of the resonance mass and masses range from 0.3 TeV to 7 TeV. The obtained model-independent limits are shown to have a strong potential to exclude generic heavy states with complex decays.

        Speaker: Alkaid Cheng (University of Wisconsin Madison (US))
      • 92
        Combination of ATLAS dark matter searches interpreted in a 2HDM with a pseudo-scalar mediator using 139 fb-1 of sqrt(s) = 13 TeV pp collision data

        The existence of dark matter (DM) is carried by a variety of astrophysical measurements, however the nature and properties of the DM are still largely unidentified. The presence of DM is not predicted by the Standard Model (SM), but many theories beyond the Standard Model (BSM) offer the study of DM. Weakly Interacting Massive Particles (WIMPs, denoted as chi) are frequently used as candidates in several of these theoretical models. If Dark Matter interacts weakly with the Standard Model (SM) it could be produced at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) experiments, escaping the detector and leaving a large missing transverse momentum as its signature. WIMPs are potentially pair-produced in pp collisions at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC).To identify events with DM, additional SM particle(s) (Z,W and h bosons, jet, quarks...) need to be produced in association with DM in a pp collision. The above-mentioned searches, as well as resonance searches looking for mediators decaying into SM particles, are interpreted in the context of so-called Two-Higgs-Doublet Model (2HDM) with a pseudo-scalar mediator (2HDM+a), which is the simplest UV-complete benchmark with a pseudoscalar mediator. Many interesting results using the LHC Run 2 pp collision data collected at 13 TeV with an integrated luminosity of 139fb-1 have been achieved. Since no significant excess over the expected SM background was found in any of these analyses, the results provide constrains on 2HDM+a benchmark.In addition, a statistical combination is performed of three of the most sensitive analyses: ETmiss+ Z(ll), ETmiss+h(bb), and Htb signatures.

        Speaker: Sanae Ezzarqtouni (Universite Hassan II, Ain Chock (MA))
      • 93
        Relativity in motion: long version

        In General Relativity (GR), the motion of quarks is assumed to be entirely taken into account when converting their energy of motion into their corresponding macroscopic energy at rest using E=mc² equation.
        This is correct locally, but this motion generates also microscopic gravitational waves which propagate their space-time deformations everywhere. Therefore globally this motion yields immediatly a retardation of the gravitational force. This is the first effect of this motion.
        The other consequences of this motion should be calculated in GR, but those calculations are cumbersome. Hopefully they can be approximated using a new and discrete equation. This equation shows that another effect arises, which is that the gravitational force must be divided by the energy of the surroundings of the location where the force is exerted, after multiplication by an appropriate factor. This effect was studied in a previous work [1] and was called "surrounding".
        The main result of this study is that the motion of the quarks generate a surrounding effect in gravitation which might give an explanation to the gravitational issues of today.

        [1] F. Lassiaille, EPJ Web of Conf. 182 (2018) 03006.

        Speaker: Frederic Lassiaille
      • 94
        Fundamental spin interaction in focused laser beams

        The intrinsic angular momentum of particles is a very fundamental property, as there is no classical counter part for it, in particular for the case of spin 1/2. Despite this fundamentality, the electron spin has actually only been observed in composed systems, like in atoms or in solids. Even the famous Stern-Gerlach experiment, known to be the first clear indication for spin 1/2, is, for technical reasons, only carried out with electrically neutral silver atoms. From the perspective of a quantum field theory, a setup for Compton scattering induced by strong external plane wave fields would be the most fundamental form of an interaction with spin 1/2. Such an induced Compton scattering setup is manifested by the Kapitza-Dirac effect [1,2,3]. From the theory perspective the question arises, whether this effect can also be observed in a realistic setup with focused laser beams. It could be that a small longitudinal polarization component from beam focusing in the Gaussian beam solution might hinder the predicted spin effect [4]. In our contribution, we demonstrate in a two-dimensional, relativistic simulation that the claimed spin effect persists even in the background of a Gaussian beam standing light wave. The simulation is based on the established FFT-split operator method, for solving the Dirac equation [5]. Spin dynamics as described in previous plane wave descriptions [6,7] can be observed in our numerical solution, giving rise for the need of an experimental implementation of the effect [3].

        1. P. L. Kapitza and P. A. M. Dirac, The reflection of electrons from
          standing light waves, Math. Proc. Cambridge Philos. Soc. 29, 297 (1933).
        2. D. L. Freimund, K. Aflatooni, and H. Batelaan, Observation of the
          Kapitza-Dirac effect, Nature (London) 413, 142 (2001).
        3. S. Ahrens, Z. Liang, T. Čadež, and B. Shen, Spin-dependent
          two-photon Bragg scattering in the Kapitza-Dirac effect, Phys. Rev. A
          102, 033106 (2020).
        4. S. Ahrens, Z. Guan, and B. Shen, Beam focus and longitudinal
          polarization influence on spin dynamics in the Kapitza-Dirac effect,
          Phys. Rev. A 105, 053123 (2022).
        5. H. Bauke and C. H. Keitel, Accelerating the Fourier split operator
          method via graphics processing units, Comput. Phys. Commun. 182, 2454
        6. S. Ahrens, H. Bauke, C. H. Keitel, and C. Müller, Spin Dynamics in
          the Kapitza-Dirac Effect, Phys. Rev. Lett. 109, 043601 (2012).
        7. S. Ahrens, H. Bauke, C. H. Keitel, and C. Müller, Kapitza-Dirac
          effect in the relativistic regime, Phys. Rev. A 88, 012115 (2013).
        Speaker: Mr Ping Ge (Shanghai Normal University)
    • 7:00 PM
      Wine tasting
    • 8:00 PM
      Conference Dinner, Cretan night with live music and dance in OAC
    • Cosmology, Astrophysics, Gravity, Mathematical Physics Room 1

