Indico celebrates its 20th anniversary! Check our blog post for more information!

9–11 May 2011
University of Wisconsin at Madison<br/>New Union South, 1308 West Dayton St
US/Central timezone


Room7 - SUSY III

10 May 2011, 14:00
University of Wisconsin at Madison<br/>New Union South, 1308 West Dayton St

University of Wisconsin at Madison<br/>New Union South, 1308 West Dayton St

Presentation materials

There are no materials yet.
Christian Ohm (Department of Physics-Stockholm University-Unknown)
10/05/2011, 14:00
parallel talk
Mr Jared Schmitthenner (University of Wisconsin - Madison)
10/05/2011, 14:15
parallel talk
Mr Brian Yencho (University of Wisconsin - Madison)
10/05/2011, 14:30
parallel talk
Mr Gaurab Sarangi (University of Florida)
10/05/2011, 14:45
parallel talk
Dr Nausheen Shah (Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory)
10/05/2011, 15:00
parallel talk
Esben Bryndt Klinkby (Niels Bohr Institute)
10/05/2011, 15:15
parallel talk
Dr Kentarou Mawatari (Vrije Univ. Brussel)
10/05/2011, 15:30
parallel talk
Prof. Stephen Martin (Northern Illinois University)
10/05/2011, 15:45
parallel talk
Building timetable...