2:00 PM
DM-Ice: a search for dark matter at the South Pole
Reina Maruyama
(University of Wisconsin, Madison)
2:15 PM
DAMA and non-standard halo models.
Aravind Natarajan
(Carnegie Mellon University)
2:30 PM
Low energy WIMP search results from CDMS
lauren hsu
2:45 PM
What can we learn about dark matter from CoGeNT?
Chris Kelso
(University of Chicago)
3:00 PM
Future plans for dark matter direct detection with the SuperCDMS experiment
Bradford Welliver
(University of Florida)
3:15 PM
The MiniCLEAN Dark Matter Project
Raul Hennings-Yeomans
(Los Alamos National Laboratory)
3:30 PM
CoGeNT, DAMA, and Light Neutralino Dark Matter
Alexander Belikov
(University of Chicago)
3:45 PM
Particle Velocity Effects in the Anisotropy of Extragalactic Diffuse Gamma-rays from Dark Matter Annihilation
Sheldon Campbell
(Texas A&M University)