12:45 PM
--- Lunch Break (on your own) ---
2:00 PM
Room3 - BSM I
(until 4:00 PM)
2:00 PM
Searches for highly ionizing particles with the ATLAS detector
- Dr
Ana Firan
(Department of Physics-Southern Methodist University (SMU))
2:15 PM
Searches for new physics in di-jet and di-photon final states with ATLAS
- Mr
Haoshuang Ji
(Department of Physics-University of Wisconsin-Unknown)
2:30 PM
Photon Analysis Results from CDF
- Dr
Raymond Lloyd Culbertson
(Fermi National Accelerator Lab. (Fermilab)-Unknown-Unknown)
2:45 PM
Search for ttbar resonances with the ATLAS detector
- Dr
Renato Febbraro
(LPC Clermont-Ferrand-ATLAS)
3:00 PM
Searching for New Physics in Bd -> K* mumu at LHCb
Christophe Salzmann
(Physik-Institut-Universitaet Zuerich)
3:15 PM
General analysis of signals with two leptons and missing energy at the Large Hadron Collider
- Mr
Chien-Yi Chen
(Carnegie Mellon University)
3:30 PM
Extracting Particle Masses from Missing Energy Signatures with Displaced Tracks
Yue Zhao
3:45 PM
Collinear Approximation in LHC mass measurement
- Dr
Guiyu Huang
(UC Davis)
2:00 PM
Room2 - Dark Matter III
(until 4:00 PM)
2:00 PM
Antiproton Flux in Cosmic Ray Propagation Models with Anisotropic Diffusion
Phill Grajek
(Vrije Universiteit Brussel)
2:15 PM
Overcoming Gamma Ray Constraints with Annihilating Dark Matter in Milky Way Subhalos
Aaron Vincent
(McGill University)
2:30 PM
Asymmetric Atomic Dark Matter
Christopher Wells
(Houghton College)
2:45 PM
Constraints on Scalar Asymmetric Dark Matter from Black Hole Formation in Neutron Stars
Hai-Bo Yu
(University of Michigan)
3:00 PM
Universal properties of heavy weakly interacting dark matter
- Prof.
Richard Hill
(University of Chicago)
3:15 PM
Isospin-Violating Dark Matter
- Mr
David Sanford
3:30 PM
Testing Isospin-Violating Dark Matter at CRESST, COUPP and KamLAND
Jason Kumar
(University of Hawaii)
3:45 PM
Dark Towers of Light Scalars
- Dr
Brooks Thomas
(University of Hawaii)
2:00 PM
Room6 - Extra Dimensions
(until 4:00 PM)
2:00 PM
Like-sign dimuon charge asymmetry in Randall-Sundurm model
- Dr
Murugeswaran Duraisamy
(University of Mississippi)
2:15 PM
Precocious diphoton signals of the little radion at hadron colliders
- Dr
Thomas McElmurry
(Brookhaven National Laboratory)
2:30 PM
Vanishing Dimensions and Planar Events at the LHC
- Prof.
Dejan Stojkovic
(SUNY at Buffalo)
2:45 PM
Evolution of Physics in Extra Dimension
- Dr
Lu-Xin Liu
(National Institute for Theoretical Physics/University of the Witwatersrand)
3:00 PM
Unusual Two Higgs Doublet Model from Warped Space
- Prof.
We-Fu Chang
(National Tsing Hua University)
3:15 PM
A New Slant on Warped Extra Dimensions
Marc Sher
(William and Mary College)
3:30 PM
Flight of the Warped Penguins
- Mr
Philip Tanedo
(Cornell University)
3:45 PM
Non-Static Extra Dimensions
Chiu Man Ho
(Vanderbilt University)
2:00 PM
Room1 - Higgs I
(until 4:00 PM)
2:00 PM
Higgs searches with CMS
Lara Lloret Iglesias
(Universidad de Oviedo-Unknown-Unknown)
2:15 PM
Standard Model Higgs searches with ATLAS
- Dr
Yaquan Fang
(University of Wisconsin)
2:30 PM
Matrix Element Perspectives on Resonance Discovery in the Z \gamma Final State
- Dr
James Gainer
(ANL/ Northwestern)
2:45 PM
Enhancing the discovery potential of the Higgs boson in the golden channel
- Mr
Roberto Vega-Morales
(Northwestern University)
3:00 PM
Higgs to Wcj at the Tevatron
- Prof.