      Room 1

      • 95
        Quasi-stable dark matter and high energy cosmic rays

        Realistic candidates for dark matter particles should be either absolutely stable or have life-time significantly exceeding the universe age. However, as it was argued by Zeldovich, all particles are intrinsically  unstable because of formation of virtual black holes. We consider multidimensional generalization of  gravity that naturally allows for superheavy dark matter particles. We estimate their life- time assuming that they decay through the Zeldovich mechanism. The region of the model parameters is established under condition that the life-time of DM particles is three-four orders of magnitude longer than the universe age. In this case decay products of such particles could make noticeable contribution into the flux of high energy cosmic rays.

        Speaker: Elena Arbuzova (Dubna State University and Novosibirsk State University)
      • 96
        1/f Fluctuations from amplitude modulation -diversity from Universe to stars and planets

        1/f fluctuations abound in nature. From solid-state physics to nervous and biological systems, oceans, astrophysics, and Universe, there are very low-frequency signals whose time series power spectrum is f^α (-1.5<α<-0.5) for the frequency f. Since Johnson’s first discovery of 1/f fluctuation in a vacuum tube experiment in 1925, the origin of it has been studied, but there has been no satisfactory solution so far.
        In this talk, I will propose a model in which the many waves of accumulated frequencies generate 1/f fluctuation: amplitude modulation and demodulation. The possible mechanisms for spontaneously creating these coherent waves are a) synchronization, b) resonance, and c) infrared divergence. In this talk, I will describe corresponding astrophysics and find the common physics behind them.
        a) Synchronization: Synchronization of the solar magnetic field in the macrospin model and coupled local heat engines of variable stars.
        b) Resonance: seismic activities, Earth rotation axes wobble, and Earth-free oscillation. 
        c) Infrared divergence: the origin of the density fluctuations in the early Universe, current fluctuations in semiconductors, and 1/f fluctuations in living organisms due to neural firing.
        I will talk about these topics with many numerical calculations.
        Reference: https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-023-34816-2

        Speaker: Masahiro Morikawa
    • 10:30 AM
      Coffee break
    • Cosmology, Astrophysics, Gravity, Mathematical Physics Room 1

      Room 1

      • 97
        Decaying Turbulence as a fractal curve

        We develop a quantitative microscopic theory of decaying Turbulence by studying the dimensional reduction of the Navier-Stokes loop equation for the velocity circulation. We have found an infinite dimensional manifold of solutions of the Navier-Stokes loop equation\cite{M93, M23PR} for the Wilson loop in decaying Turbulence in arbitrary dimension $d >2$. This family of solutions corresponds to a fractal curve in complex space $\mathbb C^d$, described by an algebraic equation between consecutive positions plus a nonlinear periodicity condition.
        We derive the constrained SDE for the evolution of the fractal curve at a fixed moment of physical time as a function of an auxiliary stochastic time. We expect this stochastic process to cover our fixed manifold of the solutions of the decaying Turbulence.
        The energy density of the fluid decays as $\mathcal E_0/t$, where $\mathcal E_0$ is an initial dissipation rate.
        Presumably, we have found a new phase of extreme Turbulence yet to be observed in real or numerical experiments.

        Speaker: Alexander Migdal (NYU)
    • Heavy Ion Collisions and Critical Phenomena Room 1

      Room 1

      • 98
        ANN4FLES: A Neural Network Package for Applications in the CBM Experiment at FAIR

        Artificial Neural Networks for First Level Event Selection (ANN4FLES) in the CBM experiment at FAIR is envisaged as a fast C++ package that enables the user to construct a variety of neural network architectures with minimal additional program- ming. The package comes equipped with a Graphical User Interface (GUI) where the user can not only select the type of network but also adjust the various hyperparameters. The package is designed to be modular so that users who wish to implement additional non-trivial features can do so without changing the basic structure of the package. Currently ANN4FLES can implement the following networks: Multilayer Perceptron (MLP), Convolutional Neural Network (CNN), Recurrent Neural Networks (RNN) and Graph Neural Networks (GNN).

        We have tested all networks implemented in the package on many standard datasets like MNIST, CIFAR, Cora etc and compared with PyTorch. In all cases we find the performance of ANN4FLES and PyTorch to be comparable. This gives us confidence that the basic algorithms being implemented are correct.

        We give two classification examples of how this package can be used in CBM: for search for short-lived particles and for selection of collisions with Quark-Gluon Plasma.

        Speaker: Prof. Ivan Kisel (Johann-Wolfgang-Goethe Univ. (DE))
    • Cosmology, Astrophysics, Gravity, Mathematical Physics Room 1

      Room 1

      • 99
        The ANTARES detector, the first undersea neutrino telescope

        ANTARES was the first undersea neutrino telescope. Its working principle was based on the detection of Cherenkov photons emitted along the path in seawater of relativistic charged particles produced in neutrino interactions in proximity of the detector.
        It operated in its full configuration from May 2008 up to February 2022, at about 2500 m below the surface of the Mediterranean Sea, in front of the southern French coast. The location of ANTARES offered a privileged point of view for the observation of the southern sky through neutrino-induced upgoing muons. Its geometrical configuration was optimised for neutrinos of Galactic origin with energies below 100 TeV.
        Different strategies were used to search for cosmic neutrinos: looking for a directional excess from a pre-selected list of more than hundred astrophysical candidates, searching for an excess of high-energy events over the atmospheric background, without assumptions about the source position, and an intense activity in the framework of a rich multi-
        messenger program to search for neutrinos in coincidence with transient astrophysical events.
        ANTARES has studied atmospheric muon neutrino disappearance due to neutrino oscillations, and has put constraints on 3+1 neutrino models. It also searched for neutrino fluxes due to the annihilation of dark matter particles trapped inside astrophysical objects.
        In this contribution, results using the almost complete ANTARES data sample are presented, together with a short discussion about the perspectives on the future Mediterranean neutrino telescopes, KM3NeT.

