SMARTHEP kick-off at the University of Manchester

Jocelyn Bell Burnell theater (ground floor) and Niels Bohr Common Room (6th floor) (University of Manchester, Schuster Building)

Jocelyn Bell Burnell theater (ground floor) and Niels Bohr Common Room (6th floor)

University of Manchester, Schuster Building

See logistics and accommodation for details
Caterina Doglioni (University of Manchester (GB)), Danielle Joan Wilson (University of Manchester (GB)), JONATHAN Masterson (The University of Manchester), Maximilian Amerl (University of Manchester (GB)), Pratik Jawahar (Worcester Polytechnic Institute (US)), Tobias Fitschen (University of Manchester (GB))

We are happy to welcome the SMARTHEP Early Stage Researchers (ESR), their supervisors, our partners and collaborators to the kick-off event taking place at the Coordinating institute, the University of Manchester.

The goal of this kick-off event is to get to know each other, and plan the activities for the coming year. The first two days of the meeting will be dedicated to ESRs and supervisors with a round table and a Network Assembly. The rest of the week will include a visit to the Jodrell Bank site, and transferrable skills training for the ESRs. 

Logistics information can be found on the left-hand side of the menu, and for further information feel free to contact the SMARTHEP Coordinator and the Project Manager. 

Contact the Coordinator (C. Doglioni) and Project Manager (J. Masterson)
    • ESR and PI days: Arrival and lunch [JBB theater]
      Conveners: Caterina Doglioni (University of Manchester (GB)), Mr JONATHAN Masterson (The University of Manchester)
    • ESR and PI days: Introduction by the coordinating institute [JBB theater]
      Conveners: Caterina Doglioni (University of Manchester (GB)), Mr JONATHAN Masterson (The University of Manchester)
      • 1
        Introduction from the coordinator
        Speaker: Caterina Doglioni (University of Manchester (GB))
      • 2
        Speaker: Mr JONATHAN Masterson (The University of Manchester)
    • ESR and PI days: Introductions to ESRs and supervisors [JBB theater]
      Convener: Caterina Doglioni (University of Manchester (GB))
      • 3
        ESR1: Machine learning and Real-Time Analysis for Higgs boson measurements and fleet safety
        Speakers: Henning Kirschenmann (Helsinki Institute of Physics (FI)), Patin Inkaew (Helsinki Institute of Physics (FI))
      • 4
        ESR2: Real-time rule induction in fraud detection and HEP
        Speakers: Bogdan Malaescu (LPNHE-Paris CNRS/IN2P3 (FR)), Laura Sara Boggia (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (FR))
      • 5
        ESR3: Real time analysis strategies for reconstruction, exotic physics, and market analysis
        Speakers: Anna Sfyrla (Universite de Geneve (CH)), Leon Bozianu (Universite de Geneve (CH))
      • 6
        ESR4: Efficient RTA in ATLAS and finance using multithreading
        Speakers: Brian Petersen (CERN), Sofia Cella (CERN)
      • 7
        ESR5: RTA on heterogeneous architectures for LHC and self-driving cars
        Speakers: Fotios Giasemis (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (FR)), Vladimir Gligorov (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (FR))
    • 3:40 PM
      Coffee breaks [JBB theater]
    • ESR and PI days: Introduction to ESRs and supervisors [JBB theater]
      • 8
        ESR6: Optimization of RTA resources for LHCb Lepton Flavour Violation search and manufacturing
        Speakers: Daniel Magdalinski (Nikhef), Gerhard Raven (Natuurkundig Laboratorium-Vrije Universiteit (VU)-Unknown)
      • 9
        ESR7: Machine Learning for Real Time Analysis of Lepton Flavour Violation in neutral meson decays and traffic predictions
        Speakers: Mr Jamie Gooding (Technische Universität Dortmund), Johannes Albrecht (Technische Universitaet Dortmund (DE))
      • 10
        ESR8: Real Time Analysis for global event triggering in LHCb and manufacturing
        Speakers: Johannes Albrecht (Technische Universitaet Dortmund (DE)), Micol Olocco (Technische Universitaet Dortmund (DE))
      • 11
        ESR9: Real-time analysis for Dark Photons search in LHCb and smart vehicles
        Speakers: Mr Carlos Eduardo Cocha Toapaxi (Ruprecht Karls Universitaet Heidelberg), Martino Borsato (Ruprecht Karls Universitaet Heidelberg (DE)), Stephanie Hansmann-Menzemer (Ruprecht Karls Universitaet Heidelberg (DE))
      • 12
        ESR10: Real-time calibration of ALICE Time Projection Chamber and ML traffic predictions
        Speakers: Alice Ohlson (Lund University (SE)), Joachim Hansen
      • 13
        ESR11: Real-Time Analysis through computer vision on dashcams and triggers in High Energy Physics, Verizon Connect in Florence and University of Bologna
        Speakers: Francesco Sambo, Henrique Pineiro de Monteagudo (Verizon Connect and UniBo), Samuele Salti (University of Bologna)
      • 14
        ESR12: Accelerated anomaly detection
        Speakers: Caterina Doglioni (University of Manchester (GB)), Jiri Masik (University of Manchester (GB)), Pratik Jawahar (Worcester Polytechnic Institute (US))
      • 15
        Brief introductions from students affiliated to the network but not MSCA-funded
        • Maximilian Amerl (University of Manchester)
        • Danielle WIlson-Edwards (University of Manchester)
        • Kaare Iverson (Lund University)
        Speakers: Danielle Joan Wilson (University of Manchester (GB)), Kaare Endrup Iversen (Lund University (SE)), Maximilian Amerl (University of Manchester (GB))
    • 8:00 PM
      Social Dinner [Tiffin Room]

