238 / 238
- Jahred Adelman (Physics Department-Yale University-Unknown)
- Prateek Agrawal (University of Maryland)
- abdelhamid albaid (Oklahoma State University)
- Jeff Allen (New York University)
Haipeng An
(University of Maryland)
- Speaker at Collider Constraints on Dark Matter
- Archana Anandakrishnan (The Ohio state University)
Mohamed Anber
(University of Toronto)
- Speaker at The emergence of a universal limiting speed
Luis Anchordoqui
(University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee)
- Speaker at Stringy origin of Wjj CDF anomaly
Nima Arkani-Hamed
- Speaker at HEP in the New Era
- Anupama Atre (Michigan State University)
- Kaladi Babu (Oklahoma State University)
- Howard Baer (University of Oklahoma)
Yang Bai
- Speaker at Inelastic Dark Matter at the LHC
Vernon Barger
(University of Wisconsin - Madison)
- Speaker at Welcome
Sky Bauman
(University of Wisconsin-Madison)
- Speaker at First Row CKM Unitarity Tests and the MSSM
- Alexander Belikov (University of Chicago)
- Nicole Bell (University of Melbourne)
Joshua Berger
(Cornell University)
- Speaker at A new CP violating observable for the LHC
- Cathy Bernaciak (SUNY Buffalo)
Bhubanjyoti Bhattacharya
(University of CHicago)
- Speaker at Flavor SU(3) in D decays
- Thomas Bloxham (LBNL)
- Chris Bouchard (University of Illinois / FNAL)
- Sheldon Campbell (Texas A&M University)
Marcela Carena Lopez
- Speaker at Higgs and Beyond
- Linda Carpenter (UC Irvine)
- Laurence Carson (IGFAE, University of Santiago de Compostela)
- We-Fu Chang (National Tsing Hua University)
- Chien-Yi Chen (Carnegie Mellon University)
- Cheng Wei Chiang (Department of Physics-National Central University)
- Won Sang Cho (University of Tokyo, IPMU)
Neil Christensen
(University of Wisconsin - Madison)
- Speaker at Test
Neil Christensen
- Speaker at Test II
Eric Christensen
(Virginia Tech)
- Speaker at Sterile Neutrinos
- Harry Victor Cliff (University of Cambridge)
- Randel Cotta (Stanford University/SLAC)
- Yanou Cui (Harvard University)
Raymond Lloyd Culbertson
(Fermi National Accelerator Lab. (Fermilab)-Unknown-Unknown)
- Speaker at Photon Analysis Results from CDF
- David Curtin (Cornell)
- Alakabha Datta (University of Mississippi)
- Hooman Davoudiasl (Brookhaven National Laboratory)
- Jorge de Blas (University of Notre Dame)
- Alejandro de la Puente (University of Notre Dame)
Simon de Visscher
(Physik-Institut-Universitaet Zuerich)
- Speaker at Recent heavy flavor results from CMS
- Jorge S Diaz (Indiana University)
- Domenico Di Filippo (Sezione di Napoli (INFN)-Universita e INFN)
- Murugeswaran Duraisamy (University of Mississippi)
Michael Eads
(University of Nebraska - Lincoln)
- Speaker at New Physics Searches at the Tevatron
- Jonathan Eckel (University of Arizona)
John Ellis
(CERN & King's College London)
- Speaker at SUSY at the LHC
Holger Enderle
(UHH - Institut fuer Experimental Physik-Universitaet Hamburg-Un)
- Speaker at Recent top results from CMS
Christoph Englert
(Heidelberg University)
- Speaker at Jets plus Missing Energy with an Autofocus
- Jason Evans (IPMU, The University of Tokyo)
Adam Everett
(Purdue University)
- Speaker at Recent Electroweak Results from CMS
Yaquan Fang
(University of Wisconsin)
- Speaker at Standard Model Higgs searches with ATLAS
Arsham Farzinnia
(Michigan State University)
- Speaker at QCD Corrections to Coloron Production
- Dimitris Fassouliotis (University of Athens)
- Renato Febbraro (LPC Clermont-Ferrand-ATLAS)
- Terrance Maynard Figy (CERN)
- Ana Firan (Department of Physics-Southern Methodist University (SMU))
Ricky Fok
(University of Oregon)
- Speaker at Chiral Quirkonium Decays
Chee Sheng Fong
(C. N. Yang Institute for Theoretical Physics)
- Speaker at Baryogenesis through R-genesis
- Claudia Frugiuele (Carleton University)
Sara Furcas
(Univ. degli Studi Milano-Bicocca)
- Speaker at Flavour Tagging and mixing @ LHCb
- Elisabetta Furlan (BNL)
- James Gainer (ANL/ Northwestern)
Yu Gao
(University of Oregon)
- Speaker at Squark mass constraint from dijet
Ryan Gavin
(University of Wisconsin)
- Speaker at sQCD corrections to Z + jet