        Speaker: Annarita Margiotta (Universita e INFN, Bologna (IT))
      • 100
        The search for Dark Matter: the DarkSide-20k Experiment

        Elementary particle physics offers an attractive solution to explain non-baryonic dark matter in the form of relic Weakly Interacting Massive Particles (WIMPs). In our galaxy, dark matter might constitute a halo, extending far beyond the visible disk, whose properties are inferred e.g. from the rotational kinematics of the visible matter. WIMPs could be directly detected, as the Earth passes through such a halo, by looking at the nuclear recoils produced by WIMP interactions with ordinary matter. In this scenario, dual-phase noble liquid Time Projection Chambers (TPCs) offer competitive ways to search for dark matter directly, via elastic scattering on target detector nuclei and electrons. The Global Argon Dark Matter Collaboration (GADMC) is pursuing a multi-staged experimental program aiming to improve the detector sensitivity down to the so-called “neutrino fog”. Currently, GADMC is preparing for the DarkSide-20k experiment which features a 50 tonne underground argon dual-phase TPC with cryogenic Silicon Photomultipier readouts. An exposure goal of 200 tonne-years with near-zero instrumental background has been set for sensitivity to a WIMP-nucleon scattering cross section of 10$^{-47}$ cm$^2$ for a WIMP mass of 1 TeV/c$^2$2 over a 10-year run. In this contribution the DarkSide-20k experimental program and its recent progress will be presented.

        Speaker: Simone Sanfilippo (INFN - LNS)
      • 101
        Weighing the vacuum with the Archimedes Experiment

        The main objective of Archimedes is to weigh the vacuum, namely, to investigate the interaction of vacuum fluctuations with the gravity.
        Precisely, the small weight variations induced in two high temperature superconductors will be measured using a high sensitivity balance.
        These superconductors (YBCO or GdBCO) may "trap" or "expel" vacuum energy when their temperatures are greater or lower than their critical temperatures.
        The radiative heat exchange mechanism is the only way to remove or add thermal energy to the sample so that it can be considered isolated from any external interaction that could add energy other than the vacuum one.
        The status of the experiment will be illustrated together with the most recent results.

        Speaker: Valentina Mangano (INFN - Roma1 , Sapienza (Italy))
    • 1:00 PM
    • 2:00 PM
    • 3:30 PM
      Coffee break
    • Heavy Ion Collisions and Critical Phenomena Room 2

      Room 2

      • 102
        Study of system size dependence on the production and suppression of quarkonium yields

        Relative yields of quarkonium and transverse momentum (pT) spectrum of charged particles have the potential to map and test the properties of QGP medium. Inside the medium, as the quarkonia are largely exposed to the color-charge screening and gluon dissociation, the scattered partons experience a loss of energy due to gluon emission and parton splitting mainly. In this study, we evaluate the system size dependence of color screening and gluon-induced dissociation in the survival of quarkonium states in heavy-ion collisions, Pb+Pb ions at √s = 5.02 TeV and Xe+Xe ions at √s = 5.44 TeV separately. Also, the dependence of parton energy loss in the production and suppression of quarkonium yields will be estimated. We will compare our calculations with measurements performed at the same energies in LHC experiments

        Speaker: Eman Aljuhani (King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah)
      • 103
        Investigating collective effects in small collision systems using PYTHIA8 and EPOS4 simulations

        Studies have yielded strong evidence that a deconfined state of quarks and gluons, the quark--gluon plasma, is created in heavy-ion collisions. This hot and dense matter exhibits almost zero friction and a strong collective behavior. An unexpected collective behavior has also been observed in small collision systems. In this talk, the origin of collectivity in small collision systems is addressed by confronting PYTHIA8 and EPOS4 models using measurements of azimuthal correlations for inclusive and identified particles. In particular, anisotropic flow coefficients measured using two- and four-particle correlations with various pseudorapidity gaps, per-trigger yields, and balance functions are reported in pp collisions at $\sqrt{s}=13.6$ TeV and p--Pb collisions at $\sqrt{s_{NN}}=5.02$ TeV. The results are compared with the available experimental data.

        Speaker: Alexandru Manea (Institute of Space Science (RO))
    • High Energy Particle Physics Room 1

      Room 1

      • 104
        The T2K upgrade

        Neutrino oscillation physics has now entered the precision era. In parallel with needing larger detectors to collect more data, future experiments further require a significant reduction of systematic uncertainties with respect to what is currently available. In the neutrino oscillation measurements from the T2K experiment, the systematic uncertainties related to neutrino interaction cross sections are currently dominant. To reduce this uncertainty, a significantly improved understanding of neutrino-nucleus interactions is required. In particular, it is crucial to better characterise the nuclear effects which can alter the final state topology and kinematics of neutrino interactions in such a way which can bias neutrino energy reconstruction and therefore bias measurements of neutrino oscillations.