Zack Sullivan
(Illinois Inst of Tech)
3:15 PM
Boosted Higgs Boson search with Jet Trimming
- Mr
Wenhan Zhu
(Princeton University)
3:30 PM
One Loop Matrix Element Matching with Parton Shower for Higgs Gluon fusion
- Mr
Li Qiang
(Paul Scherrer Institut)
3:45 PM
Heavy Higgs couplings at the LHC
- Prof.
Heather Logan
(Carleton U.)
2:00 PM
Room5 - NLO & QCD I
(until 4:00 PM)
2:00 PM
Transverse Momentum Distributions from Effective Field Theory
Ye Li
(Northwestern University)
2:15 PM
Combined EW and QCD Corrections to Drell-Yan Processes within POWHEG
Cathy Bernaciak
(SUNY Buffalo)
2:30 PM
Two-loop QED x QCD Virtual Corrections to Drell-Yan Production
William Kilgore
(Brookhaven National Lab)
2:45 PM
sQCD corrections to Z + jet
Ryan Gavin
(University of Wisconsin)
3:00 PM
Higher order threshold effects for top quarks (and other heavy coloured particles)
Christian Schwinn
(Freiburg University)
3:15 PM
QCD resummation for light-particle jets
Zhao Li
(Michigan State University)
3:30 PM
Non-resonant corrections to top pair production in the threshold region
- Dr
Bernd Jantzen
(RWTH Aachen University)
3:45 PM
--- TBA ---
2:00 PM
Room7 - SUSY III
(until 4:00 PM)
2:00 PM
Search for SUSY in the di-lepton channels with the ATLAS detector
Christian Ohm
(Department of Physics-Stockholm University-Unknown)
2:15 PM
Studies of R-Parity Violation: Bounds and LHC Implications
- Mr
Jared Schmitthenner
(University of Wisconsin - Madison)
2:30 PM
Many Leptons at the LHC from the NMSSM
- Mr
Brian Yencho
(University of Wisconsin - Madison)
2:45 PM
How to look for supersymmetry under the lamppost at the LHC
- Mr
Gaurab Sarangi
(University of Florida)
3:00 PM
Using RGIs to determine SUSY Breaking Structure from LHC data
- Dr
Nausheen Shah
(Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory)
3:15 PM
Search for SUSY via slow long-lived particles with the ATLAS detector
Esben Bryndt Klinkby
(Niels Bohr Institute)
3:30 PM
Gravitino productions at colliders
- Dr
Kentarou Mawatari
(Vrije Univ. Brussel)
3:45 PM
LHC reach for supersymmetric models with compressed mass spectra
- Prof.
Stephen Martin
(Northern Illinois University)
2:00 PM
Room4 - Top I
(until 4:00 PM)
2:00 PM
Top cross section and mass measurements at ATLAS
- Mr
Chad Alan Suhr
(Department of Physics-Northern Illinois University)
2:15 PM
Recent top results from CMS
- Mr
Holger Enderle
(UHH - Institut fuer Experimental Physik-Universitaet Hamburg-Un)
2:30 PM
Model-independent measurement of the t-channel single top quark production cross-section at D0
- Ms
Jyoti Joshi
(Panjab University, India)
2:45 PM
Measurement of the single top quark production cross section and |Vtb| at D0
Yun-Tse Tsai
(University of Rochester)
3:00 PM
Top forward-backward asymmetry from t-channel physics
- Dr
Sunghoon Jung
(University of Michigan)
3:15 PM
The electroweak contribution to the Tevatron t t-bar forward-backward asymmetry
- Mr
Davide Pagani
(Max-Planck-Institut für Physik)
3:30 PM
On Models of New Physics for the Tevatron Top Forward-Backward Asymmetry
- Dr
Moira Gresham
(University of Michigan)
3:45 PM
Top quark forward backward asymmetry from family symmetry
Kaladi Babu
(Oklahoma State University)
4:00 PM
--- Coffee Break ---
4:30 PM
Room3 - BSM II
(until 6:30 PM)
4:30 PM
Searches for W'/Z' and W*/Z* and new contact interactions in di-lepton final states with ATLAS
- Dr
Dimitris Fassouliotis
(University of Athens)
4:45 PM
Non-SUSY searches with CMS
- Prof.