Maurizio Giannotti
(Barry University)
- Speaker at New Bounds on Axions from Supernovae
- Marc Gillioz (University of Zurich)
Gerardo Giordano
(Pennsylvania State University)
- Speaker at Atmospheric Neutrinos in Deep Core
Paola Giovannini
(Max-Planck-Institut fuer Physik- Muenchen)
- Speaker at Jet and photon results from ATLAS
Borge Gjelsten
(University of Oslo)
- Speaker at SUSY Higgs Searches with ATLAS
Dorival Goncalves Netto
(Heidelberg University)
- Speaker at Neutralino Production at NLO with MadGOLEM
Matt Gonderinger
(University of Wisconsin-Madison)
- Speaker at Searching for e-to-tau at the EIC
- Martin Gonzalez-Alonso (University of Wisconsin - Madison)
- Stefania Gori (The University of Chicago)
- Phill Grajek (Vrije Universiteit Brussel)
- Moira Gresham (University of Michigan)
Kenichi Hatakeyama
(Baylor University)
- Speaker at SUSY searches with CMS
Raul Hennings-Yeomans
(Los Alamos National Laboratory)
- Speaker at The MiniCLEAN Dark Matter Project
- Roger Hernandez-Pinto (CINVESTAV)
- Richard Hill (University of Chicago)
Chiu Man Ho
(Vanderbilt University)
- Speaker at Non-Static Extra Dimensions
lauren hsu
- Speaker at Low energy WIMP search results from CDMS
Jinrui Huang
(University of California, Irvine)
- Speaker at Dirac Leptogenesis in a U(1)' flavor model
Xing Huang
(University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee)
- Speaker at String Physics at CLIC
- Guiyu Huang (UC Davis)
Peisi Huang
(Department of Physics-University of Wisconsin-Unknown)
- Speaker at Hollow cone sieve for top
Patrick Huber
(Virginia Tech)
- Speaker at LSND reloaded
Ran Huo
(University of Chicago)
- Speaker at Constraining Decaying Dark Matter
Peter Jacobs
(Department of Physics)
- Speaker at Exploring QCD Matter with ALICE
Prerit Jaiswal
(YITP Stony Brook University)
- Speaker at Four Generations, Higgs Physics and the MSSM
- Bernd Jantzen (RWTH Aachen University)
- Haoshuang Ji (Department of Physics-University of Wisconsin-Unknown)
- Jyoti Joshi (Panjab University, India)
- Julio Julio (Oklahoma State University)
- Sunghoon Jung (University of Michigan)
- Chung Kao (University of Oklahoma)
- Teppei Katori (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
- Yevgeny Kats (Rutgers University)
- Chris Kelso (University of Chicago)
Jennifer Kile
(Northwestern University)
- Speaker at Flavored Dark Matter
- William Kilgore (Brookhaven National Lab)
Ian-Woo Kim
(University of Michigan)
- Speaker at Mass Measurement Using Singularity
- Esben Bryndt Klinkby (Niels Bohr Institute)
- Markus Klute (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
Lloyd Knox
- Speaker at Cosmology in the LHC Era
Andrew Kobach
(Northwestern University)
- Speaker at Z->mumu+gamma at the Tevatron
- K.C. Kong (University of Kansas)
Abram Krislock
(Texas A&M University)
- Speaker at Bi-Event Subtraction Technique
Gordan Krnjaic
(FNAL, Johns Hopkins)
- Speaker at Weak Triplet, Color Octet Scalars
- Kunal Kumar (Northwestern University)
- Jason Kumar (University of Hawaii)
- Abhishek Kumar (TRIUMF)
- Motohiko Kusakabe (Institute for Cosmic Ray Research, University of Tokyo)
Rafael Lang
- Speaker at Direct Search of Dark Matter
Sung-Won Lee
(Texas Tech University)
- Speaker at Non-SUSY searches with CMS
- Gabriel Lee (University of Chicago)
- Jae Yong Lee (Korea University)
- Hye-Sung Lee (Brookhaven National Lab)
- Jessica Lynn Leonard (University of Wisconsin)
- Andre Lessa (University of Oklahoma)
Ian Lewis
(University of Wisconsin-Madison)
- Speaker at Colored Resonant Signals at the LHC
- Zack Lewis (Virginia Tech)
- Ye Li (Northwestern University)
Zhao Li
(Michigan State University)
- Speaker at QCD resummation for light-particle jets
- Jonas Lindert (MPI for Physics Muenchen)
(University of California, Santa Barbara)
- Speaker at A Polarized View of the Top Asymmetry
Lu-Xin Liu
(National Institute for Theoretical Physics/University of the Witwatersrand)
- Speaker at Evolution of Physics in Extra Dimension
Lara Lloret Iglesias
(Universidad de Oviedo-Unknown-Unknown)
- Speaker at Higgs searches with CMS
Heather Logan
(Carleton U.)
