System Design, Description and Operation
- Andrea Boccardi (CERN)
System Design, Description and Operation
- Jean-Pierre Cachemiche (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (FR))
System Design, Description and Operation
- Hucheng Chen (Brookhaven National Laboratory (US))
System Design, Description and Operation
- Andrea Boccardi (CERN)
This talk presents the Hybrid Detector for Microdosimetry (HDM), capable of providing a superior characterization of the radiation fiend. This is of critical importance in radiation therapy, where a better description of the radiation field can lead to a better treatment plan and, therefore, a better treatment outcome.
HDM is composed of a commercial gas microdosimeter, TEPC, and a tracker...
HEPS-BPIX40 is a new hybrid pixel detector for the High Energy Photon Source in China. It is a full upgrade from BPIX20, with a 128 x 96 pixel matrix and 140 μm x 140 μm pixel size. The circuit operates in single photon counting mode with dual thresholds and programmable gains. The tested frame rate is 2 kHz in continuous readout mode. A detector module covers 3.7 cm x 8.1 cm and consists of 2...
The ePIC experiment at the future Electron-Ion Collider aims to use silicon photomultipliers as the photodetector technology for the dual-radiator ring-imaging Cherenkov detector (d-RICH). Despite their advantages for this low light application in high magnetic fields, SiPMs are sensitive to radiation and require rigorous testing to ensure that their single-photon counting capabilities and...
ALICE ITS3 is a novel vertex detector replacing the innermost layers of ITS2 during LS3. Composed of three truly cylindrical layers of wafer-sized 65 nm stitched Monolithic Active Pixel Sensors, ITS3 provides high-resolution tracking of charged particles generated in heavy-ion collisions. This contribution presents an overview of the ITS3 detector, highlighting its design features, integration...
The the LHCb collaboration proposes a Phase-II Upgrade of the detector, to be installed during the LHC Long Shutdown 4. Currently, the VELO collaboration is exploring new sensor technologies, and the benefits that would derive from adding a time stamp to the track reconstruction. The most recent advances in this field, and the potential candidates that can meet the VELO Upgrade-II...
The LHCb Experiment is commissioning its first upgrade to cope with increased luminosities of LHC Run3, being able to improve on many world-best physics measurements. A new tracker based on scintillating fibers (SciFi) replaced Outer and Inner Trackers delivering an improved spatial resolution for the new LHCb trigger-less era, with a readout capable of reading ~524k channels at 40MHz. Fully...
For the high-luminosity upgrade of the ATLAS Inner Tracking detector, a new pixel detector will be installed to allow for a bigger bandwidth and cope with the increased radiation among other challenges. This contribution will present the evaluation of the Outer Barrel Pixel layer services chains. A full data transmission study covering data merging will be presented from the pixel module all...
To cope with the increase of the LHC instantaneous luminosity, new trigger readout electronics were installed on the ATLAS Liquid Argon Calorimeters.
On the detector, 124 new electronic boards digitise 10 times more signals than the legacy system. Downstream, large FPGAs are processing up to 20 Tbps of data to compute the deposited energies. Moreover, a new control and monitoring...
The upcoming ProtoDUNE-II program at the CERN neutrino platform will consist of 2 liquid argon time projection chambers, which will serve as demonstrators of the technologies that will be used in the first 2 far detectors of the Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment (DUNE). A core component of these detectors is the cryogenic charge readout electronics, which are immersed in liquid argon along...
The PADME experiment at LNF-INFN employs positron-on-target-annihilation technique to search for new light particles. Crucial part of the experiment are the charged particle detectors, composed of plastic scintillator bars with light transmitted by wavelength shifting fibers to silicon photomultipliers (SiPM). The location of the detector – close to a turbomolecular pump, inside a vacuum tank,...
We present the recent development of a lightweight detector capable of accurate spatial, timing, and amplitude resolution of charged particles. The technology is based on double-sided double-metal p+-n-n+ micro-strip silicon sensors, ultra-light long aluminum-polyimide micro-cables for the analogue signal transfer, and a custom-developed SMX read-out ASIC capable of measurement of the time...