        The upgraded ND280 detector will consist of a totally active Super-Fine-Grained-Detector (Super-FGD) composed of 2 million 1 cm$^3$ scintillator cubes with three 2D readouts, two High Angle TPC (HA-TPC) instrumented with resistive MicroMegas modules, and six TOF planes. It will directly confront our knowledge of neutrino interactions thanks to its full polar angle acceptance and a much lower proton tracking threshold. Furthermore, neutron tagging capabilities, in addition to precision timing information, will allow the upgraded detector to estimate neutron kinematics from neutrino interactions. Such improvements permit access to a much larger kinematic phase space which correspondingly allows techniques such as the analysis of transverse kinematic imbalances, to offer remarkable constraints of the pertinent nuclear physics for T2K analyses.

        New reconstruction algorithms are being developed to fully benefit from the improved capabilities of the Super-FGD and of the HA-TPC and will be described in this talk together with the expected performances of the ND280 upgrade.

        Speaker: Yury Kudenko (Russian Academy of Sciences (RU))
    • 105
      Machine learning lecture Room 3

      Room 3

      Prof Tommaso Dorigo

      Speaker: Tommaso Dorigo (Universita e INFN, Padova (IT))
    • Cosmology, Astrophysics, Gravity, Mathematical Physics Room 1

      Room 1

      • 106
        Spectral-Imaging with QUBIC : Component Map-Making

        The Q \& U Bolometric Interferometer for Cosmology (QUBIC) is a novel kind of CMB polarimeter, installed on the Puna plateau in Argentina and inaugurated at the end of 2022. QUBIC is optimized for the measurement of the B-mode polarization of the CMB, one of the major challenges of observational cosmology. The signal is expected to be of the order of a few tens of nK, prone to instrumental systematic effects and polluted by various astrophysical foregrounds which can only be controlled through multichroic observations. QUBIC is designed to address these observational issues with a novel approach, Bolometric Interferometry, that combines the advantages of interferometry in terms of control of instrumental systematic effects with those of bolometric detectors in terms of wide-band, background-limited sensitivity. The QUBIC synthesized beam has a frequency-dependent shape that results in the ability to produce maps of the CMB polarization in multiple sub-bands within the two physical bands of the instrument (150 and 220 GHz). Alternatively, QUBIC offers the possibility to perform component separation directly at the map-making stage, incorporating external information in a modular fashion. These features make QUBIC complementary to other instruments and makes it particularly well suited to characterize and remove Galactic foreground contamination.

        I will present the status of QUBIC, calibration results, the first real sky observations as well as forecasts for B-modes detection. I will insist on the specific spectral-imaging feature that allows Bolometric Interferometry to identify foreground contamination in a unique manner, even in the pessimistic case of Galactic dust exhibiting frequency domain decorrelation

        In this study, we also show the ability of QUBIC to perform component separation during the map-making process. Since QUBIC's noise is non-trivial, accounting for it with classical component separation methods is very difficult. The component map-making allows to marginalize the data with respect to the astrophysical foregrounds as well as on the instrumental systematics of QUBIC.

        This new technique has many advantages over conventional methods, including processing the specific correlated noise of QUBIC. This one becomes simple in the space of temporal data and allows to build a model to separate the astrophysical components.

        Speaker: Mathias Régnier
      • 107
        Gravastar-like black hole solutions in q-theory

        We present a stationary spherically symmetric solution of the Einstein equations, with a source generated by a scalar field of q-theory.
        In this theory Riemannian gravity, as described by the Einstein - Hilbert action, is coupled to a three - form field that
        describes the dynamical vacuum. Formally it behaves like a matter field with its own stress - energy tensor, equivalent to a scalar field minimally coupled to gravity.
        The asymptotically flat solutions obtained to the field equations
        represent black holes. For a sufficiently large horizon radius the energy density is localized within a thin spherical shell situated just outside of the horizon,
        analogous to a gravastar.
        The resulting solutions to the field equations, which admit this class of
        configurations, satisfy existence conditions that stem from the Black Hole no - hair theorem,
        thanks to the presence of a region in space in which the energy density is negative.

        Speaker: Maik Selch (Ariel University)
    • 108
      Machine learning lecture Room 3

      Room 3

      Dr Pietro Vischia

      Speaker: Dr Pietro Vischia (Universidad de Oviedo and Instituto de Ciencias y Tecnologías Espaciales de Asturias (ICTEA))
    • Quantum Physics, Quantum Optics and Quantum Information Room 2

      Room 2

      • 109
        On Diagonalization and Bound State Existence Conditions for Coupled Harmonic Oscillators Room 2

        Room 2

        We have established the connection between two diagonalization methods that have
        been put forward recently for solving time-dependent and time-independent three coupled
        quantum harmonic oscillators (CQHO). One method invokes SU(3) Lie group structure while the other takes SO(3) Lie group construction into consideration for diagonalization. Necessary and
        sufficient conditions for the existence of bound states which are valid for both the time-dependent and time-independent three CQHO have been derived explicitly. Implications and insights of the results obtained have also been discussed. In particular, a resolution the derived results offer for some of the issues that have been
        pointed out recently related to the latter method, that is, the one based on SU(3) Lie group structure, has been discussed as well.