- Speaker at Heavy Higgs couplings at the LHC
- David Lopez Val (University of Heidelberg)
Fabio Maltoni
(Universite' catholique de Louvain (CP3))
- Speaker at Bridging theory with experiments
- Sourav Mandal (IPMU, University of Tokyo)
- Rocco Mandrysch (HU Berlin)
- Stephen Martin (Northern Illinois University)
- Reina Maruyama (University of Wisconsin, Madison)
olivier mattelaer
- Speaker at MadGraph5: Going beyond
Kentarou Mawatari
(Vrije Univ. Brussel)
- Speaker at Gravitino productions at colliders
Mathew McCaskey
(University of Kansas)
- Speaker at Dark Matter Calculations using Madgraph 5
- Thomas McElmurry (Brookhaven National Laboratory)
- Michael McFarlane (University of Wisconsin - Madison)
David McKeen
(University of Victoria)
- Speaker at New Parity-Violating Muonic Forces
- Harrison Mebane (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
- Anibal Medina (UC Davis)
Arjun Menon
- Speaker at Higgsino-less Bino Dark Matter
Djordje Minic
(Virginia Tech)
- Speaker at The Cosmological Constant Seesaw Mechanism
Azar Mustafayev
(University of Minnesota)
- Speaker at Phenomenology of the SUSY flipped SU(5) GUT
- Itay Nachshon (Cornell University)
Aravind Natarajan
(Carnegie Mellon University)
- Speaker at DAMA and non-standard halo models.
- Ethan Neil (Fermilab)
Brent Nelson
(Northeastern University)
- Speaker at String Phenomenology for the LHC
- Daniel Noonan (University of Kansas)
- Christian Ohm (Department of Physics-Stockholm University-Unknown)
- Davide Pagani (Max-Planck-Institut für Physik)
- Myeonghun Park (University of Florida)
- ayon patra (oklahoma state university)
- Gil Paz (The University of Chicago)
- Gregory Peim (Northeastern University)
Serguey Petcov
- Speaker at Neutrino Physics
Valerie Plaus
(UW Madison)
- Speaker at A Viable 4 Higgs Doublet Model
Srivas Prasad
(Harvard University)
- Speaker at W/Z and di-boson results from ATLAS
- Li Qiang (Paul Scherrer Institut)
- Santosh Rai (Oklahoma State University)
- Ahmed Rashed (University of Mississippi)
Emanuele Re
(IPPP, Durham University)
- Speaker at Jet pair production with POWHEG
George Redlinger
(Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL))
- Speaker at Searches for New Physics at the LHC
Mansoor Rehman
(University of Delaware)
- Speaker at Higgs Inflation and Primordial Gravity Waves
Tom rizzo
- Speaker at pMSSM SUSY Searches at the 7 TeV LHC
- Christophe Salzmann (Physik-Institut-Universitaet Zuerich)
David Sanford
- Speaker at Isospin-Violating Dark Matter
- Gaurab Sarangi (University of Florida)
Joshua Sayre
(University of Oklahoma)
- Speaker at Flavor Changing Top Decay at the LHC
- Jared Schmitthenner (University of Wisconsin - Madison)
- Pedro Schwaller (ANL/UIC)
- Christian Schwinn (Freiburg University)
Sinjini Sengupta
(Texas A&M)
- Speaker at Recent results on jet physics from CMS
- Osamu Seto (Hokkai-Gakuen University)
Nicholas Setzer
- Speaker at When AMSB is UV Sensitive
Nicholas Setzer
(University of Melbourne)
- Speaker at When AMSB is UV Sensitive
- Nausheen Shah (Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory)
- Bibhushan Shakya (Cornell University)
- Shashank Shalgar (Northwestern University)
