Indico celebrates its 20th anniversary! Check our blog post for more information!

May 9 – 11, 2011
University of Wisconsin at Madison<br/>New Union South, 1308 West Dayton St
US/Central timezone

⌊ Plenary Program

Plenary Program

Last update May 7, 2011.
All sessions take place in The Marquee Theater on level 2 of the new Union South, next to the registration desk.

Registration: Starting 7:30 AM, Monday, May 09
Union South in the Alumni Room (on level 2)
Monday, May 9 Tuesday, May 10 Wednesday, May 11
Sekhar Chivukula
Xerxes Tata
Kaoru Hagiwara
8:40 - 8:45: Vernon Barger, UW-Madison  Welcome

8:45 - 9:20
Markus Klute (MIT, CMS)
SM Physics and Higgs Searches at the LHC
8:45 - 9:20
Homer Wolfe (OSU, CDF)
Standard Model Physics
at the Tevatron
8:45 - 9:20
John Ellis (CERN & King's College London)
SUSY at the LHC
9:20 - 9:55
George Redlinger (BNL, ATLAS)
Searches for New Physics at the LHC
9:20 - 9:55
Mike Eads (Fermilab, D0)
New Physics Searches at the Tevatron
9:20 - 9:55
Marcela Carena (FNAL & U. Chicago)
Higgs and Beyond
9:55 - 10:30
Peter Jacobs (LBNL, ALICE)
Exploring QCD Matter with ALICE
9:55 - 10:30
Rafael Lang (Columbia U)
Direct Search of Dark Matter
9:55 - 10:30
Lian-Tao Wang (U. Chicago)
Jets for New Physics
10:30 - 11:00  Coffee Break
Amarjit Soni
Shufang Su
JoAnne Hewett
11:00 - 11:35
Sheldon Stone (Syracuse)
B Physics in the LHC Era

11:00 - 11:35
Neal Weiner (NYU)
Dark Matter Theory
11:00 - 11:35
Serguey Petcov (SISSA)
Neutrino Physics
11:35 - 12:10
Fabio Maltoni (Louvain)
Bridging Theory with Experiments
11:35 - 12:10
Nicole Bell (U Melborne)
Recent Development for Indirect Detection of Dark Matter
11:35 - 12:10
Brent Nelson (Northeastern U)
String Phenomenology for the LHC
12:10 - 12:45
Jay Wacker (Stanford)
New Physics and their Searches in the LHC Era
12:10 - 12:45
Lloyd Knox (UC-Davis)
Cosmology in the LHC Era
12:10 - 12:45
Nima Arkani-Hamed (IAS)
HEP in the New Era
Lunch on your own: 12:45 - 2:00 p.m.
Uli Baur Remembrance

Parallel Sessions
2:00 - 6:30 p.m.

End of Conference

  Conference Dinner
at Monona Terrace

7:30 - 9:30 p.m.