        Speaker: Mohsin Ilahi
      • 110
        A local-deterministic alternative to Quantum Gravity Room 2

        Room 2

        Ramzi Suleiman

      • 111
        Quantum vs classical logic: information loss Room 2

        Room 2

        Our study is dedicated to the reduction of quantum logic expressions to their classical counterparts by imposing the semi-classical limit. We demonstrate that any quantum gate from the complete set suffers information loss during the transition $ \hbar \to 0 $. The biggest losses are manifested for propositions consisting of non-commuting operators. The developed technique makes it possible to quantify the transition for arbitrary quantum algorithm. For the quantum discrete Fourier transform and the Grover search algorithm, the approach estimates information loss as $ \mathcal{O}\left(n2^n\right) $ and $ \mathcal{O}\left(n^2 2^{n/2}\right) $ correspondingly.

        Speaker: Maksym Teslyk (Department of Physics, University of Oslo, Norway)
    • Cosmology, Astrophysics, Gravity, Mathematical Physics Room 1

      Room 1

      • 112
        Silicon-based cryogenic Photon Detection Units testing for DarkSide-20k experiment

        DarkSide-20k is the final detector of the DarkSide direct dark matter search program that involves the researchers from the global collaboration formed by all major current Argon-based experiments (GDMAC). DarkSide-20k is a 20-tonne fiducial mass dual-phase Liquid Argon Time Projection Chamber (LArTPC) filled with low radioactivity argon equipped with SiPM-based cryogenic photosensors. The experiment is expected to be free of any instrumental background for exposure of >100 tonnes per year. Like its predecessor DarkSide-50, it will be constructed in INFN Gran Sasso (LNGS) underground laboratory.
        DarkSide in collaboration with FBK started a dedicated development and customization of SiPM technology suitable for the LAr application resulting in the design, production and assembly of large surface matrixes (20×20 cm2) Photo Detection Unit. PDUs will be mass-produced in the following year to integrate the two optical planes of the TPC (~21 m2 total SiPM surface) and as photosensors for the veto system (~5 m2).
        The main characteristics of the first PDU prototype have been studied over a long acquisition campaign in liquid nitrogen at Naples’ DarkSide Laboratory (CryoLab) and will be presented in this talk. The PDU was tested for varying overvoltage values and different readout and power configurations by measuring the signal-to-noise ratio for each of them. A study of the stability of the performances has been carried out.

        Speaker: Yury Suvorov (UNINA / INFN Sez. Napoli)
    • 113
      Time-energy uncertainty relations, non-inertial quantum clocks and the effective appearance of non-unitarity Room 2

      Room 2

      Prof. Eliahu Cohen

      Speaker: Eliahu Cohen
    • 114
      Lecture and workshop/Sacred Music Concert ''Play your voice'' (Kalliopi Petrou) in Room 1, OAC
    • 8:00 PM
    • Heavy Ion Collisions and Critical Phenomena Room 1

      Room 1

      • 115
        PHENIX Heavy Ion Results

        The PHENIX Experiment at RHIC recorded data from proton-proton, proton-ion, and ion-ion collisions for sixteen years, officially ending its run in 2016. PHENIX has since been fully dismantled, with the new sPHENIX detector completely installed in the same experimental hall at RHIC and starting to take data as of May of this year. Although PHENIX is no longer online, the last three years of operation collected data across a range of different collision systems: $p$$+$$p$, $p$$+$Al, $d$$+$Au, He$^{3}$$+$Au, and Au$+$Au. These data sets are still currently being analyzed. Recent collaboration efforts have focused primarily on thermal and direct photon measurements, small system studies, and elliptic flow, as well as hadronic nuclear modification measurements, including the $\phi$ meson and J/$\psi$, multiplicity studies at forward and mid-rapidity, jet modification with two-particle correlations and Bose-Einstein correlation functions. Here we present a selection of analyses PHENIX has approved as preliminary results or publication since the start of 2022.

        Speaker: Krista Lizbeth Smith (Los Alamos National Laboratory (US))
    • High Energy Particle Physics Room 1

      Room 1

      • 116
        Highlights from Standard Model precision measurements in ATLAS

        Precision measurements using the leptonic decays of W and Z boson at the LHC are used to determine the fundamental parameters of the Standard Model. In this talk, extraordinarily precise double-differential measurement of the Z boson production in the full phase space of the decay leptons at a centre-of-mass energy of 8 TeV will be presented. The recoil of the Z-boson is sensitive to quark and gluon emissions and is used to determine the strong coupling constant in a novel approach. Moreover, the transverse momentum of the W and Z boson measured from the hadronic recoil at 5 and 13 TeV are discussed. The results are compared to state-of-the-art predictions at third-order accuracy in perturbative QCD, supplemented by resummation of logarithmically-enhanced contributions in the small transverse-momentum region of the lepton pairs (N3LO+N4LL). The measurements are a critical input for the measurement of electroweak parameters such as the W boson mass, of which an updated measurement at 7 TeV is discussed. Use of a profile-likelihood fit technique allows to improve the precision by fully exploiting the information present in data. Finally, a very precise measurement of diboson production is presented using WW->lvlv decays. The measurement is performed in a jet-inclusive phase space and compared to a variety of state-of-the art theoretical predictions. The measurement is very sensitive to the SU(2)xU(1) gauge structure of the electroweak theory and the consistency of theory and data are quantified in an Effective Field Theory interpretation.

        Speaker: Chen Wang (Johannes Gutenberg Universitaet Mainz (DE))
    • 10:30 AM
      Coffee break
    • High Energy Particle Physics Room 1

      Room 1

      • 117
        Searches for BSM physics using challenging and long-lived signatures with the ATLAS detector

        Various theories beyond the Standard Model predict new, long-lived particles with unique signatures which are difficult to reconstruct and for which estimating the background rates is also a challenge. Signatures from displaced and/or delayed decays anywhere from the inner detector to the muon spectrometer, as well as those of new particles with fractional or multiple values of the charge of the electron or high mass stable charged particles are all examples of experimentally demanding signatures. The talk will focus on the most recent results using 13 TeV pp collision data collected by the ATLAS detector.

