Power, Grounding and Shielding
- Hucheng Chen (Brookhaven National Laboratory (US))
For the construction of the future ATLAS strip tracker end-caps, six geometries of silicon strip detector modules were designed. Each module comprises one or two silicon strip sensors and several flexes holding the required readout electronics, designed to match the geometry of each module. Due to the large number of designs, two module geometries using two sensors per ring module were...
The Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS) Tracker Phase 2 Upgrade for the High Luminosity Large Hadron Collider (HL-LHC) will use two module types, 2S and PS, which contain different sensor configurations and custom ASICs. Guaranteeing the power integrity of all the built modules and for the full lifetime of the detector is crucial for the detector performance. This article describes the historical...
The design of a new DC/DC power converter capable of being integrated with a detector is described. It works in harsh environment and can supply up to 170 W per channel. Up to four modules, each one equipped with 8 channels, can be accommodated in a water-cooled compact crate with a small volume of 24 dm^3. Its electrical, environmental and thermal performance is detailed here.