- William Shepherd (University of California Irvine)
Marc Sher
(William and Mary College)
- Speaker at A New Slant on Warped Extra Dimensions
Brian Shuve
(Harvard University)
- Speaker at Leptogenesis via WIMP freeze-out
Frank Siegert
(Freiburg University)
- Speaker at Monte Carlo Tuning with ATLAS Data
Amarjit Soni
- Speaker at Demise of the CKM-paradigm and its aftermath
- Michael Spannowsky (University of Oregon)
- Andrew Spray (TRIUMF)
- Dejan Stojkovic (SUNY at Buffalo)
- Daniel Stolarski (Maryland and Johns Hopkins)
Sheldon Stone
(Syracuse University)
- Speaker at B physics in the LHC Era
- Alexander Stuart (University of Wisconsin-Madison)
- Mingxian Su (Oklahoma State University)
- Chad Alan Suhr (Department of Physics-Northern Illinois University)
Zack Sullivan
(Illinois Inst of Tech)
- Speaker at Higgs to Wcj at the Tevatron
- Jan Erik Sundermann (U Freiburg)
Ze'ev Surujon
(UC Irvine)
- Speaker at Probing Like-Sign Tops With Single Leptons
Yoshitaro Takaesu
- Speaker at QCD multi-jet calculation on MadGraph
Michihisa Takeuchi
- Speaker at Stop reconstruction using the HEPTopTagger
Tatsu Takeuchi
(Virginia Tech)
- Speaker at Ratchet Model of Baryogenesis, part 2
Philip Tanedo
(Cornell University)
- Speaker at Flight of the Warped Penguins
- Xerxes Tata (University of Hawaii)
- Tonnis ter Veldhuis (Macalester College)
Brooks Thomas
(University of Hawaii)
- Speaker at Dark Towers of Light Scalars
Michael trott
- Speaker at MFV and LHC
- Yun-Tse Tsai (University of Rochester)
Yuhsin Tsai
- Speaker at DM @ LEP
- Kuo-Hsing Tsao (University of Illinois at Chicago)
- Alan Tua (University of Sheffield)
- Roberto Vega-Morales (Northwestern University)
Daniel Ventura
(University of Washington, Seattle)
- Speaker at Hidden Valley Search at ATLAS
- Aaron Vincent (McGill University)
- Jay Wacker (SLAC)
Liantao Wang
(University of Chicago)
- Speaker at Jets for New Physics
Neal Weiner
- Speaker at Dark Matter Theory
- Bradford Welliver (University of Florida)
Christopher Wells
(Houghton College)
- Speaker at Asymmetric Atomic Dark Matter
- Mark Peter Whitehead (University of Warwick)
- Joshua Wickman (University of Delaware)
- Peter Winslow (UBC/TRIUMF)
Homer Wolfe
(Ohio State University-Unknown-Unknown)
- Speaker at Standard Model Physics at the Tevatron
Toshifumi Yamada
(Sokendai, KEK)
- Speaker at 5D MSSM on RS background
Brian Yencho
(University of Wisconsin - Madison)
- Speaker at Many Leptons at the LHC from the NMSSM
- Hojin Yoo (UW-Madison)
- Yeowoong Yoon (KIAS)
- Felix Yu (UC Irvine)
Jiang-Hao Yu
(Michigan State University)
- Speaker at Top-philic W-prime Search at the LHC
- Hai-Bo Yu (University of Michigan)
Yue Zhang
(Abdus Salam ICTP)
- Speaker at Dynamical R-parity Breaking at the LHC
- Cen Zhang (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
- Yue Zhao (Rutgers)
Wenhan Zhu
(Princeton University)
- Speaker at Boosted Higgs Boson search with Jet Trimming
- Marek Zralek (University of Silesia)
Maria Zurita
(Buenos Aires University)
- Speaker at Inclusive hadron production at the LHC
José Francisco Zurita
(University of Zurich)
- Speaker at Lee-Wick Higgs sector at colliders