- The Monolithic Stitched Sensor (MOSS) Prototype for the ALICE ITS3 and First Test Results
- Dual use driver for high speed links transmitters in the future high energy physics experiments
- Design and Characterization of a precision tunable time delay integrated circuit.
- A simulation methodology for establishing IR-drop-induced clock jitter for high precision timing ASICs
- FLX-182, the hardware platform for ATLAS readout during High Luminosity LHC
- SystemC framework for architecture modelling of electronic systems in future particle
- The Trigger & Data Acquisition interface module of the Tile Calorimeter for the ATLAS Phase-II Upgrade
- Lessons from integrating CMS Phase-2 back-end electronics and first results from Serenity-S1, a production optimised ATCA blade
- Test Bench of a 100G Radiation Hardened Link for Future Particle Accelerators
- Compact Silicon Photonic Mach-Zehnder Modulators for High-Energy Physics
- Overview of the production and qualification tests of the lpGBT
- Prototype measurement results in a 65nm technology and TCAD simulations towards more radiation tolerant monolithic pixel sensors
- ALICE ITS3: a bent stitched MAPS-based vertex detector
- From 3D to 5D tracking: SMX ASIC-based Double-Sided Micro-Strip detectors for comprehensive space, time, and energy measurements
- A full-function Global Common Module (GCM) prototype for ATLAS Phase-II upgrade