Greece@CERN 2022

503/1-001 - Council Chamber (CERN)

503/1-001 - Council Chamber


Show room on map

On site Event

Welcome to Greece@CERN. 

14th November'22: Presentations followed by visits for company representatives.
15th November'22: B2B meetings.

To request an invitation, please contact:

Information related to Wifi and Access to the CERN site is available on the B2match website.

B2B meeting rooms (15.11.): 
Table 1:  60-2-023 (1 floor up)
Table 2:  61-1-007 Salle B
Table 3:  500/1-201 Mezzanine 1 (Red sofas)
Table 4:  500/1-201 Mezzanine 2 (Red sofas)
Table 5:  500/1-201 Mezzanine 3 (Red sofas)


Zoom: The morning session on the 14th November can be followed on zoom. Participants without a CERN login are kindly requested to refer to information provided by separate mail by your ILO.


    • 9:09 AM 9:10 AM
      Part I: Official Opening 1m

      Moderator: Lisa Bellini Devictor

    • 9:10 AM 9:15 AM
      Welcome address by Director for Finance and Human Resources R. Bello 5m
      Speaker: Raphaël Bello (CERN)
    • 9:15 AM 9:25 AM
      Inauguration of the industrial exhibition by the Ambassador P. Stournaras 10m
      Speaker: Panayotis Stournaras
    • 9:25 AM 9:28 AM
      Companies go to their respective stands 3m
    • 9:28 AM 9:45 AM
      Visit of the stands by the official delegation 17m
    • 9:45 AM 9:49 AM
      End of Official Opening 4m
    • 9:49 AM 9:50 AM
      Part II 1m

      Moderator: Lisa Bellini Devictor

    • 9:50 AM 10:05 AM
      Welcome to CERN 15m
      Speaker: Emmanuel Tsesmelis (CERN)
    • 10:05 AM 10:10 AM
      Recent development in R&I ecosystem in Greece by Dr Maria Christoula of GSRI 5m
    • 10:10 AM 10:55 AM
      Presentations of the companies 45m

      Max. 5 min per 1 presentation.

      Speaker: Nikos Manthos (University of Ioannina (GR))
    • 10:55 AM 11:10 AM
      Coffee Break 15m
    • 11:10 AM 11:40 AM
      Introduction to the CERN Procurement Rules 30m
      Speaker: Lisa Bellini Devictor (CERN)
    • 11:40 AM 11:55 AM
      Presentation of upcoming industrial opportunities 15m
      Speaker: Jerome Pierlot (CERN)
    • 11:55 AM 12:15 PM
      Introduction to the CERN Knowledge Transfer 20m
      Speaker: Nick Ziogas (CERN)
    • 12:15 PM 12:25 PM
      Questions & Answers 10m
    • 12:30 PM 1:25 PM
      Lunch (self service Restaurant 1) 55m
    • 1:25 PM 4:00 PM
      Visits 2h 35m

      13h25 Meeting Point: Outside Council Chamber
      13h30 - 13h40 Bus from main building (steps) -> SC
      13h40 - 14h10 Visit SC (max 22 persons)
      14h10 - 14h15 Bus SC ->Bld 72 -> Bld 107
      14h15 - 15h00 Visit (max 10 persons per group)
      -Group 1 Main Mechanical Workshop (Bld 72 - Jorge Guardia Valenzuela)
      -Group 2 Electronics Assembly Workshop (Bld 107 - Raphael Berberat)
      15h00 - 15h10 Bus Bld 72 ->Bld 107 -> Bld 193
      15h10 - 16h00 AD/ELENA (max 22 persons)
      16h05 - 16h10 Return CERN Hotel by bus

    • 4:30 PM 6:00 PM
      Cocktail @ the Pas Perdus 1h 30m Poster Stands Area

      Poster Stands Area

    • 9:00 AM 12:00 PM
      B2B Meetings 3h

      Table 1: 60-2-023 (1 floor up)
      Table 2: 61-1-007 Salle B
      Table 3: 500/1-201 Mezzanine 1 (Red sofas)
      Table 4: 500/1-201 Mezzanine 2 (Red sofas)
      Table 5: 500/1-201 Mezzanine 3 (Red sofas)