18–24 Aug 2024
Cairns, Queensland, Australia
Australia/Brisbane timezone

Lambda Hypernuclear Spectroscopy by Electron Scattering at JLab

22 Aug 2024, 16:00


Oral F: Nuclear and Astro-Particle Physics Nuclear and Astro-particle Physics


Dr Toshiyuki Gogami (Kyoto University)


The strong interaction between a hyperon and a nucleon (YN)
is able to be studied by spectroscopy of hypernuclei,
which are nuclei with a bound hyperon or hyperons.
Hypernuclear spectroscopy at Jefferson Lab in the US
uses an electron scattering to precisely measure
the masses of Lambda hypernuclei.
The resolution and accuracy for the mass measurement
are 0.6 (FWHM) and <0.1 MeV, respectively.
The precise and accurate mass spectroscopy at JLab
covers various topics to be investigated
such as charge symmetry breaking in the Lambda-N interaction,
hypertriton puzzle, heavy neutron star puzzle (hyperon puzzle) etc.
We are preparing the experiment,
in which high resolution spectrometers HES and HKS
will be used, aiming at a beam time in 2027-.
I will overview the experimental project.

Primary author

Dr Toshiyuki Gogami (Kyoto University)

Presentation materials