Program Overview
Last update May 7, 2011 (plenary room updated)
The Marquee on level 2, Union South, 1308 West Dayton Street (Map)
P.M. Parallel Sessions:
7 rooms on level 2 and 3 of Union South, 1308 West Dayton Street (Map)
Registration: Starting 7:30am, Monday, May 09, 2011.
The registration and help desk will be in Union South, in the Alumni room on level 2.
The registration and help desk will be open each day from 7:30am-1:00pm and 1:30pm-6:30pm.
End of conference is Wednesday 1:00 p.m.
Plenary speakers and topics include:
• Nima Arkani-Hamed (IAS): HEP in the New Era
• Nicole Bell (U. Melbourne): Recent developments for indirect detection of Dark Matter
• Marcela Carena (FNAL/U. Chicago): Higgs and beyond
• Mike Eads (Fermilab, D0): New Physics searches at the Tevatron
• John Ellis (CERN & King's College London): SUSY at the LHC
• Peter Jacobs (LBNL, ALICE): Exploring QCD matter with ALICE
• Markus Klute (MIT, CMS): Overview of CMS results
• Lloyd Knox (UC-Davis): Cosmology in the LHC Era
• Rafael Lang (Columbia U): Direct Search of Dark Matter
• Fabio Maltoni (Louvain): Bridging theory with experiments
• Brent Nelson (Northeastern U.): String Phenomenology for the LHC
• Serguey Petcov (SISSA): Neutrino physics
• George Redlinger (BNL, ATLAS): Results of the ATLAS Experiment
• Sheldon Stone (Syracuse): B physics in the LHC Era
• Jay Wacker (Stanford): New physics and their searches in the LHC Era
• Lian-Tao Wang (U.Chicago): Jets for new physics
• Neal Weiner (NYU): Dark matter theory
• Homer Wolfe (Ohio St., CDF): Standard Model physics at the Tevatron