27–31 May 2024
Chulalongkorn University
Asia/Bangkok timezone

Neutrino oscillation with global data analysis

27 May 2024, 16:05
Chulalongkorn University

Chulalongkorn University

Mahamakut Building, Faculty of Science, Chulalongkorn University
Plenary session Neutrino physics Neutrino Physics


Prof. Jian Tang (Sun Yat-Sen University(CN))


Results of a global data analysis can constrain the default 3-neutrino mixing scheme given unitarity assumption, based on recent data from the reactor, solar and long-baseline accelerator neutrino oscillation experiments. It is straightforward to extend the analysis towards the non-unitary assumption. Meanwhile, global neutrino data scrutiny serves as a probe of new physics such as whether there exist sterile neutrinos, CPT violations,
and neutrino couplings with light dark matter. Meanwhile, it is promising to check the improvements on these aspects at next-generation neutrino oscillation experiments such as DUNE, T2HK, and JUNO. This talk will cover what we have learned in the past, what we will know with the future efforts and proposals.


Prof. Jian Tang (Sun Yat-Sen University(CN))

Presentation materials