        Speaker: Emma Torro Pastor (Univ. of Valencia and CSIC (ES))
      • 118
        Searches for electroweak production of supersymmetric particles with the ATLAS detector

        The direct production of electroweak SUSY particles, including sleptons, charginos, and neutralinos, is a particularly interesting area with connections to dark matter and the naturalness of the Higgs mass. The small production cross-sections and challenging experimental signatures lead to difficult searches. This talk will highlight the most recent results of searches performed by the ATLAS experiment for supersymmetric particles produced via electroweak processes, including analyses targeting small mass splittings between SUSY particles.

        Speaker: Yuchen Cai (Chinese Academy of Sciences (CN))
      • 119
        CMS B-physics results

        I will discuss about recent B-physics results from the CMS Collaboration.

        Speaker: Sanjay Kumar Swain (National Institute of Science Education and Research (NISER) (IN))
      • 120
        The Muon Detector of the LHCb experiment at Upgrade II

        LHCb is a dedicated b-physics experiment at the CERN Large Hadron Collider (LHC).

        Designed to perform precision measurements of CP violation as well as rare decays of beauty and charm hadrons, its detector was successfully operated during Run 1 and Run 2 of the LHC and is currently taking data after having being upgraded to run at a luminosity of 2×10^33cm−2s−1. A further upgrade phase, the Upgrade II, has been proposed for LHCb to fully exploit the flavour physics opportunities of the High Luminosity era, probing a wide range of physics observables with unprecedented accuracy. Starting from 2035, LHCb Upgrade II is expected to run at an instantaneous luminosity up to 2×10^34cm−2s−1 and to collect a data sample corresponding to about 300 fb−1.

        The LHCb Muon Detector plays a key role in b mesons tagging. A new design for the Muon Detector is under study, in order to deal with the luminosity and readout rate increase while preserving its stable operation together with highly efficient muon detection capability. An intense R&D activity on new technologies is currently ongoing.

        In this talk, an overview on the state of the art of the Muon Detector project and its perspectives towards future upgrades will be presented.

        Speaker: Alessandra Pastore (INFN Bari)
    • Heavy Ion Collisions and Critical Phenomena Room 1

      Room 1

      • 121
        Magnetic vs Inverse Magnetic Catalysis in Hot and Dense Quark Matter

        It is well known that strong magnetic fields arise in heavy ion collisions. The magnetic field effects essentially depend on centrality of the collision and other conditions. We study influence of external magnetic field on QCD phase diagram (temperature, chemical potential). We perform this study within holographic QCD and compare obtained results with lattice calculations available for small chemical potential. Phase diagram strongly depends on quark masses. Inverse magnetic catalysis takes place for light quarks, whereas magnetic catalysis is realized for heavy quarks under special conditions. Magnetic effects essentially depend on the anisotropy, and we show what happens with isotropisation of the models. The talk is based on papers arXiv:2305.06345; Eur. Phys.J.C 83 1, 79, 2023 (arXiv:2203.12539); JHEP 07, 161, 2021 (arXiv:2011.07023).

        Speakers: Pavel Slepov (Steklov Mathematical Institute), Dr Pavel Slepov (Steklov Mathematical Institute of RAS)
    • 1:00 PM
    • 2:00 PM
    • 3:30 PM
      Coffee break
    • High Energy Particle Physics Room 1

      Room 1

      • 122
        Performance studies of Micromegas detectors in ATLAS with Run3 data

        The Micromegas detectors are part of the New Small Wheel (NSW) system of the ATLAS experiment, the largest upgrade project of Phase-1. Together with sTGC detectors they provide trigger and tracking capability in the innermost station of the end-cap part of the Muon spectrometer.
        The Micromegas detector of ATLAS cover an active area of about 1280 m^2, has 1024 HV channels and 2.1 M readout channels, representing the largest Micro-Pattern Gaseous Detector system ever built.
        The two NSW have been installed in ATLAS in time for the start of Run3, went through a detailed commissioning phase during 2022 and are now contributing to the ATLAS data taking.

        Speaker: Paolo Massarotti (Universita Federico II e INFN Sezione di Napoli (IT))
      • 123
        Performances of the Small-strip Thin Gap Chambers in the New Small Wheels of ATLAS

        The instantaneous luminosity of the Large Hadron
        Collider at CERN will be increased by about a factor
        of five with respect to the design value by
        undergoing an extensive upgrade program over the
        coming decade. The largest phase-1 upgrade project
        for the ATLAS Muon System was the replacement of the
        first station in the forward regions with the New
        Small Wheels (NSWs) which took place during the longLHC shutdown in 2019-2021.
        The two Small Wheels are called A and C and cover a
        positive and negative pseudorapidity acceptance in
        the range |η| =1.3 to 2.7. Both Small Wheels have
        been successfully installed in ATLAS in 2021 and took
        data from p+p collisions at 13.6 TeV in 2022.
        Along with resistive strips Micromegas, the NSW's is
        equipped with eight layers of small-strip thin gap
        chambers (sTGC). The new system is designed to assure
        high tracking efficiency, reduction of fake trigger
        rates and precision measurement of muon tracks. In
        this presentation we will discuss the performances of
        the sTGC detectors from data taken with the first LHC
        beam in 2022.