      Tiffin Room. We will walk from Schuster through the Manchester canals leaving at 19:30, or meet there directly at 20:00.

    • ESR and PI days: Discussion of ethics and data management plan [Niels Bohr common room & other rooms]
      • 16
        Discussion of data management plan [Niels Bohr Common Room]

        In this session we will conclude the discussions on the data management plans, for approval at the Network Assembly

        Dedicated discussions for:
        9-9:30: IBM
        9:30-10: Ximantis
        10-10:30: Verizon Connect

        In parallel in another part of the room, the LHC PIs discuss DMP for LHC data and whitepapers, also welcome to participate to these discussions if they would like.

        Speaker: Caterina Doglioni (University of Manchester (GB))
      • 17
        Individual consultations with the Ethics Officer [Schuster 6.52]

        In this session, the Ethics Officer will meet the ESRs that are using non-particle-physics data for their project or secondment, and discuss any issues relative to ML Ethics. In particular, the supervisor and the student will:

        • explain to the ethics officer how the data recorded is relevant and limited to the purposes of the research project (in accordance with the ‘data minimisation ‘principle) [this is part of a SMARTHEP deliverable on the EU portal]
        • explain to the ethics officer how the data recorded is relevant and limited to the purposes of the research project (in accordance with the ‘data minimisation ‘principle) [this is part of a SMARTHEP deliverable on the EU portal]
        • describe the technical and organisational measures that will be implemented to safeguard the rights and freedoms of the data subjects/research participants [this is a [this is part of a SMARTHEP deliverable on the EU portal]
        • if previous data is processed, the supervisor should confirm explicitly that the beneficiary has lawful basis for the data processing and that the appropriate technical and organisational measures are in place to safeguard the rights of the data subjects [this is part of a SMARTHEP deliverable on the EU portal]
        • discuss the ethics risks related to the data processing activities of the project, including GDPR [this is part of a SMARTHEP deliverable on the EU portal]

        Additionally, detailed information on the informed consent procedures in regard to data processing must be kept on file (to be specified in the grant agreement).

        9-9:30: Verizon Connect [Francesco, Leonardo and Henrique]
        9:30-10: IBM [Christian and Laura]
        10-10:30 Ximantis [for secondments, no students]

      • 18
        ESR (self-)assembly and representation (coffee will be delivered to the room) [Schuster Conference Room A, 2nd floor]

        In this session, the ESRs will:

        • choose a member of the ESR cohort to vote in the Network Assembly representing the ESRs, and a list of tasks for their mandate and term

        • think of suggestions on how to communicate effectively among themselves & with the group of supervisors who work on similar topics

        • discuss procedures for shared writing and code development, as these will come useful in the scientific report writing course and first whitepaper. (Suggestions: consider GitHub and Overleaf)