Sung-Won Lee
(Texas Tech University)
5:00 PM
Top-philic W-prime Search at the LHC
Jiang-Hao Yu
(Michigan State University)
5:15 PM
Exploring new physics explanations for proton size anomaly
- Prof.
Cheng Wei Chiang
(Department of Physics-National Central University)
5:30 PM
The charge radius of the proton: a 5 sigma discrepancy?
- Dr
Gil Paz
(The University of Chicago)
5:45 PM
New Parity-Violating Muonic Forces
David McKeen
(University of Victoria)
6:00 PM
Hidden Valley Search at ATLAS
- Mr
Daniel Ventura
(University of Washington, Seattle)
6:15 PM
Higgs Properties in the Fourth Generation MSSM: Boosted Signals Over the 3G Plan
Randel Cotta
(Stanford University/SLAC)
4:30 PM
Room2 - Dark Matter IV
(until 6:30 PM)
4:30 PM
Dark matter in Warped Universal Extra Dimensions
- Dr
Anibal Medina
(UC Davis)
4:45 PM
Skyrmions as Dark Matter in Little Higgs Models
- Mr
Marc Gillioz
(University of Zurich)
5:00 PM
Flavored Dark Matter
- Dr
Jennifer Kile
(Northwestern University)
5:15 PM
Hidden Sector Dirac Dark Matter, Stueckelberg Z' Model, the CDMS and XENON Experiments
- Mr
Kuo-Hsing Tsao
(University of Illinois at Chicago)
5:30 PM
Mixed axion/axino dark matter: a new paradigm?
- Prof.
Howard Baer
(University of Oklahoma)
5:45 PM
Mixed axion/neutralino cold dark matter in supersymmetric models
- Mr
Andre Lessa
(University of Oklahoma)
6:00 PM
Constraints on a Gravitino-Axino Dark Matter Model
- Mr
Gabriel Lee
(University of Chicago)
6:15 PM
Higgsino-less Bino Dark Matter
- Dr
Arjun Menon
4:30 PM
Room1 - Higgs II
(until 6:30 PM)
4:30 PM
SUSY Higgs Searches with ATLAS
- Dr
Borge Gjelsten
(University of Oslo)
4:45 PM
The search for Higgs bosons in Susy decay chains
- Dr
Stefania Gori
(The University of Chicago)
5:00 PM
Four Generations, Higgs Physics and the MSSM
Prerit Jaiswal
(YITP Stony Brook University)
5:15 PM
Higgs Phenomenology with Long Lived Fourth Generation Neutrinos
- Dr
Pedro Schwaller
5:30 PM
Fourth Generation Leptons at Hadron Colliders
Linda Carpenter
(UC Irvine)
5:45 PM
Lee-Wick Higgs sector at colliders
- Dr
José Francisco Zurita
(University of Zurich)
6:00 PM
Higgs Phenomenology in Supersymmetric Left-Right model
- Mr
ayon patra
(oklahoma state university)
6:15 PM
Higgs Boson Mass Limit in GMSB with Messenger-Matter mixing
abdelhamid albaid
(Oklahoma State University)
4:30 PM
Room5 - NLO & QCD II
(until 6:30 PM)
4:30 PM
NNLO penguin corrections in B to light mesons decays - Imaginary part
- Dr
Yeowoong Yoon
4:45 PM
Next-to-leading order corrections in Higgs boson production in association of a photon via weak boson fusion
- Dr
Terrance Maynard Figy
5:00 PM
Precise predictions for Higgs production via gluon fusion in BSM scenarios
- Dr
Elisabetta Furlan
5:15 PM
Effective Field Theory Approach to Vector Boson Pair Production
- Mr
Harrison Mebane
(University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
5:30 PM
N=4 supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory in soft-collinear effective theory
- Dr
Jae Yong Lee
(Korea University)
5:45 PM
The S-parameter with Many Fermions on the Lattice
- Dr
Ethan Neil
6:00 PM
A Lattice QCD Calculation of the Hadronic Contribution to B mixing
- Mr
Chris Bouchard
(University of Illinois / FNAL)
6:15 PM
--- TBA ---
4:30 PM
Room6 - Neutrino II
(until 6:30 PM)
4:30 PM
Neutrino Oscillation and New Physics in Future Experiments
- Prof.