        Speaker: Sonia Kabana (Instituto De Alta Investigación, Universidad de Tarapacá (CL))
      • 124
        Redefining Performance: New Techniques for ATLAS Jet & MET Calibration

        Experimental uncertainties related to hadronic object reconstruction can limit the precision of physics analyses at the LHC, and so improvements in performance have the potential to broadly increase the impact of results. Recent refinements to reconstruction and calibration procedures for ATLAS jets and MET result in reduced uncertainties, improved pileup stability and other performance gains. In this contribution, selected highlights of these developments will be presented.

        Speaker: Michel Vetterli (Simon Fraser University (CA))
    • Cosmology, Astrophysics, Gravity, Mathematical Physics Room 1

      Room 1

      • 125
        Music and Physics - origin of 1/f fluctuations in music

        I’ll talk about the universal 1/f fluctuations in music. Showing some pieces of orchestra music, Serenade for Strings (Tchaikovsky), etc., I’ll explain the origin of the music 1/f fluctuations as the sound beat of unison (amplitude modulation). Using the Kuramoto and spin models, which exhibit the synchronization of frequencies, I'll demonstrate that any demodulation method is indispensable to yield 1/f fluctuations.
        At the end of my talk, I’ll show that the same mechanism is related to many 1/f fluctuations in various fields: seismic activity, solar flare, and the generation of density fluctuations in the early universe, … as shown in the table https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-023-34816-2/tables/1

        Speaker: Masahiro Morikawa
    • 8:00 PM
    • High Energy Particle Physics Room 1

      Room 1

      • 126
        Unpolarized parton density functions in QED

        Perturbative solutions for unpolarized QED parton distribution and fragmentation functions are presented explicitly in the next-to-leading logarithmic approximation. The scheme of iterative solution of QED evolution equations is described in detail. Terms up to $\mathcal{O}(\alpha^3L^2)$ are calculated analytically, where $L=\ln(\mu/m_e^2)$ is the large logarithm which depends on the factorization energy
        scale $\mu\gg m_e$. The results are process independent, they are relevant
        for future high-precision experiments. Applications for electron-positron colliders, muon decay spectrum, and muon-electron scattering are discussed.

        Speaker: Prof. Andrey Arbuzov (Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (RU))
      • 127
        Analysis of particle Pt-spectra in model-generated heavy-ion collisions using Tsallis statistics

        Application of non-extensive Tsallis statistics to study spectra of particles produced in proton-proton or nucleus-nucleus collisions at relativistic energies becomes very popular nowadays. In present work we fit the transverse momentum spectra of hadrons from intermediate heavy-ion collisions, generated by two microscopic transport models, UrQMD and SMASH, to Tsallis distribution. The analysis is done for the evolution of hot and dense nuclear matter in the central cell of central heavy-ion collisions and for the infinite nuclear matter, simulated in both models by means of a box with periodic boundary conditions. The obtained results favour the use of the Tsallis statistics in comparison with the Boltzmann-Gibbs one.

        Speaker: Evgeny Zabrodin
    • 10:30 AM
      Coffee break
    • High Energy Particle Physics Room 1

      Room 1

      • 128
        Thermodynamic Potential of the Polyakov Loop in SU(3) Quenched Lattice QCD Room 1

        Room 1

        In SU(3) lattice QCD, we study the effective potential (thermodynamic
        potential) of thermal quenched QCD in term of the Polyakov loop in the
        field theoretical manner for the first time. We adopt SU(3) lattice
        with beta=5.893 and 64*36, just corresponding to the critical
        temperature of the deconfinement phase transition. The effective
        potential is numerically evaluated using the reweighting method for
        the lattice QCD data around each Z_3 broken vacuum.

        Speakers: Prof. Hideo Suganuma (Kyoto University), 秀夫 菅沼
      • 129
        Thermal vorticity and hyperon polarisation in heavy ion collisions at intermideate energies
        Speaker: Larisa Bravina
    • High Energy Particle Physics Room 1

      Room 1

      • 130
        Operation and Performance of the CMS Electromagnetic Calorimeter in Run2 and beyond

        During LHC Run2, the CMS detector was operated at the highest instantaneous luminosity. These conditions posed significant demands on the electromagnetic calorimeter (ECAL). Precision alignment, calibration, monitoring and accurate reconstruction are essential to provide a precise measurement of electron and photons, that in turn are key to a variety of physics analysis, ranging from Standard Model to Higgs physics to search for new phenomena. In this contribution the techniques will be described that were employed to achieve an energy resolution of better than 2% (4%) for electrons from Z boson decays in the central region (elsewhere), even in presence of harsh running conditions. The current status of the detector, and the plans for its upgrade for the High-Luminosity phase will be illustrated.

        Speaker: Shilpi Jain (Tata Inst. of Fundamental Research (IN))
      • 131
        Study of $2\beta$ decays of $^{150}$Nd.

        The $2\beta$ decay of $^{150}$Nd to the first excited 0$^{+}_{1}$ level of $^{150}$Sm (E$_{exc}$ = 740.5 keV) was studied using a low-background experimental setup composed of four HPGe detectors (volume $\simeq$ 225 cm$^{3}$ each) located in the STELLA facility at the Gran Sasso National Laboratories of INFN. A highly purified sample of Nd$_{2}$O$_{3}$ (mass 2.38 kg) was measured for 51237 hours, and $\gamma$-rays with energies of 334 keV and 406.5 keV, emitted after de-excitation of the 0$^+_1$ 740.5 keV level of $^{150}$Sm, were observed in both the one-dimensional and the coincidence spectra. Preliminary, the obtained half-life of $^{150}$Nd with respect to the $2\nu2\beta$ decay to the 0$^+_1$ excited level of $^{150}$Sm is $1.1^{+0.5}_{-0.3}(stat) ^{+0.2}_{-0.2}(syst)\times 10^{20}$ yr in good agreement with the results of all previous experiments. For the $2\nu2\beta$ and $0\nu2\beta$ transitions of $^{150}$Nd and $^{148}$Nd to several other excited levels of $^{150}$Sm and $^{148}$Sm the limits are set at the level of $T_{1/2}>10^{20}-10^{21}$ yr.