    • 10:30 AM
      Coffee break [Niels Bohr common room]
    • ESR and PI days: Network assembly [Niels Bohr common room]
      • 19
        Network assembly: intro
        Speaker: Caterina Doglioni (University of Manchester (GB))
      • 20
        Budget considerations and votes
        • Status of budget
        • Approval of the budget of the UniGe school
        Speakers: Caterina Doglioni (University of Manchester (GB)), Mr JONATHAN Masterson (The University of Manchester)
        As discussed, I am expecting the catering to cost a maximum of 180 CHF / person for the duration of the school. That includes coffee breaks, lunches and two aperos, one of which "dinatoire", according to the following programme. 
        Therefore if we allow for a total of 50 participants (say, 40 students and 10 PIs), we should be at 9 kCHF. 
        For the apero dinatoire (price about 50 CHF / person) we could allow 50% more people in case we wish to have invited participation. That would cost about 1500 CHF extra. 
        I would therefore suggest that we budget 12 kCHF for that week and the related events. The total will likely be less. 
        Please let me know what you think. 
        Best regards -- Anna. 

        Mardi 15h30 --> café + cookies

        Mardi 17h30 --> mini apéro


        Mercredi 10h30 --> café + cookies

        Mercredi 12h30 --> lunch (sandwiches/tartes + fruits + boissons)

        Mercredi 15h30 --> café + cake


        Jeudi 10h30 --> café + cookies

        Jeudi 12h30 --> lunch (sandwiches/tartes + fruits + boissons)

        Jeudi 15h30 --> café + cake

        Jeudi 19h00 --> apéro dinatoire 


        Vendredi 10h30 --> café + cookies

        Vendredi 12h30 --> lunch (sandwiches/tartes + fruits + boissons

      • 21
        Approval of Data Management Plan
        Speaker: Caterina Doglioni (University of Manchester (GB))
      • 22
        Planning for upcoming schools and deliverables
        Speakers: Anna Sfyrla (Universite de Geneve (CH)), Caterina Doglioni (University of Manchester (GB)), Johannes Albrecht (Technische Universitaet Dortmund (DE)), Maurizio Pierini (CERN), Steven Schramm (Universite de Geneve (CH)), Vladimir Gligorov (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (FR))

        White paper planning:

        • Four white papers, generally due October 2023
          • ML for RTA: Whitepaper summarizing the state of the art in ML techniques for RTA focusing on SMARTHEP use cases and best practices.
            • Coordinated by WP3: Steven Schramm + Vladimir Gligorov
          • Hybrid architectures: Whitepaper on the state of the art on hybrid architectures (CPU+GPU) in RTA focusing on SMARTHEP use cases.
            • Coordinated by WP4: Vladimir Gligorov + Steven Schramm
          • Review of triggers in LHC experiments: Review of the state of the art of the triggers of LHC collaborations and best practices
            • Coordinated by WP5: Johannes Albrecht + Alexandros Sopasakis
          • Review of real-time analysis in LHC experiments: Whitepapers on the state of the art of fully RTA-based searches and anomaly detection in HEP and best practices.
            • Coordinated by WP6: Christian De Sainte Marie + Maurizio Pierini
        • The whitepapers are planned to be published as review papers in peer-reviewed journals
        • The intention is for the ESRs in the network to lead the creation of these whitepapers
          • An excellent learning experience, both about the topic of the whitepaper and about writing publications
          • Of course, guidance and coordination will be provided
        • A rough plan for the steps forward, at least for the WP3 and WP4 white papers, is as follows:
        MonthESR tasksCoordinator tasks
        November 2022Decide which whitepaper to be a part of 
        December 2022

        Read the introductory papers once received

        [references to be sent to all students]

        Send some introductory papers to ESRs
        January 2023

        Attend the colliders+ML school in Geneva

        Read the introductory papers

        February 2023

        Select a paper relevant to the whitepaper

        Read and review that paper in detail

        Hold the first dedicated whitepaper meeting

        Provide guidance on selecting papers

        March 2023

        Present on the paper you selected and reviewed

        Start a guided literature review

        [students can propose other references but need to be in scope]