Marek Zralek
(University of Silesia)
4:45 PM
Long-Range Lepton Flavor Interactions and Neutrino Oscillations
- Dr
Hye-Sung Lee
(Brookhaven National Lab)
5:00 PM
Sterile Neutrinos
Eric Christensen
(Virginia Tech)
5:15 PM
Radiative neutrino mass generation with vector-like quark
- Mr
Julio Julio
(Oklahoma State University)
5:30 PM
Collider signals for an inverse seesaw model of neutrinos
- Dr
Santosh Rai
(Oklahoma State University)
5:45 PM
Non-Standard Neutrino Interactions at One Loop.
Itay Nachshon
(Cornell University)
6:00 PM
--- TBA ---
6:15 PM
--- TBA ---
4:30 PM
Room7 - SUSY IV
(until 6:30 PM)
4:30 PM
R-symmetry Matching in Supersymmetry Breaking Models
- Mr
Felix Yu
(UC Irvine)
4:45 PM
Low-Scale GMSB from Radiative R Symmetry Breaking
Jason Evans
(IPMU, The University of Tokyo)
5:00 PM
When AMSB is UV Sensitive
- Dr
Nicholas Setzer
(University of Melbourne)
5:15 PM
Fixing Anomaly Mediation with Supersymmetric Gauge Kinetic Mixing
Abhishek Kumar
5:30 PM
Exploring singlet deflection of gauge mediation
- Dr
Jorge de Blas
(University of Notre Dame)
5:45 PM
Non-Universal Supergravity Models: Dark Matter Implication and Discovery Prospects at Early LHC
- Mr
6:00 PM
Supersymmetric standard model with strong electroweak symmetry breaking
- Prof.
Tonnis ter Veldhuis
(Macalester College)
6:15 PM
Improving the Slepton Discovery Reach through Cascade Decays at the LHC
Jonathan Eckel
(University of Arizona)
4:30 PM
Room4 - Top II
(until 6:30 PM)
4:30 PM
Complete mass and spin measurements in the top quark dilepton channel.
- Mr
Myeonghun Park
(University of Florida)
4:45 PM
Stop reconstruction using the HEPTopTagger
- Dr
Michihisa Takeuchi
5:00 PM
Hollow cone sieve for top
- Ms
Peisi Huang
(Department of Physics-University of Wisconsin-Unknown)
5:15 PM
Probing Like-Sign Tops With Single Leptons
Ze'ev Surujon
(UC Irvine)
5:30 PM
Constraints on Non-standard Top Quark Couplings from Precision Electroweak Data
Cen Zhang
(University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
5:45 PM
Michael trott
6:00 PM
A Polarized View of the Top Asymmetry
- Dr
(University of California, Santa Barbara)
6:15 PM
Discovering Colorons at the Large Hadron Collider
- Prof.
Chung Kao
(University of Oklahoma)
7:30 PM
--- Conference Reception (Cash Bar) ---
8:00 PM
--- Conference Dinner & After Dinner Speech by Sandip Pakvasa: Galactic Neutrino Communication and SETI ---