        Speaker: Prof. Vincenzo Caracciolo (Dipartimento di Fisica, Università di Roma Tor Vergata, I-00133 Rome, Italy)
      • 132
        Developments, features and perspectives of crystal scintillators of the Cs$_2$MCl$_6$ family (M = Hf or Zr) to search for rare processes.

        Recently there has been considerable interest in the development of crystal scintillators of the Cs$_2$MCl$_6$ family of metal hexachlorides (M = Hf or Zr) due to their exceptional properties: a high light yield (up to 35000 photons/ MeV ), good linearity in the energy response, excellent energy resolution ($< 3.5\%$ at 662 keV in the best configuration) and excellent ability to discriminate the pulse shape (PSD) between $\beta$($\gamma$) and $\alpha$ particles. In particular, an experiment was performed using a Cs$_2$HfCl$_6$ (CHC) crystal scintillator at the STELLA facility of LNGS. Results on the rare nuclear decays in Hf isotopes, such as the $\alpha$ decay to the ground state and the first excited states and the double $\beta$ decay of $^{174}$Hf, are presented here together with the future perspectives of these measurements. We also present a first measurement using two Cs$_2$ZrCl$_6$ crystal scintillators which has been performed at the DAMA/CRYS setup of LNGS. These crystals have been studied in terms of chemical purity and residual radioactive contaminants, scintillation and PSD performances.

        Speaker: Alice Leoncini
    • 1:00 PM
    • 2:00 PM
    • 3:30 PM
      Coffee break
    • High Energy Particle Physics Room 1

      Room 1

      • 133
        Light-nuclei production in heavy-ion collisions at the energy range of sqrt{𝑠_𝑁𝑁} = 3 − 19.6 GeV in generator THESEUS based on 3-fluid dynamical model Room 1

        Room 1

        Light-nuclei production in relativistic heavy-ion collisions is simulated within an updated Three-fluid Hydrodynamics-based Event Simulator Extended by UrQMD (Ultra-relativistic Quantum Molecular Dynamics) final State interactions (THESEUS). The simulations are performed in the collision energy range of √sNN=3–19.6 GeV. The advantage of a generator is that the light-nuclei are produced within the thermodynamical approach on an equal basis with hadrons, while other existing models use the coalescence mechanism with fitting parameters. Since the light nuclei do not participate in the UrQMD evolution, the only additional parameter related to the light nuclei, i.e., the energy density of late freeze-out, is used for the imitation of the afterburner stage of the collision. The updated THESEUS provides a reasonable reproduction of data on bulk observables of the light nuclei, especially their functional dependence on the collision energy and light-nucleus mass. Various ratios, d/p, t/p, t/d, and N(t)×N(p)/N2(d), are also considered. Imperfect reproduction of the light-nuclei data leaves room for medium effects in produced light nuclei. The directed flow of different particles including light-nuclei, is calculated, ant at low energies (3GeV) it gives much more better results than at higher energies.

        Speaker: Marina Kozhevnikova
      • 134
        Measurement of Direct-Photon Cross Section and Double-Helicity Asymmetry at $\sqrt{s}$ = 510 GeV in $\vec{p}+\vec{p}$ Collisions at PHENIX Room 1

        Room 1

        Understanding the contribution of gluons to the spin of the proton is crucial for unraveling the proton spin puzzle. This has been one of the primary motivations behind the spin program conducted at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC). The longitudinal spin structure of the proton is probed by colliding two protons with longitudinal polarization ($\vec{p}+\vec{p}$) and measuring the double-helicity asymmetry ($A_{LL}$) of the final-state particles such as hadrons, jets, and direct photons. While the measurements of hadrons and jets already indicate a nonzero gluon-spin contribution, it remains inconclusive whether the gluon spin positively or negatively contributes to the overall proton spin.

        On the other hand, the direct-photon production, mainly originating from quark-gluon Compton scattering, provides a suitable channel to investigate the sign of the gluon-spin contribution. Additionally, the direct-photon production involves minimal fragmentation contributions, making it the ``cleanest'' channel when compared to hadron and jet production. However, there is a significant background of photon contributions from $\pi^0\rightarrow\gamma\gamma$ decays, which need to be identified by reconstructing the invariant mass of the two decay photons. At RHIC, only the electromagnetic calorimeter at PHENIX is capable of reconstructing the two decay photons of $\pi^0$ up to approximately 30 GeV/c of photon transverse momentum.

        In this presentation, I will present the measurements of the direct-photon cross-section and $A_{LL}$ at a center-of-mass energy of $\sqrt{s}$ = 510 GeV in $\vec{p}+\vec{p}$ collisions at PHENIX. The results of our $A_{LL}$ measurement strongly support calculations that include positive gluon-spin contributions.

        Speaker: Dr ZHONGLING JI (UCLA)
    • 135
      Closing of the ICNFP conference Room 1

      Room 1

      Speakers: Larisa Bravina, Sonia Kabana (Instituto De Alta Investigación, Universidad de Tarapacá (CL))
    • 8:00 PM
    • 8:00 PM