        Hold the second dedicated whitepaper meeting

        Provide guidance for the literature review

        April 2023Continue the literature review 
        May 2023

        Present the results of the literature review

        Start to write your section of the whitepaper

        Hold the third dedicated whitepaper meeting

        Provide guidance on writing the whitepaper

        June 2023

        Finish the first draft of your section of the whitepaper

        Revise your section, preparing for the final version

        Hold the fourth dedicated whitepaper meeting

        Provide guidance on revising the text/etc

        July 2023Prepare the final version of your section of the whitepaper 
        August 2023Prepare the final version of your section of the whitepaper 
        September 2023

        Review other sections of the whitepaper

        Implement comments on your section of the whitepaper

        Hold the fifth dedicated whitepaper meeting

        Coordinate the review process

        October 2023 

        Hold the sixth dedicated whitepaper meeting

        Perform a global editing of the full document

        Support a review of the whitepaper by the full network

        Incorporate final comments, submit to arXiv/etc

      • 23
    • 12:00 PM
      Lunch (on site) [Niels Bohr common room]
    • ESR and PI days: Networking session [Niels Bohr common room]
      • 24
        Speakers: Caterina Doglioni (University of Manchester (GB)), Maurizio Pierini (CERN)
      • 25
        The Institute for Data Science and Artificial Intelligence at the University of Manchester
        Speaker: Magnus Rattray (University of Manchester)
      • 26
        Interdisciplinary data science and HEP at the University of Liverpool
        Speakers: Dr Joseph Carmignani (University of Liverpool (GB)), Monica D'Onofrio (University of Liverpool (GB))
      • 27
        Real-time decision making Turing/IDSAI sandpit: ML for financial decision-making
        Speaker: Eghbal Rahimikia (University of Manchester)
      • 28
        Real-time decision making Turing/IDSAI sandpit projects: data compression
        Speakers: Axel Lars Gallen, Dr Nicole Skidmore (University of Manchester), Per Alexander Ekman (Lund University (SE))
      • 29
        Real-time decision making Turing/IDSAI sandpit projects: supporting clinical decision-making
        Speaker: Harriet Cant (University of Manchester)
      • 30
        Real-time decision making Turing/IDSAI sandpit projects:real-time decisions for power substations
        Speaker: Hujun Jin (University of Manchester)
    • 3:15 PM
      Coffee break and mingle [Niels Bohr common room]
    • ESR days: Code of conduct & ethics discussion [Niels Bohr common room]
    • Social event: Visit to Jodrell Bank, meet at the bus stop behind the Turing Building [Location: 53°28'04.6"N 2°13'48.8"W]
    • ESR days: PhysSoc event and preparation for transferrable skills training
      • 33
        ITN event with Manchester Physics Society [Niels Bohr Conference Room]

        The event is intended as an information event for final year undergraduates on what we do in the network, and how to apply to ITNs. There will be a general introduction to the network and to ITNs in general by the Coordinator, and some of the ESRs will give brief verbal reports to the undergraduates. The last 30-45' will be Q&A and mingle.

      • 34
        The HEP Software Foundation (talk+Q&A) [JBB theater]

        The HEP Software Foundation facilitates cooperation and common efforts in High Energy Physics software and computing internationally. Its coordinators have written a letter for support of SMARTHEP when we applied to the MSCA ITN grant.

        This talk will highlight the work that the HSF has done so far, and will point to places where HEP software is discussed as well as show how we can contribute from the SMARTHEP network.

        Speaker: Benedikt Hegner (CERN)
      • 35
        Preparation for scientific writing courses [JBB theater]

        In this session we will discuss the SMARTHEP whitepapers that we (supervisors + ESRs) will write in the first six months of the network, how we are going to use them as practice cases for the scientific report / whitepaper writing course on Thursday, and how we will coordinate the writing after the kick-off meeting.

        Speaker: Caterina Doglioni (University of Manchester (GB))
    • ESR days: Transferrable skills training: scientific report / whitepaper writing course [Niels Bohr common room]
    • 12:00 PM
    • ESR days: Transferrable skills training: scientific report / whitepaper writing course [Niels Bohr common room]
    • ESR days: Closing session [JBB theater]
      • 36
        Closing words

        We will wrap up the kick-off meeting with a discussion on next steps on the whitepapers and a feedback session.

        Speaker: Caterina Doglioni (University of Manchester (GB))
      • 37
        Physics Society Coffee

        A chance to have coffee and informal chats with other students in the Physics & Astronomy department.

    • 11:30 AM
      Lunch (packed) and departure